Exhibition information

2024 Vietnam Hardware Machinery Exhibition

Time: 2024/11/21 to 2024/11/23

Exhibition city: Foreign Vietnam

Exhibition area:

Category: building material

167 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Vietnam Trade Advertising Expo Co., Ltd
Organizer: Vietnam Trade Advertising Expo Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
2024 Vietnam Hardware Machinery Exhibition

Time: November 21 to November 23, 2024
Venue: Saigon International Convention and Exhibition Center, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Exhibition cycle: once a year

☆ Organizer:
Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam Trade Promotion Bureau, Ho Chi Minh City Personnel Committee, Ho Chi Minh City Business Support and Development Center, Ho Chi Minh City Science and Technology Information and Statistics Center

☆ Organizer: Vietnam Trade Advertising Expo Co., Ltd

☆ Co organizers: Vietnam Mechanical and Electrical Industry Association, Vietnam Automation Association, Vietnam Machinery Enterprises Association, Ho Chi Minh City Welding Technology Association, Vietnam Welding Science and Technology Association, Vietnam Plastic Association, Ho Chi Minh City Rubber and Plastic Association, Vietnam Foreign Investment Enterprises Association

☆ Chinese exhibitors: Guangxi Shengxinhong Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Exhibition introduction:
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Industrial Exhibition, founded in 2006 and held once a year, is jointly organized by Vietnam Trade Advertising Expo Co., Ltd., Vietnam Machinery Industry Association, relevant ministries and agencies in Vietnam and partners from friendly countries in Vietnam. It is an important international event in Vietnam. With its good reputation and extensive publicity, It has attracted the attention from the same industry at home and abroad, and has become one of the largest and professional national exhibitions in Vietnam.
The exhibition area of the last exhibition was 15000 square meters indoor and 5000 square meters outdoor; More than 750 exhibitors, about 1000 international standard booths, foreign enterprises accounting for 57%; Vietnam accounted for 43%. More than 30000 people attended the exhibition. It has attracted more than ten enterprises from Austria, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, Vietnam and other countries and regions to participate in and conduct multilateral trade negotiations. It has achieved good results and received unanimous praise from exhibitors.

Exhibition scope
1. Hardware tools: hand tools, electric tools, pneumatic tools, pneumatic tools, weighing tools, abrasive abrasives, auto maintenance tools, hydraulic tools, grinding tools, measuring tools, garden tools, lifting tools, cutting tools, logistics handling tools, DIY tools, tool boxes, tools, clamps, grinding wheels, drill bits;  
2. Hardware and electromechanical: motor, air compressor, pressure vessel, cleaning machine, compressor, high-frequency induction heating equipment, hydraulic lifting platform, reducer, grinder, bench drill, pump valve, instrument, high and low voltage electrical appliances, generator unit, electromechanical product accessories;
3. Mechanical equipment: packaging machinery, textile sewing equipment, grinding and polishing equipment, cleaning machinery, gas equipment, woodworking machinery, construction machinery, engraving and marking equipment, stamping equipment, forging equipment, testing equipment, lifting machinery, assembly machinery, spraying equipment, casting and surface treatment equipment, metal processing machinery, etc;  
4. Hardware products: standard parts, valves, bearings, seals, hydraulic parts, casters, (lifting) slings, locks, fasteners, chains, screens, wires and cables, ventilation equipment, building hardware, decoration hardware, plumbing hardware, furniture, bathroom hardware; Hardware tool accessories, etc

Contact information for investment promotion in China:
Guangxi Shengxinhong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. - help Chinese enterprises to expand overseas markets!
Address: 1205, Qingxiu Wanda Ginza, No. 118, Dongge Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi
Mobile: 13647815672 (also WeChat)
Tel.: 0771-5715301
Contact: Zhou Yunong
Email: 564073899@qq.com
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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