Exhibition information

Vietnam Pingyang International Construction Machinery Equipment Exhibition in 2024

Time: 2024/5/29 to 2024/5/31

Exhibition city: Foreign Vietnam

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: World Trade Center Pingyang Co., Ltd
Organizer: World Trade Center Pingyang Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Vietnam Pingyang International Construction Machinery Equipment Exhibition in 2024
Exhibition date: May 29-31, 2024
Exhibition cycle: once a year
Venue: Vietnam Pingyang New Town World Trade Center (WTC BDNC)
Country/region: Asia Vietnam Pingyang
Vietnam Advertising and Commercial Promotion Co., Ltd., World Trade Center Pingyang Co., Ltd., Kangfa International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Pingyang Industrial Park Administration

Co organizer:
Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam Mechanical and Electrical Association

Chinese exhibitors:
Guangxi Shengxinhong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Exhibition introduction
Vietnam International Construction Machinery Industry Exhibition EMA VIETNAM is an annual industrial flagship event held based on the rapid development of Vietnam's industrialization and modernization process, and the industry has also shown a growing momentum, which enjoys a high reputation in Vietnam. The purpose of holding EMA is to create conditions for exhibitors at home and abroad to display new products, new equipment and new technologies, and it is also an excellent platform for exhibitors to seek cooperation opportunities, attract investment, transfer technology, promote trade and improve the efficiency of production and operation activities.
The last exhibition, with an exhibition area of more than 15000 square meters, attracted about 400 exhibitors from Vietnam, China, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Russia, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions. Vietnam's local exhibitors accounted for 38% and foreign exhibitors accounted for 62%, High degree of internationalization. During the exhibition period, the number of professional visitors exceeded 20000, and the intended turnover on site exceeded 65 million dollars, which achieved good results and received unanimous praise from the exhibitors.

Contact information for investment promotion in China:
Guangxi Shengxinhong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. - help Chinese enterprises to expand overseas markets!
Address: 1205, Qingxiu Wanda Ginza, No. 118, Dongge Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi
Mobile: 13647815672 (also WeChat)
Tel.: 0771-5715301
Contact: Zhou Yunong
Email: 564073899@qq.com
Please call for details!
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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