Exhibition information

Heavyweight! Guangzhou Smart Port Exhibition is in hot investment attraction

Time: 2024/8/23 to 2024/8/25

Exhibition city: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property


Exhibition hall: Zone D of Canton Fair
Organizer: Guangdong Beizhan International Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer: Guangdong Beizhan International Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Heavyweight! Guangzhou Smart Port Exhibition is in hot investment attraction
Time: August 23-25, 2024 Place: Zone D of the Canton Fair Exhibition Hall
1、 Organization
Guiding unit
Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation
Guangdong Port Association Shanghai Port Association
Shandong Port and Waterway Association Tianjin Port Association
Fujian Provincial Port Association Qinhuangdao Port Association
Port and Shipping Branch of Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Comprehensive Transportation Zhejiang Provincial Port Association
Guangzhou Port Group Co., Ltd
Support unit
China Communications Association China Communications Enterprise Management Association
China Shipbuilding Industry Association Guangdong Shipowners Association
Guangzhou Port and Shipping Association Shenzhen Port Association
Zhuhai Port Association Dongguan Port and Waterway Association
Jiangmen Port Shipowners Association Local and Municipal Transportation Bureaus
Organizations in China of international organizations of port bureaus of various cities
Co organizer
Zhuhai Port Co., Ltd
Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd
Guangdong Port and Shipping Group Co., Ltd
Guangdong Nansha Harbor Bridge Co., Ltd
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry (Group) Co., Ltd
EPC Installation Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau
President and vice president units of all associations
Guangdong Beizhan International Exhibition Co., Ltd
2、 Held at the same time
Concurrent exhibitions:
Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Transport Industry Expo
2. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Informatization and Network Information Security Exhibition
3. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Road Maintenance New Infrastructure Exhibition
4. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Parking Exhibition
5. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Rail Transit Exhibition
6. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Supercharging Station (Pile) Technology and Equipment Exhibition
7. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Traffic Engineering and Traffic Safety Facilities Exhibition
8. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) International Bus Exhibition
9. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Beidou Navigation and Automatic Driving Exhibition
10. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Multimodal Transport Exhibition
11. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Light Pole Exhibition
Concurrent forum:
1. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Transport Innovation Forum
2. China Smart Inland Port Construction Supply Chain Innovation Conference
3. Pan Pearl River Delta Transport Development Conference
4. Global Port Entrepreneurs Economic and Trade Development Conference
5. Ship manufacturing technology and safety forum
6. Smart Port Digital Transformation Conference
7. China Port Industry Chain Strategic Cooperation Forum
8. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Highway and Bridge Intelligent Maintenance Management Development Forum
9. High quality development conference of digital intelligence security enabling transportation industry
10. High quality development conference of road informatization
11. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Expressway Operation Management Forum
12. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Information Technology High Quality Development and Network Security Forum
13. High quality Development Conference of Digital Smart Highway in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area
14. Innovation Forum on New Infrastructure for Road Maintenance in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area
15. Joint Meeting of Port (Navigation) Associations of Eight Provinces and Cities
16. Government enterprise exchange salon promotion activities
A number of exchange and docking salons between the government and enterprises were held to create a high-level, multi-level, multi-dimensional and all-round platform for external publicity and docking. During the exhibition, organize exhibitors to communicate with relevant government departments on site, and create a three-dimensional communication platform of "on-site+exhibition".
3、 Exhibition overview
In the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a clear statement that "China has become a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, with the total volume of trade in goods ranking first in the world, attracting foreign capital and foreign investment ranking first in the world, and forming a pattern of opening up to the outside world in a wider range, broader fields and at a deeper level.
In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, firmly establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, take the construction of a transportation power as the guide, and systematically promote the construction of green ports (port areas) as the focus, vigorously develop smart ports, intelligent port management systems, smart ships, multimodal transport Promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, Internet and artificial intelligence with ports, promote the comprehensive intelligent transformation of transportation, and realize the long-term strategy of sustainable development.
