Exhibition information

2024 Eurasia Zhengzhou International Tourism Scenic Spot Equipment and Amusement Equipment Exhibition

Time: 2024/6/14 to 2024/6/16

Exhibition city: Zhengzhou, Henan, China

Exhibition area:

Category: other

12 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: organizing committee
Organizer: organizing committee
Exhibition Overview

2024 Eurasia Zhengzhou International Tourism Scenic Spot Equipment and Amusement Equipment Exhibition

[Introduction to CAEE 2024]

In recent years, driven by the rapid development of China's cultural tourism industry, the demand for equipment in the entertainment field has become increasingly widespread. Zhengzhou, as a transportation information hub with highway, railway, aviation and credit in China, has become the first choice for brand display and business negotiation for amusement equipment enterprises to explore emerging markets and gain new growth points. 2024 Eurasia Zhengzhou International Tourism Scenic Spot Equipment and Amusement Equipment Exhibition (referred to as "CAEE Eurasia Scenic Spot/Amusement Fair") will be held in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center from June 14 to 16, 2024. This CAEE Eurasian Scenic Area/Amusement Fair will continue to upgrade and expand on the basis of the previous one, with the theme of "new cultural tourism and new entertainment". The exhibition scope includes scenic area equipment, unpowered recreation equipment, amusement facilities and equipment in the park, home stay camping, commercial entertainment, smart cultural tourism, smart entertainment, cultural tourism supporting facilities and services, etc. It is estimated that the scale of CAEE Eurasian Scenic Area/Amusement Fair will reach 35000 square meters, and more than 500 scenic area equipment and service enterprises will be invited to participate in the exhibition, attracting professional visitors from cultural tourism groups, scenic spots, urban parks, real estate agents and other fields from all over the country to visit and purchase, so as to meet the new demand for product procurement in the transformation and upgrading of tourist attractions, Bring more business opportunities for scenic equipment manufacturing enterprises and scenic enterprises.
[Review of previous CAEE 2024]
The 2023 Eurasia • China Tourism Scenic Spot Equipment and Amusement Equipment Exhibition was successfully held in June 2023 in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, with a total exhibition area of 25000 square meters, more than 350 exhibitors and 35000 visitors. The last exhibition received support and attention from many leaders, guests and the media. Li Yabai, the former inspector of Henan Provincial Tourism Administration and president of Henan Provincial Tourism Association, Wang Xiaoman, president of Henan Provincial Tourism Industry Chamber of Commerce, Shi Fushun, president of Henan Provincial Amusement Equipment Association and chairman of Zhengzhou Aerospace Amusement Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Chang Shi, executive meeting of Henan Maternity, Infant and Children Products Industry Association, had a high opinion, Huang Guosheng, the producer of the Cultural Tourism Hero Collection of Henan Radio and Television Station, Ge Tian, a senior cultural tourism expert and the founder of the rural metauniverse and "rural green island" model, Hua Lei, the secretary general of Henan Tourism Association, Mu Xiangling, the chairman of Zhengzhou Fairchild Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd., and Xu Liang, Henan Zhongzheng Amusement Equipment Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd. attended the opening of the exhibition and toured the museum. At the same time, the previous exhibition held special sub forums such as "2023 China Amusement Equipment Innovation and Development Summit Forum", "2023 New Products, New Projects, New Technologies, New Mode Resources Matchmaking Conference", which attracted the participation of cultural tourism investors, operators/service providers, investment and financing institutions, scenic spots/parks, industry associations, media and other industry insiders.
[Highlights of CAEE 2024]
Highlight 1: Upgrade and expand capacity to promote transaction
CAEE Eurasian Scenic Area/Amusement Fair will continue to upgrade and expand on the basis of the previous one. It is estimated that the exhibition area will reach 35000 square meters. 500 exhibitors will focus on displaying the innovative achievements of scenic equipment, providing an opportunity and platform for project exhibition and transaction docking between suppliers and multiple fields and channels such as municipal planning, cultural tourism scenic spots, theme parks, children's playgrounds, children's parks, etc.
Highlight 2: rich exhibits and unlimited business opportunities
With the explosive growth of the cultural and tourism industry, the demand for personalized, high-end and customized tourism products is strong. This exhibition will provide large and medium-sized enterprises and agency companies with high-quality products, projects and services from all over the country to meet the new demand for product procurement in the transformation and upgrading of tourist attractions.
Highlight 3: Multi industry exhibitions, fully connecting with market customers
CAEE Eurasian Scenic Spot/Amusement Fair is committed to providing one-stop services for both the supply and demand sides in various fields of the cultural and tourism industry. This exhibition will be held at the same time as the amusement equipment exhibition, video game entertainment exhibition, preschool education exhibition and other multi industry exhibitions. Thousands of enterprises will shine at the same time, helping enterprises to achieve efficient business docking in an all-round way.
Highlight 4: Deep insight, leading the industry trend
