Exhibition information

Consumer Goods India 2025

Time: 2025/1/23 to 2025/1/25

Exhibition city: India Abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

213 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Middle East
Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Middle East
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
Ambiente India 2025, from January 23 to 25, 2025, at India Mumbai next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063 - Mumbai Exhibition Center, sponsored by Messe Frankfurt, Germany, once a year, with an exhibition area of 12444 square meters, 17457 visitors, 250 exhibitors and brands.
Ambiente India is one of the largest exhibitions of household goods, gifts and decorations in India. The exhibition has attracted professionals from the global household goods, gifts and decorations industry, including manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, distributors, dealers, etc.

Exhibition content:
Ambiente India Exhibition showcased the latest household products, gifts and decorations, covering household, decoration, gifts, kitchen supplies, tableware, lamps, flower art, interior design and other fields. Exhibitors can show their latest household products, gifts and decorations at the exhibition, and show their company's strength and product design level to professionals from all over the world.

In addition, Ambiente India also provides a platform for exhibitors to understand market trends and business opportunities. During the exhibition, there will also be a series of seminars and forums to provide exhibitors and visitors with the latest insights, experience and knowledge of the household goods, gifts and decorations industry.

If you are an enterprise in the household products, gifts or decorations industry from China or other countries, it will be a very good opportunity to participate in the Ambiente India exhibition. You can show your company's latest household products, gifts and decorations at the exhibition, exchange experience and establish contacts with industry insiders from all over the world, understand market trends and business opportunities, promote your business contacts with India and other countries, expand your business network, and promote your company's development and innovation.

Scope of exhibits
Kitchen area: pottery, porcelain, glassware, crystal products, lacquer, metal products, table decorations, tableware, plastic technology, bar appliances, cutting tools, cleaning appliances, kitchen and cooking tools, kitchen furniture and accessories, small appliances

Gift area: seasonal gifts, artificial flowers, gift stationery, indoor fragrance, candles, animal images, gifts in the gift area, handicrafts, personal jewelry, gift boxes, gift bags, candles, fashion design

Home area: home accessories and small furniture, mirrors, art decorations, photo frames, lamp lighting equipment, garden supplies in home area, furniture furnishings, indoor plants, flower potted plants, antiques, marble carvings, bone crafts, watches, art stone products, bathroom supplies, festival decorations

Exhibition hall information
Bombay Exhibition Center

Venue area: 45000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: India Mumbai next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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