Exhibition information

2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Informatization and Network Security Exhibition

Time: 2024/8/23 to 2024/8/25

Exhibition city: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Exhibition hall: Zone D of Guangzhou Fair
Organizer: Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation
Organizer: Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation
Exhibition Overview

2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Informatization and Network Security Exhibition

1、 Exhibition name

2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Informatization and Network Security Exhibition
2、 Exhibition theme
Gather new kinetic energy to build new ecology
3、 Time and place
Time: August 23-25, 2024
Venue: Zone D, Guangzhou Fair
4、 Organization
Guiding unit:
Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation
Guangdong Transportation Association
Co sponsor:
China Urban Public Transport Association
Beidou Science, Technology and Culture Research and Promotion Committee of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association
Guangdong Port Association
Guangdong Static Traffic Association
Guangdong Information Association
Guangdong Cyberspace Security Association
Guangdong Asphalt Concrete Supply Chain Association
Guangzhou Information Technology Application and Innovation Industry Association Guangzhou Parking Industry Association
Shenzhen Urban Transport Association
Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Association
Supported by:
China Communications and Transportation Association
China Communications Enterprise Management Association
China Highway Construction Association
China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association
State Key Laboratory of Shield and Tunneling Technology
Guangdong Provincial Highway Association
Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Promotion Association
Fujian Transportation Association
Yunnan Transportation Association
Hainan Transportation Association
Jiangsu Institute of Comprehensive Transportation
Shandong Logistics and Transportation Association
Shanxi Provincial Transportation Association
(Due to limited space, it is not possible to list them all)
Guangdong Beizhan International Exhibition Co., Ltd
5、 The Expo will be held at the same time
(1) Twelve theme exhibitions
1. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Port and Smart Port and Shipping Exhibition
2. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Informatization and Network Security Exhibition 3. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Highway Construction and Maintenance Industry Exhibition
4. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Parking Exhibition
5. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Rail Transit Exhibition
6. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Super Charging Pile and Energy Storage Industry Chain Exhibition
7. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Traffic Safety Facilities Exhibition
8. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) International Bus Exhibition
9. Beidou Navigation and Automatic Driving Exhibition in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou)
10. Bridge and Tunnel Technology Exhibition in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou)
11. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Smart Light Pole Exhibition
12. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou) Logistics Transportation and Supply Chain Expo
(2) Scope of exhibition
1. Intelligent transportation and Internet of Vehicles: intelligent transportation, traffic safety management system, road monitoring technology products and solutions, traffic control and communication, navigation and positioning technology, urban slow traffic system and solutions, expressway solutions, intelligent urban traffic digital infrastructure, automatic driving and vehicle road collaboration solutions, Internet of Vehicles solutions, etc.
2. Smart ports and shipping: port, port and shipping intelligent information service management system, 5G technology application solution intelligent equipment and application technology, port manufacturing and infrastructure, new energy ship manufacturing, new energy batteries, channel integrated service platform, smart ship lock related technology products and equipment, water emergency system, etc.
3. Highway informatization: intelligent high-speed solution; Road network monitoring and expressway video monitoring; ETC charging system; Event detection, flow collection, overload control information construction, big data mining and management; Meteorological monitoring and forecasting Bridge and tunnel intelligent monitoring technology and equipment; LBS location information service navigation equipment, vehicle monitoring management platform, etc;
4. Network security: data security, government services, information security, password services, operating systems, IT infrastructure, various clouds and related services, servers, routers, firewalls, etc.
5. Highway construction and maintenance: investment management, construction, material supply, labor subcontracting, material supply, engineering design consulting, road construction and maintenance machinery for bridge and tunnel projects; Underground space machinery equipment and supporting facilities, shield tunneling machine equipment TBM; Pavement materials, road appearance maintenance equipment, subgrade construction and maintenance equipment; Monitoring experimental instruments; Engineering construction software and hardware technology;
