Exhibition information

2024 The 32nd Japan International Fashion Home Furniture Exhibition (internationallifestyle TOKYO)

Time: 2024/6/14 to 2024/6/16

Exhibition city: Overseas Japan

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

12 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Middle East
Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Middle East
Exhibition Overview
2024 The 32nd Japan International Fashion Home Furniture Exhibition (internationallifestyle TOKYO)
Exhibition time: June 14-16, 2024

Venue: Tokyo BIG SIGHT

Exhibition scale: 800 exhibitors; Number of visitors: about 50000;

Organizer: Messe Frankfurt, Germany

Organizer: Shanghai Maosheng Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. - Japanese exhibition service provider

Exhibition introduction:

Interior lifestyleTokyo, Japan This exhibition is very popular in Japan and its surrounding countries and regions, and has been favored by Chinese exhibitors for many years. Many Chinese exhibitors said they would continue to develop the regional market at the exhibition site, And continue to participate in this professional exhibition. Founded in 1991, it is one of the professional exhibitions of global consumer goods and household textiles series sponsored by Frankfurt Exhibition Company, Germany. The exhibition products include design gifts, tableware, high-end furniture, household fabrics, textiles, consumer goods, etc. These features attract a wide range of visitors and provide opportunities for exhibitors to meet new buyers and expand their business.

Exhibition scope:

Furniture: antique furniture, bedroom furniture, garden/outdoor furniture, iron furniture, steel wood furniture, children's furniture, customized furniture, dining room furniture, home entertainment, kitchen furniture, living room furniture, furniture in time, office furniture, soft sofa and mattress products

Home textiles: floor, wall, window decorations and household fabrics, bedding, bathroom, table and kitchen textiles

Interior design: fashion brands, fashion elements, fashion concepts

Consumer goods: crystal, glass, ceramics, metal products, plastic products, tableware, knives, kitchen supplies, cleaning tools, household goods, handicrafts, popular jewelry, watches, festival supplies, gardening supplies, incense, candles, stationery; Furniture, decorative painting, interior decoration

Exhibition significance:

1. Exhibition is an important economic resource. Through exhibition activities, we can share some material and cultural exchange information, adjust our behavior to adapt to environmental changes, and achieve the expected goals.

2. The circulation of commodities participating in the exhibition creates opportunities. The whole buyer's market provides opportunities for choice.

3. Exhibition publicity is conducive to the adjustment of industrial structure and plays an important role in promoting the optimization of regional economic structure.

4. Exhibition is the link and bridge connecting industries and services.

5. The exhibition activities are conducive to the formation of unified market rules, practices and economic order, deepening the division of labor and cooperation between different countries and regions, strengthening their economic relations, and facilitating the process of economic integration.

Exhibition process:

1. Booth reservation: determine the exhibition booth and make payment.

2. Sample preparation: prepare the samples to be displayed at the exhibition site.

3. Logistics of exhibits: usually the logistics is ended 2 months before the exhibition, and most of them choose sea transportation.

4. Personnel visa: apply for visa one month later according to the issuing time of different countries.

5. Scheduled itinerary: book business services such as air tickets and hotels, or directly book all inclusive overseas services from www.zhan.com.

6. Departure for exhibition: take international flights to the exhibition city

contact information:

Address: Room 800, 5/F, Zone D, Zhongyin Business Garden, Huaqiao Town, Kunshan, Suzhou

Tel: 18913292209

Contact: Wang Chengyong

Mobile: 18913292209


WeChat: 18913292209

Email: 584301896@qq.com   

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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