Exhibition information

2024 GMS (Kunming) Cross border E-commerce Trade Fair

Time: 2024/9/6 to 2024/9/8

Exhibition city: Kunming, Yunnan, China

Exhibition area:

Category: other


Exhibition hall: Kunming
Organizer: Yunnan Wanlong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Organizer: Yunnan Wanlong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
2024 GMS (Kunming) Cross border E-commerce Trade Fair

Exhibition brochure

Based on the Greater Mekong Subregion and centering on Yunnan,

Regional international cross-border e-commerce exhibition radiating South Asia and Southeast Asia

Exhibition background:

Since the 13th Five Year Plan, China's cross-border e-commerce industry has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities driven by policies. As an emerging force in China's foreign trade, cross-border e-commerce has stood out in the statistics of the General Administration of Customs. In 2023, the total import and export volume of China's cross-border e-commerce will reach 2.38 trillion yuan, up 15.6% year on year. Among them, the total export volume was 1.83 trillion yuan, up 19.6%; Total imports were 548.3 billion yuan, up 3.9%. Against the backdrop of the global trade economic downturn, cross-border e-commerce is growing against the trend, and the growth rate is better than that of most industries in China.

The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce not only promotes the growth of China's foreign trade, but also provides more business opportunities for neighboring countries. The cross-border e-commerce transaction volume between China and GMS countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos has reached new highs. Such cross-border e-commerce cooperation within the region is not only conducive to promoting economic exchanges between countries, but also conducive to deepening mutual cultural understanding.

In order to respond to government policies, promote the implementation of relevant plans and policies, and make full use of the advantages of GMS regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, under the guidance and strong support of Kunming Municipal People's Government and Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce, Yunnan Wanlong Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., Kunming Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Kunming Comprehensive Free Trade Zone Management Committee The "2024 GMS Cross border E-commerce Expo" jointly sponsored by Yunnan Cross border E-commerce Association and GMS Cross border E-commerce Cooperation Platform Enterprise Alliance will be held in Kunming from September 6 to 8. During the exhibition, a series of professional forums and conferences will be held, including the opening ceremony and 2024GMS cross-border e-commerce development summit, China cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone cooperation and development conference, the first GMS cross-border e-commerce platform and supplier collaborative development conference, etc. In addition, the 3rd Yunnan Small and Medium sized Businesses Cross border E-Commerce Summit, GMS Cross border E-Commerce Platform Investment Promotion Conference, Yunnan Cross border E-Commerce Talent Exchange Conference, Sellers Conference, New Product Launch Conference and other activities will also be set up. These forums, conferences and related activities will comprehensively serve the market promotion and cooperation needs of the whole industry chain of cross-border e-commerce.

GMS cross-border e-commerce trade fair aims to become a regional international cross-border e-commerce exhibition based on the Greater Mekong Subregion, centered on Yunnan, and radiating to South Asia and Southeast Asia. Through "exhibitions", "conferences" and "series of activities", an ecological chain platform integrating exhibition, exchange, discussion and business negotiation will be built for competent commercial departments, industry associations, suppliers, purchasers, experts and scholars. The establishment of this platform will help promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce industry and promote exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign businesses.

With the promotion of policies and market demand, China's cross-border e-commerce industry will continue to maintain a strong momentum of development. In the future, we look forward to seeing more innovation and cooperation to jointly promote the prosperity and development of cross-border e-commerce industry. At the same time, we also hope that through the GMS cross-border e-commerce trade fair platform, we can provide more opportunities and resources for domestic and foreign businesses to jointly develop a broader international market. "

1、 Exhibition overview

(1) Activity name

2024GMS Cross border E-commerce Trade Fair

(2) Time, place and scale

Exhibition arrangement: September 4-5, 2024

Exhibition period: September 6-8, 2024

Move out: 14:00, September 8, 2024

Place: Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center

Scale: 30000 square meters

2、 Organization

Supported by: Kunming Municipal People's Government, Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce

Co sponsors: Kunming Bureau of Commerce, Kunming Comprehensive Free Trade Zone Management Committee, GMS Cross border E-commerce Cooperation Platform Enterprise Alliance, Yunnan Cross border E-commerce Association, Kunming Cross border E-commerce Association

Organizer: Yunnan Wanlong Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Organizer: Yunnan Wanhe Exhibition Co., Ltd

Co organizers: Shanxi Cross border E-commerce Association, Yunnan Trademark Association, Fujian E-commerce Promotion Association, Chengdu Cross border E-commerce Association, Qinhuangdao Cross border E-commerce Association, Cloud Digital Media

Legal support: Beijing Dongwei (Kunming) Law Firm

3、 Forum and supporting activities

During the exhibition period, the opening ceremony and forum activities on various themes will be organized. It is planned to invite leaders of GMS national trade and investment departments, relevant national ministries and commissions, provincial and municipal leaders, academicians, authoritative experts and well-known e-commerce enterprises to attend the meeting. Forums, conferences and related activities are organized according to 3+N.

