Exhibition information

Stone tec, a stone and processing technology exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany

Time: 2024/6/19 to 2024/6/22

Exhibition city: Germany abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: building material

4 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Nuremberg International Convention and Exhibition Company
Organizer: Nuremberg International Convention and Exhibition Company
Exhibition Overview

Stone tec, a stone and processing technology exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany

Exhibition time: June 19~June 22, 2024 Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Exhibition industry: stone

Organizer: Nuremberg International Convention and Exhibition Company

Address: 90471 N ü rnberg - Nuremberg Convention Center, Germany - Messezentrum

Period: once every two years Exhibition area: 31700 square meters Number of exhibitors: 446 Number of visitors: 15161

Exhibition introduction popularity: 9873 Stone tec, held by Nuremberg International Convention and Exhibition Company in Germany in 2024, will be held every two years. This exhibition will be held on June 19, 2024 in the place of 90471 N ü rnberg - Nuremberg Convention and Exhibition Center in Germany. The exhibition area is expected to reach 31700 square meters, The number of visitors reached 15161, and the number of exhibitors and brands reached 446.

Stone tec, an international stone and processing technology exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, was founded in 1979 and held every two years. It is sponsored by Nuremberg Exhibition Company, Germany, and co sponsored by various associations in the German stone industry - the German Natural Stone Association, the Federation of Independent Handicraft Trade Unions, the German Brick and Tile Professional Association, and the Natural Stone Center Association in the construction industry. This exhibition is a leading international exhibition in the European stone industry, bringing together professional exhibitors and experts from China and Europe in the fields of natural stone, processing technology, headstones, etc. It is one of the largest professional stone exhibitions in the world today.

Stone tec, the international stone and processing technology exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, has established three exhibition areas: stone, technology, monument&accessories. There are 446 exhibitors from 31 countries, covering an exhibition area of 31700 square meters, including 186 from Germany and 260 from international countries. It also attracted 15161 professional trade buyers, 23% of whom were international visitors. Up to 89% of the visitors have purchasing decision-making power in the company. 93% of visitors believe that the exhibition provides them with effective information and key partners.

90% of the exhibitors think they will get new business opportunities at the exhibition. A total of 55 Chinese enterprises participated in the exhibition, mainly exhibiting natural stones for indoor and outdoor use; Environmental stone; Industrial stone products; Natural stones, all kinds of stones and processing equipment for memorial ceremonies, tombstones and monuments; Various abrasives, blades and other tools; Mining equipment; Transportation and maintenance equipment, etc.

Scope of exhibits

Natural stone materials: marble, tofu stone, porphyry, sandstone, quartz stone, limestone, dolomite, stone raw materials, tombstone, curb stone, floor tile, cultural stone, church stone, stone lamp, stone bowl, stone bottle, stone carving, stone slab, platform, wallboard, door and window frames, stairs, kitchen/bathroom supplies, fountains, stone benches, stone tables, fireplaces, stone columns

Stone mining machinery: drilling equipment, cutting equipment, diamond saw blade, large saw, rope saw, band saw, circular saw, bridge saw, grinding/crushing/polishing machinery, surface treatment equipment, trimming machine, contour machine, pneumatic tools, electric tools, pumps

Stone transportation equipment: automatic handling equipment, conveyor belt, crane, heavy truck, stone transportation and packaging, freight forwarder, container

Stone maintenance and repair: stone maintenance supplies and equipment, various stone cleaning, protection, renovation, maintenance supplies, stone decoration, adhesives, abrasives, adhesives, resins, mortars

Exhibition data

Exhibition Hall Information N ü rnbergMesse, Nuremberg Convention Center, Germany

Venue area: 220000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: 90471 N ü rnberg, Messezentrum, Nuremberg, Germany

contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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