Exhibition information

The NACS Show in 2024

Time: 2024/10/8 to 2024/10/10

Exhibition city: Foreign America

Exhibition area:

Category: other

125 days from the opening of the exhibition

Exhibition hall: Las Vegas, USA
Exhibition Overview
essential information
Name (Chinese): The NACS Show in 2024

Name (English): The NACS Show

Exhibition date: October 8, 2024 October 10, 2024

Venue: Las Vegas, USA

Exhibition cycle: once a year


Organization: Beijing Zhongling International Exhibition Co., Ltd

Industry attribute
Consumer Goods Fair

Scope of exhibits
Gas station equipment: air compressor, car washing service, oil pipe, nozzle detection, water tank, steam equipment, etc;

Candy&fast food: candy, biscuits, meat fast food, bagels, nutrition fast food;

Retail store equipment and operation: accounting, advertising, packaging equipment and counters, cleaning equipment, environmental cleaning equipment, financial management services, heating&cooling, various signs, lighting equipment, laundry equipment, personnel service safety equipment, light box display design&layout design, store uniforms, vending machines, garbage disposal, etc.

Food equipment and related services: bakery, fried chicken, refrigeration equipment and equipment, deli products, distributors, food preparation equipment, food vending machines, sandwiches, various cold and hot drink vending machines, hot dogs and roller barbecue machines, menu systems, bagged bread, sandwiches, pizza machines, etc.

Grocery area: various auto parts, batteries, beer, film, quick-frozen food, playing cards, various general merchandise, health machines, cosmetics, ice cream, various fruit juices, various dairy products, etc.

Exhibition introduction
PEI and NACS will be held in Las Vegas from October 8, 2024 to October 10, 2024. The exhibition is co sponsored by the National Association of Convenience Stores and the Gas Station Equipment Association. It has been held once a year since 1986, and has been successfully held for 31 times. The National Gas Station and Convenience Store Exhibition is the largest exhibition in the industry. The exhibition is a combination of NACS, which focuses on convenience store goods and services, and PEI, which highlights gas station equipment and services, representing the latest technology and services in the industry.

Scale of the last exhibition: 1200 exhibitors, 23500 visitors, 400000 square meters of exhibition area.

Market background
Whole Foods Markets recently released a financial report that the company's net surplus in the second fiscal quarter of the U.S. fiscal year from October 1 to September 30 of the year was $118 million, up 31% from the same period last year, and its sales rose 14% to $2.7 billion. Gross profit increased from 35.6% to 36.3%. In addition, Total Foods raised its earnings per share forecast for fiscal year 2012 to $2.44-2.47, compared with the previous forecast of $2.28-2.32, and the annual operating profit forecast was also raised to 6.3% from 5.9% earlier.

Americans are turning to store brands. Consumers buy more private brand products through various channels than ever before. Nielsen pointed out that since last summer, the sales of private brands of supermarkets, drug chains and large malls have increased by 12%. The annual sales reached 80 billion US dollars and the market share reached 22%.

The trend of private brand sales growth continues. According to a new Roper survey, more than 60% of shoppers are now buying private brand products. Three years ago, the figure was 40%. Eighty percent of consumers believe that the quality of private brand products is equal to or even better than that of national major brands, and nearly 20 percent say they will buy more private brand products in the coming year.
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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