Exhibition information

2024 China (Yuyao) International Plastics Expo and the 25th China Plastics Expo

Time: 2024/11/6 to 2024/11/9

Exhibition city: Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material

144 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Yuyao China Plastic City Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer: Yuyao China Plastic City Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
2024 China (Yuyao) International Plastics Expo and the 25th China Plastics Expo

Exhibition time:
November 6 - November 9, 2024 (4 days from Wednesday to Saturday)
Yuyao Zhongsu International Convention and Exhibition Center
Exhibition area:
Sponsors: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation
Organizer: Yuyao China Plastic City Exhibition Co., Ltd

Exhibition introduction
The China (Yuyao) International Plastic Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Plastic Expo") has been successfully held for 23 consecutive times since 1999. It has become one of the brand exhibitions with considerable industry popularity and influence in China's plastic industry, and has become a UFI certified exhibition in 2016.

As a grand economic and trade event in the plastic industry, the Plastic Expo has gathered a large number of famous enterprises in the plastic raw materials, ingredients, machinery, molds, products and other industries at home and abroad, demonstrating new materials, new equipment, and new processes; This exhibition is a plastic industry exhibition jointly sponsored by domestic authoritative industry associations and petrochemical industry production and circulation enterprises. The total exhibition area of the Plastic Expo has reached 42000 square meters, of which 35% are foreign exhibitors, attracting Germany's BASF, Bayer, Evonik, Arberg and Kebelon; Japan's Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Toyo, Sumitomo, Baoli, Mitsui; Samsung, SK and KEP in South Korea; Austria; Taihua, Qimei, Taixiang, Taizhong Jingji, Fengtie and Xinyi in Taiwan; Hong Kong's perseverance, source shaping, strength and strength; China Shenhua, CNOOC, Yuntianhua, Shanghai Bluestar, Yankuang Lunan Chemical, Shanghai Jinfei, Haitian, Yizhimi, Bochuang, Beijing Jingdiao and other large enterprises from 35 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, providing a platform for domestic and foreign plastic industry enterprises to expand and consolidate the market, information consultation and exchange, It has driven the sustainable development and global vision of China's plastic industry. In addition to visitors from all over China, the Plastic Expo is also attended by enterprises from Japan, Russia, Singapore, India, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and many other countries and regions. It is an economic and trade event for domestic and foreign industry enterprises to find new business opportunities, and one of the best entrances for domestic and foreign manufacturers to compete in the Chinese market. In order to promote the information exchange and business activities of enterprises in the plastic industry, enterprises at home and abroad are invited to participate in this plastic expo.

Scope of exhibits

General plastics, engineering plastics, recycled plastics, modified plastics, chemical raw materials and plastic additives;
Injection molding machine, extruder, blow molding machine, manipulator, peripheral auxiliary machinery, printing machinery, testing equipment processing center;
CNC lathes, milling and drilling machines, engraving machines, molds and mold materials and processing equipment, plastic mold products and semi-finished products;
New product seminars, technical seminars and lectures;
contact information

Tel: 0574-62537672, 62531119, 62530299 Fax: 0574-62535999 Zip code: 315400 Website: http://cpe.21cp.com Address: Floor 1, Yuanting, Zone A, China Plastic City, Yuyao, Zhejiang
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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