CAEE Eurasia Scenic Spot/Amusement Fair will hold several industry authoritative forum activities at the same time, gathering high-quality resources in the upstream, midstream and downstream of the global cultural and tourism industry, gathering industry experts, rich in cutting-edge ideas, promoting industry integration, innovation and development, and leading industry reform.
Highlight 5: policy support and service upgrading
The organizer of CAEE Eurasia Scenic Spot/Amusement Fair will increase the policy support for exhibitors at this exhibition, help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, and help the industry to grow explosively. Focusing on trade transactions, exhibitors' information will continue to be introduced through the existing exhibition platform before, during and after the exhibition.
Highlight 6: Strong publicity and professional audience invitation
Full media promotion to ensure that the exhibition information can reach the target customers effectively. In terms of exhibition publicity, Henan Daily, Top News, China.com, Phoenix and other major mainstream new media platforms, today's headlines, Tiaoyin, WeChat friends circle, Tencent video number, and major industry websites, media synchronously publicized, updated the exhibition information and press releases in a timely manner, scheduled the exhibition early, publicized early, and promoted non-stop throughout the year.
[CAEE 2024 audience source]
Large cultural tourism groups, cultural tourism investment institutions, scenic spot developers, theme industrial park developers, real estate developers, operators.
National planning and design department, relevant procurement department, competent cultural and tourism units, associations, etc.
Investors and principals of theme parks/water parks/tourist attractions/children's playgrounds/kindergartens, etc.
Museum/exhibition hall/science and technology museum/oceanarium/memorial hall/film and television base/theme industrial park and other operators.
All kinds of amusement equipment, amusement machine agent dealers, indoor park investors, sporting goods dealers and purchasers.
Children/education/training institutions/schools/kindergartens/teachers, principals, principals, etc. in the early education industry.
Commercial complex/shopping mall/shopping center/community commercial street, etc.
Agents, distributors and operators of children's industry, parent-child experience projects and children's educational supplies.
[Product category of CAEE 2024]
Scenic area equipment: scenic area amusement equipment, roller coaster, taxiway, ferris wheel, light rail train, bumper car, merry go round, sightseeing car, sightseeing cableway, amusement robot, kart and other amusement equipment; Public health in scenic spots; Landscape lighting; Commercial/sports facilities, scenic tourism system; Ticket system; Online celebrity amusement facilities in the scenic spot Sign of the scenic spot; Guide equipment; Sightseeing car; Intelligent toilet; Mobile toilet sewage treatment system, solar street lamp, landscape lamp, camping equipment, outdoor sports equipment, etc;
Non powered amusement equipment: non-standard customized amusement facilities, slide, sand pool park, drill net, crawl, trampoline, jungle leap, physical expansion, climbing, swing, rocking chair, turntable, warpboard, cableway, naughty castle, inflatable castle, inflatable ball pool, inflatable channel, inflatable amusement park, children's riding, fitness equipment, combined amusement toys, large sand and water playing equipment Children's percussion instruments, etc.
Amusement facilities and equipment of the park: video game amusement machine, naughty fort/parent-child park, amusement equipment of water park, amusement projects, children's park franchise and brand authorization, and infant supporting facilities.
Home stay camping: ecological wooden houses, tents, camping theme parks, starry sky rooms, prefabricated houses, mobile villas, folding houses, RV campsites, yacht wharf campsites, rural campsites, various camp lighting facilities, camping tools, folding tables and chairs, picnic bags, barbecue ovens, outdoor heating equipment, shower boxes, intelligent mosquito control equipment, etc.
Business entertainment: amusement machines, VR devices, remote control devices, simulated golf, arcades, home games and peripherals, online games, basketball machines, interactive games, doll machines, sticker cameras, various entertainment machines, educational and entertainment facilities and equipment.
Smart cultural tourism: cultural tourism technology equipment, interactive multimedia, digital media technology, holographic projection, ball screen, flying cinema, immersion cinema, smart tourism system, customer source analysis system, electronic navigation system, remote monitoring system, virtual tourism interactive experience application service, smart tourism public service platform, scenic spot intelligent management and operation platform VR+tourism, tourism APP, scenic spot tourism system, ticket system, etc;
Smart play: stereo video equipment, ring screen system, air imaging and 360 holographic imaging hardware equipment, digital TV, digital movies, digital music, virtual simulation system, 3D display system, projection system, digital signage, explanation system, 3D image virtual game platform, 3D display of scenic spots, acousto-optic technology equipment, simulation shooting system, etc.
Cultural tourism supporting and service exhibition area: cultural tourism project investment/development/operation/management, scenic spot/amusement park planning and design, museum science and technology museum equipment, cultural tourism IP authorized products, cultural tourism consumer products, scenic spot management software, entrance system, wrist strap, ticket checker, management system, payment system, vending machine, float parade, performance, catering equipment, etc.
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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