Exhibition information

The solar show in Egypt

Time: 2024/5/29 to 2024/5/30

Exhibition city: Egypt Abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: other


Organizer: Terrapinn Holdings Limited
Organizer: Terrapinn Holdings Limited
Exhibition Overview
The solar show in Egypt
Exhibition time: May 29~May 30, 2024 Opening time: 09:00 - 18:00
Exhibition industry: solar photovoltaic battery energy storage
Sponsored by: Terrapinn Holdings Limited
Egypt Cairo El Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher, Nasr City, Cairo Government 4440301 Egypt Egypt International Exhibition Center

Period: once a year Exhibition area: 15000 square meters Number of exhibitors: 230 Number of visitors: 17500

Exhibition introduction
The solar show in Egypt in 2024. Time: May 29~May 30, 2024. Place: Egypt Cairo El Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate 4440301 Egypt Egypt International Exhibition Center, sponsored by Terrapin Holdings Limited, held once a year, with an exhibition area of 15000 square meters, 17500 visitors, 230 exhibitors and brands.
The Solar Show is one of the largest solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology exhibitions in Egypt, aiming to promote the development of renewable energy in Egypt and Africa.

The Solar Show showed the latest solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology products such as solar photovoltaic panel, solar photovoltaic module, solar photovoltaic system, energy storage system, monitoring and control system, smart grid technology, etc.

Exhibitors can show their latest solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology products at the exhibition, and show the strength and technical level of their companies to professionals from Africa and the world. In addition, there will be a series of seminars and forums during the exhibition to provide exhibitors and visitors with the latest insights, experience and knowledge on solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology.

If you are a solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology enterprise from China or other countries, it will be a very good opportunity to participate in The Solar Show. You can show your company's latest solar photovoltaic and energy storage technology products at the exhibition, exchange experience and establish contacts with industry insiders from Africa and the world, understand market trends and business opportunities, promote your business with Egypt and other African countries, expand your business network, and promote your company's development and innovation.

Scope of exhibits
Solar cell: crystalline silicon cell, modular polycrystalline silicon cell, module, silicon thin film cell, module, CIGS compound thin film cell, module, single crystal composite cell, module, polycrystalline composite cell, module, pigment sensing cell, module, organic thin film cell, module, spherical silicon cell, module, other batteries

Solar production equipment: soaking and drying equipment, silicon production equipment, ingot production and processing equipment, wafer production equipment, wafer cutting equipment, stacking equipment, screen printing equipment, anodizing equipment, coating equipment, material handling equipment, purification room equipment CVD equipment, sputtering equipment, etching equipment, plasma equipment, copying equipment, laser cutting equipment, vacuum equipment for battery mass production, battery gold plating equipment, production equipment related to accessories and materials, silicon inspection equipment, wafer inspection equipment, visual inspection equipment, battery characteristic evaluation equipment, energy measurement equipment, PV performance diagnosis and monitoring equipment PV power generation measurement equipment, monitoring equipment for production engineering, environmental monitoring equipment, diagnostic equipment and simulation, battery detection equipment, substrate detection equipment, module detection equipment, etc

Solar materials and accessories: polycrystalline silicon, ingot, wafer, spherical silicon, battery substrate, glass, curved substrate, EVA board, rear tube plate, materials for metal electrodes, materials for transparent electrodes, composite semiconductor materials, organic film materials, oxide semiconductor materials, organic pigment materials, nanoparticles, module materials, etc

Solar power and power generation equipment: frequency converter, power regulator, controller, battery, charging pool, overvoltage protector, lightning protector, power supply, converter, junction box, distribution panel, distribution board, lead box, remote monitoring equipment, cable, connector, solar sensor, power control accessories, etc

Exhibition hall information
Egypt International Exhibition

Venue area: 4000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: Egypt Cairo El Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher, Nasr City, Cairo Government 4440301 Egypt
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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