6. Rail transit: rail transit and railway rolling stock, urban rail transit technology, rail transit supporting and parts, rail transit intelligent management system, underground space safety road information exhibition, operation and maintenance, rail transit operation and management maintenance equipment and technology, etc;
7. Smart parking: the manufacturing, construction and operation unit of stereo garage equipment; Intelligent parking management system; Intelligent parking charge management; Parking guidance and urban parking guidance; On road parking management and intelligent parking solutions;
8. Smart light pole: smart light pole body and solution; Intelligent lighting, street light intelligent management system; Environment and weather sensor IoT base station • Wireless communication (WIFI); Intelligent gateway; Public address control cabinet and power supply supporting facilities;
9. Super charging pile and energy storage: intelligent charging solution, charging pile, charger, power module, charging bow, charging stack, etc; Supporting facilities solutions: filtering equipment, high and low voltage protection equipment, converters, relays, etc; Advanced charging technology: wireless charging, flexible charging, high-power charging, energy storage system, control system, etc;
10. Traffic safety facilities: relevant equipment for public security and traffic police; Road emergency rescue facilities; Smart light poles, signs, safety barriers, road markings, parking facilities, municipal facilities, detection instruments, safety equipment and reflective materials;
11. Beidou navigation and automatic driving: Beidou industrial application space information, Beidou equipment technology: Beidou system, satellite navigation positioning technology, satellite navigation detection Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, and driverless vehicles;
12. Bridge and tunnel technology: major project construction achievements of bridge and tunnel, innovative achievements of scientific research institutes, outstanding achievements of construction units, maintenance equipment, supporting and spare parts of road construction machinery, bridge construction, exploration survey, bridge health monitoring system solutions, monitoring sensors, various data acquisition instruments, geological exploration equipment, underground transportation equipment Underground lifting equipment, bolting and shotcreting support equipment, tunnel lining system, air compression equipment, etc;
13. International buses: complete vehicles, bus owners, new energy buses, airport shuttle buses, unmanned buses, electric cleaning vehicles; "Internet+" ecology in the whole industrial chain of public transport;
14. Logistics transportation: cold chain logistics, railway transportation, road transportation network freight platform; Logistics park, material handling technology and equipment, mechanical handling equipment, forklift, intelligent logistics automation, special vehicles for cargo transportation, etc.
15. International exhibition areas and industrial policy promotion parks: exhibition groups of foreign institutions in China, engineering construction achievements, high-tech industrial parks, high-tech research institutes (institutes), government investment projects, data (computing power) centers, etc.
(3) Concurrent activities (proposed)
1. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Transport Innovation Forum
2. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Expressway Transport Management Forum
3. High quality development conference of highway informatization
4. High quality development conference of digital intelligence enabled transportation industry
5. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Information Technology and Network Security Forum
6. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Highway Sustainable Development Forum
7. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Port Innovation and Development Forum
8. Global Digital Intelligence Port High Quality Development Conference
9. Joint Meeting of Port (Navigation) Associations of Eight Provinces and Cities
10.2024 Forum on Collaborative Development of Smart Ships and Smart Ports
11. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Shipping Development Forum
12. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Shipping and Trade Digital Development Forum 13. National Urban Super Charging Pile (Station) Construction Forum
14. National Seminar on Supporting Application Technology of Smart Parking Charging Pile
15. Forum on Application and Development of Charging (Replacing) Electric Piles in High speed Service Area of Pan Pearl River Area
16. South China Manufacturing and Logistics Park Super Charging Station Construction Seminar
17. Technical exchange meeting for charging, changing, upgrading and reconstruction of parking lot in Dawan District
18. Tunnel intelligent construction technology seminar
19. Seminar on bridge structure health detection, maintenance and reinforcement technology
20. Communication forum for road maintenance engineers
21. Seminar on Application of New Road Materials and Functional Materials
22. Communication meeting for traffic planning and design engineers
23. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Transport Infrastructure Sustainable Development Forum
24. Seminar on Smart Lamp Pole and Street Lamp Application Technology
25.5G and Smart Light Pole Integration Development Forum
26. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Vehicle Road Collaboration and Unmanned Driving Innovation Forum
27. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Smart Parking Development Forum
