Exhibition information

2023 Doha International Building Materials Exhibition, Qatar

Time: 2023/5/29 to 2023/6/1

Exhibition city: Qatar abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Exhibition hall: Doha
Organizer: Ifp exhibition company
Organizer: Ifp exhibition company
Exhibition Overview

Exhibition name: Doha International Building Materials Exhibition, Qatar, 2023
Start time: May 29, 2023
End time: June 1, 2023
Country: Qatar
Venue: Doha

Sponsor: ifp exhibition company
Exhibition Overview
[Exhibition name]
Doha International Building Materials Exhibition, Qatar
[Exhibition time]
May 29 June 1, 2023
[Exhibition location]
Doha Convention and Exhibition Center
【 Organizer 】
Ifp exhibition company
UFI Certification Exhibition, the largest exhibition in Qatar
Exhibition introduction:

 Attraction: Project Qatar attracts a large number of international building materials manufacturers and suppliers every year, directly meeting a large number of construction needs in Qatar.

 Broad coverage: the exhibition strongly promotes the trade exchanges between exhibitors and the Gulf areas such as Iraq, Oman, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Kuwait, etc.

 Strong sponsorship: The exhibition is organized by IFP, a famous exhibition company in the Middle East. IFP will provide comprehensive and detailed commercial services to exhibitors.

 Ideal place: Qatar Exhibition Center is an ideal place for trade. On the one hand, it has been exempted from customs duties, and on the other hand, it is a gathering place for embassies of other countries.

 Gathering of national exhibition groups: In addition to exhibitors in the Middle East, the United States, Germany, Britain, Italy, France, Portugal and other traditional building materials powers have appeared in the form of national exhibition groups. Similar to the BIG5 exhibition in Dubai.

 Characteristic theme: Qatar is currently the fastest growing country in the construction industry in the Middle East Gulf region. The growth point mainly depends on the development plan of the 2030 Qatar National Vision and the preparation and construction of the 2022 Football World Cup. In order to support these two developments, in addition to the original featured theme of the construction machinery exhibition (Heavy Max) and the stone exhibition theme (Qatar Stone Tech), the exhibition also added the theme of hotel construction exhibition (Qatar Hospital Build), school construction exhibition (Qatar School Build), sports infrastructure (Qatar Sports Infrastructure), and transportation and logistics exhibition (Qatar Trasport&Logistics) CNENA

Scope of exhibits
Exhibition scope
Building hardware faucets, plumbing equipment, water pipes, sanitary hardware accessories, doors (including cabinet and wall cabinet doors), windows and door and window hardware accessories, automatic doors
Glass products, fasteners, valves, standard parts, wire mesh, etc;

Environmental lighting lamps, safety protection lamps, outdoor lamps, indoor lighting, engineering lighting, street lights, display lights, switches, buttons,
Control system, etc

Power lines and cables, power equipment, power control system, power station, power plant, solar energy facilities, power conversion equipment, etc

HVAC central air conditioning, fan, heating air conditioning, kitchen and bathroom equipment, water heater, sewage treatment, water recycling equipment, storage equipment, cold
Hide equipment, etc

Supporting building products and structures, roof, engineering pipe network, fire safety system, building technology, etc

Environmentally friendly cleaning Confined space cleaning, pipeline and sewer cleaning, aging facilities treatment, dust and air pollution treatment, water pollution treatment, etc

Stone ceramic marble, granite, travertine, and other stone products, ceramic tiles, mosaics and other ceramic products. Stone and ceramic cutting machine,
Polishing machines, and production machines, ceramics, tiles

Design and construction of sports facilities and stadiums, fence protection, lawn, sports facilities, sports facilities, venue seats, audio-visual equipment, etc

Sensors and measuring equipment, full set of industrial production equipment, building safety automation system, integrated automation solutions, assembly and
Intelligent construction
Processing system, smart home system, wireless automation system

Construction machinery processing equipment, glass machinery, construction machinery, construction appliances, engineering machinery and various heavy industry machinery.
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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