Exhibition information

Waste Expo Inida, Mumbai, India

Time: 2023/9/13 to 2023/9/15

Exhibition city: India Abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: building material


Organizer: Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd. (VIS)
Organizer: Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd. (VIS)
Exhibition Overview

Waste Expo Inida, Mumbai, India

Exhibition time: September 13~September 15, 2023 Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Exhibition industry: resource recovery

Sponsored by: Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd. (VIS)

Venue: India Mumbai Highway, Goregon (East) - 400 063, India Mumbai Convention and Exhibition Center

Period: once a year Exhibition area: 25000 square meters Exhibitors: 400 Visitors: 16147

Exhibition introduction popularity: 155202023 Waste Expo Inida, Mumbai, India Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology Environmental Protection Exhibition, Exhibition time: September 13~September 15, 2023, Exhibition location: India Mumbai Highway, Goregon (East) - 400 063, India Mumbai Convention and Exhibition Center, India, sponsored by Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd. (VIS), held once a year, with an estimated exhibition area of 25000 square meters, 16147 visitors, 400 exhibitors and brands.

One of the main objectives of the Clean India mission is to establish an effective waste management system nationwide, so that waste can be classified, processed, recycled and converted into energy at the source. In recent three years, municipal government agencies have been established. Private institutions and solution providers are focusing more on technology and systems. Waste - Solid or liquid, electronic, food or organic waste, from collection to treatment to transformation, requires specific solutions.

Waste Expo Inida, Mumbai, India, will bring together experts, technology providers, stakeholders, waste recyclers, dealers, retailers and local authorities to promote the provision of solutions.

Scope of exhibits

Waste treatment and recycling technology and equipment: transfer devices and transfer stations, mobile toilets, waste treatment and recycling, biological treatment, heat utilization, waste composting and fermentation, centralized disposal facilities for medical waste and chemical waste

Air and gas processing technology: dust ventilation and prevention, odor migration and control, monitoring, control and analysis; Air pollution prevention

Water treatment technology and equipment: water (drinking water) and wastewater treatment (physical, chemical and biochemical processes), pump, sludge and residue treatment, pipeline laying and repair, sewer inspection, cleaning and maintenance, and lifting and sliding; Water saving appliances and equipment

Circular economy and comprehensive utilization of resource regeneration: domestic and foreign waste suppliers, distributors, traders, mechanical equipment for pretreatment, regeneration and deep processing, testing equipment and technology, tool manufacturers and new technologies, products or semi-finished products for resource recycling, additives and related auxiliary materials used in the production process of resource recycling, Related derivatives and processing technologies of resource recycling, consulting and other service industries related to resource recycling industry

Energy saving technology and equipment: environmental protection concept vehicles such as hybrid electric vehicles, hydrogen energy vehicles, fuel cell vehicles and related technical equipment; LED lamps, energy-saving lamps and other energy-saving technologies and products

New energy technology and equipment: wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, tidal energy, hydrogen technology, fuel cell, other renewable energy

Exhibition Hall Information Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai, India

Venue area: 45000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: India Mumbai Highway, Goreagon (East) - 400 063, India

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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