Exhibition information

2024 Moscow International Hardware Tools Exhibition

Time: 2024/11/7 to 2024/11/10

Exhibition city: Foreign Russia

Exhibition area:

Category: building material

157 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Euroexpo Moscow, Russia
Organizer: China Russia Trade Exhibition Network
Exhibition Overview
Since 1998, the Moscow Hardware Show in Russia, hosted by EUROEXPO, is the largest and only professional international hardware show in Russia. Its influence in Europe is second only to the Cologne Hardware Show in Germany. MITEX is a gathering of hardware tool manufacturers, dealers and end consumer customers. The enterprises participating in the exhibition are all world and local leading enterprises in Russia.
Strong strength: EUROEXPO Group is one of the largest groups in exhibition business. The company has always been committed to the "full cycle" conference and exhibition service market, and has specially organized various industry exhibitions and forums. No matter what the exhibition market situation is and what the focus of industry development is, many projects of the company have been held every year since 1995.  
High demand: Russia's investment in infrastructure construction is increasing, and the hardware industry is also dependent on imports. The market has huge potential and unlimited business opportunities.
Advantages of exhibition hall: it has been used to hold many international exhibitions and exhibitions. It includes eight exhibition halls, with a total exhibition area of 80000 m2, including 30000 m2 outdoor area. It is a large exhibition complex in Russia. All pavilions provide communication and technical facilities. Some halls can be used for holding symposiums, press conferences, reports, lectures and business meetings. It is only 15 minutes' drive from the city center and can be easily reached by subway and bus. Many hotels, such as Ukraina, Mezhdunarodnaya, Radisson Slavyanskaya, Belgrad and Mir, and the Russian White House (Parliament) are located nearby. The area is also famous for the Moscow Zoo, one of the seven "Stalin skyscrapers" on Kudrinskaya Square, close to the American and British embassies in the newly built Moscow Commercial City.
Number of previous sessions
Exhibition area: more than 15000 square meters
Number of exhibitors: more than 280
Number of visitors: 13000
Scope of exhibits
1. Metal processing tools, machine tools, wire, ceramics, pipes, plastics and other processing tools and equipment;
2. Electric and pneumatic tools and consumables, hand tools, abrasive tools, batteries;
3. Vehicle maintenance tools and equipment, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment and accessories;
4. Electric welding machine and accessories, fasteners, hardware products, fasteners;
5. Thermal spraying technology, surface treatment technology, painting tools, etc;
6. Measuring tools and testing equipment, instruments, blasting equipment, industrial cleaning, etc;
7. Garden tools and equipment, forestry equipment, woodworking tools, etc;
8. Power transmission equipment and technology, generators, mixers, laser cutting machines, air compressors, etc;
9. Toolboxes and packaging equipment, molds, security systems and equipment, work clothes and safety equipment in workshops or warehouses.

Operation: China Investment Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Address: C-1206 Hanwei International Plaza, South 4th Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
Contact: Mr. Pang
Tel: 13910927325 (WeChat same number)
Mail: 13910927325@163.com
Website: www.moscow-expo.com
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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