Exhibition information

The 16th China International Machine Tool Exhibition CIMES

Time: 2024/6/17 to 2024/6/21

Exhibition city: Beijing, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: China National Machine Tool Corporation
Organizer: China Machinery International Cooperation Co., Ltd. Beijing Guoji Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Since 1992, CIMES has been held in Beijing every two years. For more than 30 years, enterprises have expanded business channels through CIMES, exchanged advanced technologies and realized profit growth. CIMES has become an important platform to promote the development of technology and trade in the world machine tool industry, and also the best window for the world to understand China, the largest machine tool consumption market. With the theme of "digital future technology innovation", this exhibition focuses on the innovative achievements of the machine tool industry, such as specialized, refined, special, new product display and case scenarios, focusing on the changes brought by the development of digital and intelligent technology to the industry, and providing the machine tool industry with a high-quality platform for business cooperation, technical exchange and industrial docking.

Market overview
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "accelerating the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, accelerating the realization of self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, focusing on the national strategic needs, gathering strength to carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, firmly winning the battle of key core technologies, accelerating the implementation of a number of strategic and forward-looking national major scientific and technological projects, and enhancing the ability of independent innovation."
In December 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other eight departments jointly released the 14th Five Year Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing Development, which proposed the industrial plan of "building a batch of manufacturing innovation carriers around key fields such as industrial mothermachines, and developing intelligent industrial mothermachines".
In November 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council jointly issued the Notice on Consolidating the Upward Trend and Boosting the Industrial Economy, which emphasized: "Accelerate the construction of major projects, guide enterprises to carry out a new round of investment in technological transformation and equipment upgrading, and improve the ability of independent design and system integration of major technical equipment such as high-end CNC machine tools."
As the cornerstone of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, industrial machine tool is a national important tool involving national security and self control. The ecology of China's machine tool industry is increasingly mature. Policy side: the industrial machine is placed in a higher strategic position, and relevant policies are frequent, with obvious policy orientation. From the perspective of industrial chain: policy top-level design, accelerate the industrial machine industry to strengthen the chain and supplement the chain
It is expected to speed up the process of making up for weaknesses in the bed industry chain. Product end: high-end CNC
The progress of machine tool products is accelerated, and domestic machine tool products and overseas leaders
The gap narrowed.

Exhibition highlights
The largest biennial machine tool trade and technology exchange platform in China after 30 years of deep cultivation in the industry
Display cutting-edge equipment manufacturing technology, more than 100 strong procurement groups, more than 100000 high-quality visitors
Cooperate with industry, university, research and application parties and industry organizations to create dozens of new product conferences, high-end forums, supply and demand docking and other activities
Give full play to the resource endowment of central enterprises and help enterprises integrate into the new development pattern
Scope of exhibits
Metal cutting machine tool; Metal forming machine; Special processing machine tools, laser processing equipment, additive manufacturing and special equipment; Manufacturing unit/system, industrial robot and automation equipment; Casting, heat treatment, injection molding, cleaning machine and other peripheral equipment; Machine tool parts and accessories;
Intelligent equipment, intelligent control system, mechanical transmission technology, fluid transmission technology; Numerical control system, digital display device and machine tool electrical appliance; Abrasive abrasives, superhard materials and products, coated abrasives, special equipment for abrasive abrasives; Tools, jigs and related product inspection and measuring equipment Industrial Internet of Things, software standard protocol services wood and bamboo processing machine tools; Information consulting and engineering services.
participation fee
Exhibition price
Domestic enterprises: bare land 1300 yuan/㎡, standard booth 1450 yuan/㎡
Joint venture: bare land 2100 yuan/㎡, standard booth 2300 yuan/㎡
Foreign funded enterprises: bare land 2300 yuan/㎡, standard booth 2500 yuan/㎡
Manager Wang 13917986994 (same as V)
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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