2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Port and Smart Port Shipping Exhibition is larger, more complete and richer than the previous ones, aiming to accelerate the promotion of smart port transportation mode, strengthen port infrastructure construction, promote new energy, intelligent, digital supporting equipment, new energy ship manufacturing It is required to build a smart port to provide strong support for the high-quality development of the port.
4、 Scope of exhibits
(1) Port information equipment: port intelligent management system, customer management system, production management/operation service system, intelligent port management system, 5G technology application, mobile Internet, remote control, intelligent gate, intelligent vehicle dispatching, intelligent ship, intelligent multimodal transport, efficient container truck loading, cargo visualization, supply chain coordination, port operation dispatching system Global System (GPS), navigation technology, communication system, infrared temperature measurement equipment, security monitoring, etc;
(2) Port safety equipment: port lighting/fire safety equipment, rubber fenders and wharf protection system products;
(3) Port machinery and equipment: large and heavy port handling equipment, port supporting facilities, bridge mobile cranes, port tire overhead cranes, tower cranes, ship unloaders, gantry cranes and other port operating ships; Horizontal handling and loading machinery, port machinery maintenance equipment and tools, port environmental protection technology and equipment, etc;
(4) Port transport equipment: container transport vehicles, van transport vehicles; Special industrial transport vehicles, special port vehicles; Automobile tailboard, container, container multimodal transport technology and equipment, etc;
Port (technology) services: output of specialized training personnel, port engineering technology, port environmental protection, safety consulting and port labor service output from various colleges and universities;
Digital ports and ships: new energy ship manufacturing, new energy batteries, channel integrated service platform, intelligent ship lock related technology products and equipment, and aquatic emergency system.
5、 Visitor source
Leaders and experts of the Ministry of Transport; Industry experts, scholars, international port organizations, Hong Kong Transport Department, Macao Transport Affairs Bureau, relevant leaders of local and municipal transport departments, relevant leaders of local and municipal port administrations, members of eight provincial and municipal port (navigation) associations, technical leaders and relevant personnel of ports, terminals, shipping enterprises, port engineering planning and design units and research institutes, port equipment manufacturers Solution providers.
6、 Booth charging standard
● Indoor bare ground (starting from 36 ㎡) RMB 1300/㎡;
● Brand booth 3mx4mx3.5m RMB 16800 yuan/12m2;       
7、 Promote business opportunities
○ Outdoor advertising (during the session)
Opening ceremony video Truss painting Water injection knife flag Pole knife flag Triangle tower advertisement Hanger Advertising signs
38000 (limited to 3) 24000 yuan/3m * 6m 2400 yuan/session/piece 2400/pole/4 sides from 10 poles) 20000 yuan/8m * 4m 6000 yuan/1.2 * 5 2000 yuan/2.5 m * 1 m ○ Advertisement of "Journal and Procurement Guide"
Position cover Seal one Front Cover/Title Page Color cross page Color inserts
Price (yuan) thirty thousand twenty-two thousand nineteen thousand fifteen thousand 8000 ○ Other advertisements
Visitor/representative certificate reticule Spectator registration desk admission ticket Sponsoring drinking water
60000 yuan exclusive 30000 yuan/5000 pieces 30000 yuan/double-sided 40000/5000 sheets 20000 yuan/5000 bottles VIII. Media resources
Improve product brand and corporate brand reputation through "five media clusters" (central level media, mainstream portals, mainstream financial media, and industry media).
◆ Central media: CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Central People's Radio, Financial News, etc;
◆ Local media: Guangdong TV, Nanfang Daily, Macao Daily, Yangcheng Evening News and dozens of others;
◆ Mainstream websites: Sina, Phoenix, Sohu, Tencent, Netease, Today Headlines, International Business Daily, etc;
◆ Industry media: China Communications News, China Port Network, China Ship Network, China Crane World, Port Technology, etc;
◆ Emerging media: official website, WeChat (official account), twitter, microblog, blog, post bar, live broadcast, etc;
9、 Precautions
1. Exhibitors must fill in the "Exhibition Application Form" in detail, stamp the official seal, scan or express it to the organizing committee of the conference;
2. After registration, the exhibitor must remit the exhibition fees to the account designated by the organizing committee within five working days;
3. The booth arrangement shall be based on the principle of "first registration, first payment, first arrangement", and the balance shall be paid three weeks before the meeting, otherwise the organizer will consider it as giving up the exhibition and no longer reserve the booth. The Organizing Committee has the right to adjust a few booths.
10、 Contact information
Organizing Committee of 2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Port and Smart Port and Shipping Exhibition
Address: 25/F, South Building, Jiaotong Building, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Contact: Wang Ziqiang
Telephone: 191 3792 9436
Website: http://www.zhgkzh.com/
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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