Exhibition information

2024 American Wall Material Exhibition

Time: 2024/2/6 to 2024/2/8

Exhibition city: Foreign America

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: Infoman Exhibition Group
Organizer: Infoman Exhibition Group
Exhibition Overview
The Roofing Expo in 2024
Exhibition time: February 6~February 8, 2024 Opening time: 09:00 - 18:00
Exhibition industry: architecture
Organizer: Infoman Exhibition Group
USA - Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV 89109 - Las Vegas Convention Center

Period: once a year Exhibition area: 25000 square meters Number of exhibitors: 400 Number of visitors: 16147

Exhibition introduction
The Roofing Expo 2024 will be held from February 6 to February 8, 2024 in Las Vegas, America, NV 89109 Las Vegas Convention and Exhibition Center, sponsored by Infoman Exhibition Group, held once a year, with an exhibition area of 25000 square meters, 16147 visitors, 400 exhibitors and brands.
The International Roofing Expo is the largest exhibition of roofing and waterproofing materials in the world. It is held annually in alternate cities in the United States, representing the latest product and value-added service innovation concept in the field of roofing materials and technology.

The exhibition will be characterized by manufacturers and suppliers of all sizes, showing the most innovative ideas in terms of comprehensive products, value-added services and roofing materials and technology. It brings together commercial and residential roof contractors, builders, alterers, building owners, facility managers, evaluators, experts, architects and engineers of any level.

Scope of exhibits
Roof system: roof and insulation system; Roof fastening system; Prefabricated parts for building, metal structure, steel structure, membrane structure, tensile membrane, building tensile structure;

Roof machinery: brick and tile making machinery; Roof material manufacturing and processing equipment; Scaffolding and roof equipment; Other roof construction machinery

Roof planting: root puncture resistant waterproof materials, drainage boards, siphon drainage systems, metal alloy waterproof coiled materials, planting roof systems, etc. specially used for planting roofs

Overhead separation materials: plastic drain board, plastic overhead board, ecological overhead body, overhead network, grass planting grid, etc

Planting medium: light mixed nutrient soil, light long-term nutrient soil, light humus soil, synthetic soil, etc

Waterproof materials: asphalt based waterproof coiled materials, polymer waterproof coiled materials, waterproof coatings, rigid waterproof and plugging materials

Exhibition data
American Roof and Wall Materials Exhibition

Exhibition hall information
Las Vegas Convention Center

Venue area: 45000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: America - Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV 89109
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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