Theme Forum I: 2024 GMS Cross border E-commerce Development Summit;

Around the market opportunities, financial services, talent training, legal services, customs declaration, overseas warehouse, cold chain and logistics transportation of cross-border e-commerce in GMS countries, leaders of GMS national business competent units, authoritative experts, leaders of business associations and entrepreneurs were invited to carry out exchanges and theme sharing.

Theme Forum II: 2024 China Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone Innovation and Development Conference;

Focusing on the future development trend and opportunities of China's cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, it is planned to invite some leaders and operation and maintenance leaders of 165 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones across the country to participate in the meeting, exchange and share, and Kunming, Dehong, Honghe, Dali cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones to make policy presentations and investment promotion recommendations.

Theme Forum 3: The First GMS Cross border E-commerce Platform and Supplier Collaborative Development Conference;

Thematic sharing will be carried out around cross-border e-commerce platform operation and maintenance policies, rules, selection and supplier product advantages;


1. The 3rd Yunnan Small and Medium sized Businesses Cross border E-commerce Summit; Sponsored by: Yunnan Cross border E-commerce Association;

2. Yunnan E-commerce Industrial Park/Demonstration Zone and Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone Entrepreneurs' Visit and Exchange Meeting; Sponsored by: Yunnan Wanlong Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd;

3. GMS cross-border e-commerce platform investment attraction conference; Sponsored by: Kunming Cross border E-commerce Association;

4. Yunnan Cross border E-commerce Talent Exchange; Sponsored by: Kunming Cross border E-commerce Association;

5. Seller conference and new product launch; Sponsor: Exhibitor.

4、 Exhibition area setting

Cross border demonstration area/industrial park exhibition area: cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot area and e-commerce demonstration park recognized by national, provincial and municipal development and reform commissions and commercial departments;

Cross border comprehensive service exhibition area: cross-border logistics, import and export trade institutions, cross-border payment, overseas warehouse, logistics express, third-party warehousing, application software, banks, third-party payment, e-commerce parks, e-commerce training, trademark registration, intellectual property, online marketing promotion, financial investment and financing services, accounting services, talent and training education, computers and related equipment Network and telecom operation equipment and services, quality and safety certification, etc;

Cross border e-commerce platform exhibition area: well-known e-commerce platforms and shopping malls at home and abroad;

Brand online goods exhibition area: featured agricultural products, flowers, tea and tea sets, coffee, tourism supplies, clothing, bags, shoes and hats, general merchandise, household goods, hardware tools, craft gifts, jewelry, mother and child products, children's toys, automotive electronics, household appliances, mobile phones, sports goods, leisure supplies, fitness equipment, outdoor leisure products, cosmetics Beauty products, cultural goods, packaged food, alcohol, etc;

Community e-commerce/mobile Internet exhibition area: social e-commerce platform, online celebrity broadcast institutions and surrounding industries, WeChat mall, WeChat marketing service providers, etc;

Rural revitalization exhibition area: e-commerce comprehensive demonstration county, rural e-commerce platform, rural e-commerce high-quality goods, etc;

Live broadcast and short video exhibition area: live broadcast platform, online celebrity live broadcast base, live broadcast service provider, live broadcast industrial park, MCN organization, short video platform scene application, network support, operator image display, short video production industry chain.

5、 Audience scope

1. Government departments of commerce, investment promotion, customs, comprehensive security zones, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones and other provinces and cities across the country;

2. Leaders of GMS national trade and investment departments, heads of business associations, heads of cross-border e-commerce platforms and specially invited purchasers;

3. Community group buying platform;

4. New retail channels and offline distribution agents;

5. Traditional B2B import and export traders;

6. Domestic e-commerce platforms, suppliers and service providers;

7. Business associations, industrial parks, vocational colleges, cross-border e-commerce entrepreneurship, talent incubation bases, etc;

8. Financial institutions, legal services, logistics and transportation, cold chain, printing and packaging, warehousing, etc.

6、 Booth charging standard

Standard booth: 8800.00 yuan/piece (3m × 3m).

Special booth: (starting from 36 square meters), 880.00 yuan/㎡, designed and built by the exhibitors themselves, and booth construction fees, pavilion construction management fees, and electricity fees shall be borne by the exhibitors themselves.

The above charges will be discounted according to the exhibition area.

7、 Exhibition publicity

The publicity work is carried out in an all-round way through government issuance, recommendation of overseas/domestic industry business associations, press release, advertising, project roadshows, exhibition publicity and other forms.

8、 Registration procedure

1. The exhibitor shall fill in the Exhibition Contract in detail and affix its official seal, and send it to the organizing committee by email or fax;

2. Booth reservation is based on the principle of "registration, payment and arrangement first";

3. The registration deadline is August 31, 2024.

4. Please read the Exhibitor's Manual in detail for the conference agenda, exhibits transportation, special decoration construction, check-in and accommodation, etc.   

Organizing Committee Office:

Address: Room 606, China Eastern Airlines Investment Building, No. 219, Chuncheng Road, Guandu District

Tel: 0871-67122784

Contact: Zhang Jinpu 13708730608

Exhibition official website: https://www.gmse.com.cn

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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