Exhibition information

November Japan Tokyo International Home Textiles Exhibition JAPANTEX

Time: 2024/11/20 to 2024/11/22

Exhibition city: Overseas Japan

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

150 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Japan Household Textiles Association
Organizer: Ouyida International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview

Exhibition date: November 20-22, 2024

Venue: Tokyo International Exhibition Center

Sponsor: Japan Household Textiles Association


Exhibition cycle: once a year

Domestic organization: Ouyida International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Exhibition introduction:

Tokyo International Home Textile Exhibition is a world famous international exhibition. The exhibition has been held for 41 consecutive sessions by the Japanese Local Household Products Association. The exhibition is not only the largest international exhibition of indoor textile products in Japan, but also one of the most influential trade activities in Asia. This exhibition is held regularly every year, with an exhibition area of nearly 20000 square meters and more than 40000 visitors. The exhibitors are mostly importers, exporters, manufacturers and wholesalers. The exhibition is worthy of the title of world famous exhibition in terms of scale, quality, number of exhibitors and transaction scale.

Scope of exhibits:

General household textiles and related products, fashion household products, household accessories, interior furniture, carpets and flooring materials, wall decoration materials, curtains and curtain rails, tapestries and household linen, bathroom and bedroom supplies, decorative fabrics, textile fibers and spinning, tools, textiles, bedding, interior design and decoration Indoor lighting and daily necessities (plastic products, kitchen supplies and other household daily necessities), wood products, home decoration publications, etc.

Market analysis:

Japan's economy is highly developed, and its people have a high standard of living. Due to the implementation of the "Plaza Agreement" in 1985, the yen increased significantly, and the number of Japanese textile enterprises and employees fell to less than half of the level in the early 1980s, which led to a rapid decline in Japanese textile exports and a substantial increase in imports in the past 20 years, and promoted China's export trade to Japan.

Japan's textile industry still maintains a trade deficit. In 2003, Japan imported 25.1 billion yen of textiles, while its export was only 7.8 billion yen. At present, 90% of cotton fabrics and 55% of chemical fiber products consumed in Japan are imported products. In particular, Japan's imports from China have increased rapidly, accounting for 80% of its total imports.

China Japan economy:

Sino Japanese economic and trade relations play an important role in China's overall foreign economic relations. Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan in 1978, bilateral economic and trade relations have developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results, of which textile trade has always accounted for a considerable proportion in the entire trade. At present, Japan is China's second largest textile export country, and textile export is the largest foreign exchange earning project of China's foreign trade at this stage. It can be seen that textile trade is of great significance to the economic development of both countries.

Contact: Feng Weili yuki Tel.: 16710617022 (same as WeChat)

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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