Exhibition information

Intertraffic China

Time: 2024/5/29 to 2024/5/31

Exhibition city: Beijing, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: China Intelligent Transport Association, Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, RAI International Exhibition Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Organizer: China Intelligent Transport Association, Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, RAI International Exhibition Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Exhibition Overview
Intertraffic China
China International Traffic Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Technology and Facilities Exhibition
Exhibition time: May 29~May 31, 2024 Opening time: 09:00 - 18:00
Exhibition industry: transportation
Sponsors: China Intelligent Transport Association, Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, RAI International Exhibition Company in Amsterdam, Netherlands
China - Beijing - 88 Yufeng Road, Tianzhu District, Shunyi District, Beijing - China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall)

Period: once a year Exhibition area: 35000 square meters Number of exhibitors: 500 Number of visitors: 40000

Exhibition introduction
Intertraffic China 2024, time: May 29~May 31, 2024, venue: China - Beijing - 88 Yufeng Road, Tianzhu District, Shunyi District, Beijing - China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall), sponsor: China Intelligent Transport Association, Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, RAI International Exhibition Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Period: once a year, exhibition area: 35000 square meters, 40000 visitors, 500 exhibitors and brands.
Intertraffic China, founded in 2007, has been successfully held in Beijing and Shanghai for more than ten years. It is an Asia Pacific preferred international trade exhibition platform serving the whole industry chain of the intelligent transportation industry.

Adhering to the excellent quality of the Netherlands Intertraffic parent exhibition for half a century, this time we will focus on new solutions in the fields of traffic management, public transport, expressway informatization, intelligent parking, satellite navigation and location services, intelligent cars and Internet of Vehicles, traffic safety and intelligent transportation construction services. Create an international event for intelligent transportation in the Asia Pacific region that can experience and display the world's cutting-edge innovative technologies, capture the trend of global innovative formats, and meet global business and technology elites.

Intertrafic China entered China for the first time since 2007, and has been strongly supported by many well-known manufacturers in Asia and the world, becoming a well-known professional exhibition event in the Asia Pacific region. As an important component of the world famous brand Intertraffic, Intertraffic China has always focused on professional exhibitions, building a supply and demand business platform, and promoting in-depth technical exchanges.

With the theme of "new development of transportation in the context of new infrastructure", the exhibition aims to further explore the integration and application of new generation of high-tech in China's transportation system, such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, new infrastructure. The exhibition focuses on urban intelligent transportation, traffic management, transportation infrastructure, intelligent public transportation, smart roads The latest traffic products, technical achievements and solutions in the fields of road network monitoring, road traffic safety, intelligent parking, intelligent transportation, Internet of Vehicles, intelligent networking, intelligent driving cars and other related fields.

Scope of exhibits
Traffic safety: traffic signal system, traffic signs, guardrails, lighting facilities, safety barriers, reflective materials, marking materials, marking machines, emergency rescue service systems, obstacle removal vehicles and special vehicles, car anti-theft devices and other traffic safety supplies;

Parking equipment: intelligent parking equipment, parking charge control system, entrance and exit management and monitoring system, vehicle identification system, automatic fence, parking garage display and guidance system, various indicators, etc;

Traffic management: ETC online toll collection technology and equipment, traffic monitoring and communication system, intelligent traffic management system, intelligent vehicle management system, traffic information service system, on-board communication equipment, expressway communication, toll collection, monitoring system, vehicle inspection, detection equipment, alcohol detector, speedometer, alarm system;

Intelligent transportation: intelligent traffic management system, intelligent vehicle management system, vehicle road coordination, automatic driving, vehicle navigation, electronic map, GPS receiving system;

Transportation infrastructure construction: road and bridge, light rail, subway, tunnel construction and maintenance machinery, materials, detection technology and equipment, survey and experimental instruments, planning and design support systems, etc;

Exhibition hall information
China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall)

Venue area: 870000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: No. 88, Yufeng Road, Tianzhu District, Shunyi District, Beijing, China
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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