28. The 5th China Urban Static Traffic Forum
29. Award Ceremony of "The 7th Search for the Most Beautiful 3D Garage in China"
30. On road parking technology seminar on urban roads in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area
31. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Logistics New Energy Vehicle Sustainable Development Forum
32. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Rail Transit Innovation Forum
33. Enterprise New Product Release and Promotion Conference
34. Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Transport Talent Exchange Conference
35. Communication and Transportation Industry Education Integration Exchange Conference
36. Signing ceremony of strategic cooperation
37. Scientific research achievements and patent technology transformation promotion activities 38. Guangdong Provincial Public Transport Innovation and Development Project Experience Promotion Conference
39. New Technology Forum and Group Standards Release, Publicity and Implementation Meeting
(4) Government enterprise exchange activities
The exhibition will also hold a number of exchange and docking activities between the government and enterprises, organize exhibitors to communicate with relevant government departments on site, and create a high-level, multi-level, multi-dimensional, and all-round platform for external publicity and docking.
6、 Scale of the Expo
Exhibition scale: 60000 ㎡
Visitors: 58000
Scale of the forum: 9000 people
7、 Charging standard
(1) Booth charging standard
1. Luxury standard booth: 16800 yuan/12m2/exhibition period
The standard booth facilities include: three side hoarding, one negotiation table, two chairs, two spotlights, lintel, 220V power socket;
2. Exhibition space: 1300 yuan/m2/exhibition period; The bare ground does not include the basic configuration, and the exhibitors
Self designed decoration and construction (from 36 ㎡);
3. Please consult the organizing committee for the naming and strategic cooperation scheme of the conference.
(2) Charging standard of the forum
Sub forum speech fee: 50000 yuan/20 minutes
Sponsorship and cooperation scheme of the forum: consult the organizing committee for details
Participation standard of the forum: 2800 yuan/session
Participation in the forum includes: conference materials of the forum, 2 nights' accommodation and buffet lunch.
8、 Audience
Leaders and experts of relevant national ministries and commissions (National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, CCPIT); International organizations, overseas government agencies in China, foreign embassies and consulates in China, domestic government agencies and other guests; Transportation departments/bureaus, departments/bureaus of industry and information technology, public security departments/bureaus (bureaus), housing and construction departments/bureaus, natural resources departments/bureaus, science and technology departments/bureaus, communication management bureaus, maritime bureaus, traffic management bureaus/traffic police detachments (brigades), highway management bureaus, municipal and emergency related management departments in all provinces and cities, and cities/counties/districts in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area; Leader representatives of relevant competent units such as Railway Administration, Port Authority, Civil Aviation, Information/Planning, etc; Construction and operation units of provincial and municipal transportation groups, transportation investment, road and bridge, public transportation, power grid, urban investment, logistics, high-speed, airport, aviation, port, railway, subway, communication, etc.
9、 Exhibitors to be invited
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation
China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd
China Telecom Group Co., Ltd
China United Network Communications Co., Ltd
China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd
China Electronics Industry Group Co., Ltd
China Ocean Shipping Group Co., Ltd
China Southern Airlines Group Co., Ltd
China Railway Group Co., Ltd
CRRC Group Co., Ltd
China Merchants Group Limited
China Tower Corporation
China Communications Services Co., Ltd
Guangdong Communications Group Co., Ltd
Guangdong Port and Channel Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Port Group Co., Ltd
Beibu Gulf Port Co., Ltd
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Baidu (China) Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co., Ltd
10、 Media support
1. National media: People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, China Daily, CCTV, China Financial News, Science and Technology Daily, China News Service, etc;
2. Local media: Guangdong TV, Guangzhou TV, Nanfang Daily, Guangzhou Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, Shenzhen Special Zone News, Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Pao, etc;
3. Mainstream portal websites: Sina, Phoenix, Sohu, Tencent, Netease, etc;
4. Industry media: China Communications Daily, People's Communications Network, People's Communications Magazine, China Traffic Safety Network, China Traffic News Network, China Road Transport Network, China Traffic Transport Network, Guangdong Traffic Magazine, Saiwen Traffic Network 7its, traffic, Chinese and foreign roads, etc.
11、 Contact information of the Organizing Committee
Address: 10th Floor, South Block, Guangdong Jiaotong Building, No. 27-1, Baiyun Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Feng Yang 166 0129 5292
Song Dingbin 181 6050 5184
Wang Jiawen 133 1608 5546
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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