Exhibition information

2023 China Energy Conservation Green Wall and Roof Industry Expo

Time: 2023/9/5 to 2023/9/10

Exhibition city: Weifang, Shandong, China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: China Brick and Tile Industry Association
Organizer: China Brick and Tile Industry Association
Exhibition Overview
The 36th China Energy saving Green Wall and Roof Industry Expo in 2023

Time: September 5, 2023 - September 10, 2023

Exhibition hall: Lutai Convention and Exhibition Center Southeast bus route at the intersection of Changsong Road and Yuqing West Street, Weifang, Shandong

Industry: Environmental water treatment

Exhibition city: Shandong | Weifang

Sponsor: China Brick and Tile Industry Association

Organizer: China Brick and Tile Industry Association

Exhibition area: 10000 square meters

Period: once a year

The "36th China Energy Saving Green Wall and Roof Industry Expo" sponsored by China Brick and Tile Industry Association will be held in Shandong Weifang Lutai Convention and Exhibition Center from September 5 to 10, 2023. With the theme of "green, low-carbon, intelligent and high-quality development", the Expo thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implemented the Several Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Development of the Sintering Brick and Tile Industry issued by three ministries and commissions of the country, positioned the development goal of building materials industry as "suitable for industry and good for people", guided by national industrial policies, and took the path of industrial upgrading and upstream downstream combination, Promote brick and tile carbon peak, carbon neutrality and carbon emission reduction by means of comprehensive waste recycling and collaborative disposal, and serve China's energy-saving buildings, green buildings and ecological buildings.
During the exhibition, activities such as "2023 China Brick and Tile Industry Conference, the eighth member representative conference of China Brick and Tile Industry Association, and 2023 China (Weifang) International Brick and Tile Green, Low Carbon, Intelligent, High Quality Development Forum" will be held at the same time.
Since 1987, the China Brick and Tile Industry Association has successfully held 35 industry exhibitions, witnessing the innovation and upgrading of China's brick and tile industry at all stages. The 36th Wall Expo will focus on the brick and tile industry in the new situation, promote carbon peak, carbon neutrality, and carbon emission reduction, show the new achievements of brick and tile supply side structural reform to develop in depth, show the innovative, green, energy-saving, high-tech brick and tile technology, materials, equipment and supporting service products, and promote building materials to the countryside with scientific and technological innovation achievements. With the support and coordination of the China Building Materials Federation, the Expo will also hold supporting conferences and high-quality brick and tile development forum lectures in collaboration with several relevant units.
Scope of exhibits
1. Sintering equipment and technology products: vacuum brick extruding unit, tile making unit; Raw material processing, cutting, coding, transporting, loading and unloading equipment, intelligent manipulator; Energy saving kiln, drying and roasting equipment; Automatic and semi-automatic product packaging unit;
2. Autoclave and natural curing equipment technology products: concrete building block forming machines and products, aerated concrete equipment and products;
3. Sponge city and decoration equipment technology products: pavement tiles, wall and floor tiles, permeable tiles, glazed tiles, ceramics, colored tile equipment and products;
4. Equipment and technical products of construction components: various plate production line equipment and products;
5. Various supporting material technology products: wear-resistant materials, vacuum pump, clutch, iron separator, crushing, desulfurization and dust removal technology and equipment, brick and tile detection instruments and equipment, computer control system;
6. Equipment and technology for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste to produce new wall materials;
7. Various design and research institutes, kiln design and construction scientific research technology;
8. Brick carving machines and artistic achievements of various factions.
participation fee
1. (3m × 3m) International standard booth: 5000 yuan per booth of member manufacturers; Each booth of non member manufacturers is 6000 yuan. Due to uncertain factors, foreign companies will not be invited to participate in this exhibition.
2. The venue in the museum is 500 yuan/m2, starting from 36m2, and the cost of special booth construction is calculated separately.

contact information
Tel: 010-57811208, 09, 12
E-mail: cbtia@126.com
Address: No. 11, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing (postcode: 100831)
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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