Exhibition information

2024 Turkish Home Textiles Exhibition

Time: 2024/5/21 to 2024/5/25

Exhibition city: Turkey abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration


Exhibition hall: Istanbul Exhibition Center
Organizer: Istanbul Fuarc? l?kA.?.
Organizer: Istanbul Fuarc 305305ı l 305ı kA. ∨
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
Turkey Home Textiles Exhibition (HOMETEX) 2024, time: May 21~May 25, 2024, place: Turkey Istanbul Istanbul Exhibition Center, sponsor: Istanbul Fuarc 305ı l 305ı kA. ∨, Period: once a year, exhibition area: 200000 square meters, 17000 visitors, and 1000 exhibitors and brands.
Turkey Istanbul International Home Textile Exhibition HOMETEX is one of the largest home textiles in the world. The participating home textiles include the United States, Germany, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Britain, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Siberia, China, India, Italy, Spain, Greece and many other countries

The exhibition has passed the UFI certification and gathered the latest and cutting-edge home textile products in the world. It is the second largest professional home textile exhibition in Europe and also the world's leading B2B platform for home textiles, contributing 30% to the export rate of the home textile industry this year, which is targeted at 3 billion dollars. Due to bilateral business negotiations and new business contacts at the exhibition, this contribution is expected to continue to increase until the new quarter.

As the largest exhibition of Turkey's home textile industry, the fourth largest exporter in the world, HOMETEX is regarded as a platform to supply products to many countries, especially European countries. New business contacts have also been established, such as curtains, curtain accessories, tulle, decorative fabrics, kitchen and restaurant sheets, towels and bathroom suite products, sleeping, bedroom textiles, yarn, flooring, wall materials and decorative products are all attributed to the company's B2B conference support procurement authorization plan.

Scope of exhibits
Textile for bed: bed sheet, bedspread, mattress, quilt, pillow, blanket, bedding, cushion, bedding filler, bedstead, etc

Bathroom textiles: towel, square towel, bath towel, bathrobe, shower curtain, three piece toilet set, bathroom accessories, etc

Kitchen fabrics: tablecloth, apron, tapestry, embroidery, dishcloth, table decorations, oven gloves, etc

Decorative fabrics: curtain cloth, lace, curtain accessories, furniture cloth, furniture leather, wall decorations, decorative pictures, furniture fabrics, etc

Floor covering materials: mat, floor mat, carpet, bathroom mat, door mat, bed mat, etc

Sunshade products: curtain accessories and accessories, blinds, various curtains, sunshade series, sunscreen products, etc

Interior decoration: decorative hardware, handicrafts, gifts, silk, wallpaper, wall cloth, lining, cloth, embroidery, decorative covers, etc

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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