Exhibition information

2023 (Shanghai) International Garden Landscape Industry Trade Fair

Time: June 29, 2023 to July 1, 2023

Exhibition city: Shanghai, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property


Organizer: Shanghai Yuandai Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer: Shanghai Yuandai Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
2023 The 19th China (Shanghai) International Garden Landscape Industry Trade Fair

Exhibition venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center

Organizer: Shanghai Yuandai Exhibition Co., Ltd
Official website: www.slugta-expo.com/

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Reason 1 (industry background):
In recent years, the park city construction in Shanghai has made great progress. By 2025, the number of various parks in the city will increase to more than 1000. The "one big ring+five small rings" ecological park belt system around the city has basically taken shape, and the "one river and one belt" public space pattern has initially taken shape.

Reason 2 (previous session):
These forward goals and potential markets provide great development opportunities and unlimited business opportunities for the landscape industry, and the landscape products with new features, new characteristics, new strengths and new characteristics have broad prospects for promotion and application.

Reason 3 (previous session):
With the rapid development of China's urbanization and the increasing attention of the country to the ecological environment, the landscape industry has entered a new stage.

Reason 4 (last session):
Consumption upgrading, national urban planning policies and the construction of "garden city" and "ecological city" have stimulated and accelerated the development of China's garden industry, and the demand for garden landscape in cities is growing.

Reason 5 (previous session):
In recent years, the investment in urban landscaping has exceeded 200 billion yuan. Sponge city, wetland park construction and water conservancy project ecological restoration projects have gradually increased. The per capita park green space area has continued to increase. The rise of tourism and leisure industry has also greatly stimulated the construction of gardens and tourism city landscaping.

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Heat preservation, pumps, villas, seeds, seeders, grass, lawn, measurement, measuring instruments, measuring instruments, planning, shovel, inflatable, inflatable toys, pets, pet supplies, hoes, punching, punching machines, roads, mountaineering, ground, sculpture, regulation, regulators, winter, anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion wood, waterproof, waterproof materials, houses, artificial plants, fertilizer, separation Composite materials, golf, golf, golf course, grass cutting, lawn mower, brush cutter, isolation, engineering machinery, engineering technology, engineering design, parks, ornamental plants, pipelines, irrigation, photoelectric, square bricks, planning and design, rails, rollers, filtration, filtering materials, filters, outdoor, flower pots, gardens, garden furniture, chemicals, environment Environmental design, machinery, mechanical equipment, furniture, lawnmower, construction, construction machinery, fitness, joints, energy conservation, water-saving, water-saving irrigation, landscape, landscape planning, landscape design, landscape lighting, air separation, filter materials, tourism, tourism development planning, greening, roller skating, spiral, nursery stock, wood structure, wood plastic, wood plastic composite materials, rake, drainage Supporting facilities, powder spraying, irrigation, fountain, nozzle, spray, fur, leather machine, grader, balance, traction, cutting, cutting machine, artificial turf, pesticide, sterilization, fungicide, commerce, design engineering, fertilization, stone, stone carving, laboratory, municipal, video, jewelry, indoor and outdoor, outdoor, hand tools, water treatment, water filtration, waterscape fountain Underwater lights, paving machinery, sports, natural stone, natural stone, iron art, courtyard, ventilation, bulldozer, tractor, excavator, toy, fence, greenhouse, roof, roof greening, roof, roof system, vacuum cleaner, system engineering, display, display, calibration, leisure, leisure sports, maintenance, medicine machine, nutrition, playground, games Garden, garden sculpture, garden engineering, garden machinery, garden landscape, garden greening, garden bricks and tiles, gardening, gardening tools, transportation, cultivation, tent, lighting, lighting products, lighting design, lighting system, sunshade, sunshade system, vacuum, vacuum system, vibration, plants, plant growth regulators, planting, planting machinery, housing, residential quarters, bricks and tiles Decoration, decorative materials, decorations, decorative articles, loaders, loaders, bicycles
Contact Information
Exhibition Department of Shanghai Landscape Industry Association
Contact: Mr. Lv, Miss Chen, Miss Huang, Mr. Xu, Miss Cui
Email: polansky.lv@glcexpo.com.cn
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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