Exhibition information

2024 Poland Poznan International HVAC Equipment and Installation Exhibition

Time: 2024/4/23 to 2024/4/25

Exhibition city: Poland abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: Poland Poznan International Exhibition Company
Organizer: Poland Poznan International Exhibition Company
Exhibition Overview
Poland Poznan International HVAC Installation and Equipment Exhibition

English: INSTALACJE Poznan International Fair Ground

Exhibition time
April 23-25, 2024
Exhibition hall: Poznan International Exhibition Center, Poland

Organizer: Poland Poznan International Exhibition Company
Poznzn International Fair
Exhibition introduction
One of the large and important professional HVAC exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe

INSTALACJE is a professional equipment installation and HVAC exhibition sponsored by Poland Poznan International Exhibition Co., Ltd., which is the largest exhibition in Poland and the top one in Central and Eastern Europe.

Rich content: The 2024 Polish HVAC Installation and Equipment Exhibition will be held in Poznan, Poland, from April 23 to 25. There will be four exhibition areas: heating technology and equipment, ventilation and air conditioning refrigeration building technology, and gas equipment. It has become a large and important professional exhibition in Central and Eastern Europe.

Strong professionalism: INSTALACJE, a heating and ventilation installation and equipment exhibition in Poznan, Poland in 2024, will attract a large number of exhibitors and visitors. The International HVAC Installation and Equipment Exhibition is an important way to understand the new trends, new technologies and products in the industry, and also an important platform for Chinese enterprises to explore the Polish and Eastern European markets.

Broad market: after entering into the market economy, Poland has promptly formulated a series of policies and regulations to narrow the gap with developed countries, improve the effective use of energy, and reduce heating heat consumption, and gradually improved them, so that heating metering and charging work has rules to follow. So far, Poland has promulgated as many as 7 regulations in this regard. It is precisely because of these increasingly perfect policies and regulations that the heating metering and charging work in Poland can be smoothly promoted.

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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