Exhibition information


Time: 2023/5/29 to 2023/5/31

Exhibition city: Shanghai, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: Shanghai Wanyao Qilong Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer: Shanghai Wanyao Qilong Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview


Exhibition time: May 29~May 31, 2023 Opening time: 09:00 - 18:00

Exhibition industry: ground materials

Organizer: Shanghai Wanyao Qilong Exhibition Co., Ltd

Exhibition location: Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, No. 333, Songze Avenue, Shanghai, China

Period: once a year Exhibition area: 150000 square meters Exhibitors: 1300 Visitors: 80000

Exhibition introduction

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2023 will be held from May 29 to May 31, 2023, at Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, 333 Songze Avenue, Shanghai, China, organized by Shanghai Wanyao Qilong Exhibition Co., Ltd., once a year, with an exhibition area of 150000 square meters and 80000 visitors, The number of exhibitors and brands reached 1300. DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR is the flagship flooring professional exhibition in the Asia Pacific region. From building contractors, designers, traders, to global buyers across the industry chain, it is an ideal business platform for you to connect people, understand the industry, display products, establish brand image, and consolidate the position of the industry!

Scope of exhibits

Wood floor: solid wood floor, solid wood composite floor, floor heating solid wood floor, laminate floor, cork floor, bamboo floor, wood

Elastic flooring: elastic flooring, sports flooring, special flooring, industrial/commercial flooring, stone plastic flooring, wood plastic flooring, surface decoration materials

Carpets: woven carpets, woven block carpets, square carpets, floor mats, carpet technology, world handmade carpets, household carpets

Asian flooring technology: intelligent manufacturing of flooring, flexible flooring technology, flooring pavement and maintenance technology

Exhibition Hall Information Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center

Venue area: 500000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: No. 333, Songze Avenue, Shanghai, China

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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