Exhibition information

2023 Beijing New Infrastructure Smart City Construction Expo (held in November)

Time: 2023/11/3 to 2023/11/25

Exhibition city: Beijing, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: China Architecture Culture Center
Organizer: China Architecture Culture Center
Exhibition Overview
2023 Beijing New Infrastructure Smart City Construction Expo (held in November)

2023 Beijing 23rd China International Smart City Construction Expo (hosted by Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development)

2023 China City Expo

Time: November 3 to 25, 2023 Place: China International Exhibition Center (new hall)


Approved by

Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China;


Support unit

Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


China Architecture Culture Center

Co organizer

China Association of Mayors, China Urban Science Research Association, China Urban Planning Association, China Construction Industry Association, China Architectural Society, China Civil Engineering Society, China Real Estate Industry Association, China Survey and Design Association

(1) Belt and Road

1. Exhibition and promotion of investment projects for construction and development of countries along the Belt and Road;

2. Domestic enterprises and projects involved in the Belt and Road construction.

(2) Modernization of construction industry

1. Prefabricated building;

2. Industrial building products and equipment.

3. Building energy-saving technology and products; Energy-saving glass; Dimming glass

4. Green building; Walls, waterproof materials, water supply and drainage, energy-saving doors and windows, decorative materials

5. Property management; Electric bicycle management system

6. Residential supporting equipment and facilities;

Contact unit: China Architectural Culture Center, Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development

Address: Floor 4 and 7, China Architecture Culture Center Building, No. 13, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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