[Read Secretary 1450] Yin Ye's "Be a Calm Parent"

We are used to laying an "egg", and then tell this "egg" that it is ok for us to be hens in the previous generation, but you should try to become a phoenix in the next generation. In fact, parents often forget that they need to become phoenix first. therefore The essence of education should lie in "clinging to me" , that is, "hold yourself". If parents want to meet anything, they should meet it by themselves. In life, it is meaningless to talk about big things

The process of pursuing happiness is not a process of seeking quick success and instant benefit. You are really lucky to ask you to move forward every day, rather than to get exact benefits. What you want, you have to act first.

The easiest thing for everyone is to ask others, but they ignore that the most possible path is to change themselves. It is impossible for a person not to learn and change himself, but always want to ask others to learn and change. In fact, this is the biggest problem in many family education. In education, everything should be self seeking

Learning is not a happy thing, and it needs to be persevered. It's a skill to make learning happy No one is born to love learning. At best, he is interested in a certain direction and is willing to take the initiative to ponder and study. He will gradually become able to learn and then begin to love learning. Everyone is a different seed, and the driving force is different. As long as you find your own internal driving force, you can go further on this road.

Children learn from their parents. The only thing that parents can change is themselves. If you become better, everything will become better. Example is more important than precept. If parents don't read books themselves, why force children to read every day?

Children's knowledge and reading are positively correlated, and children's education level is also positively correlated with the family's book collection. The habit of reading cannot be formed suddenly one day. It must be formed through countless days of love and persistence. It germinates in childhood, influenced by parents and their surroundings, but finally appears in all stages of personal life. So parents should create an atmosphere of reading in the whole family. A family should have at least 1000 books They are the books that they want to read and want to read, the books that children are advised to read and the books that children should read, covering different disciplines and fields. Make books a part of the family environment. You can see books at any time and get them at hand. A thousand books are a thousand possibilities. Even if you only take 10 minutes to read with the whole family every day, your children's reading habits may be developed gradually, and they will naturally fall in love with reading.

When you read enough books, you will become a lifelong learner and become more and more self consistent. You will understand more and more that you should compare yourself with the whole human race and consider how to contribute to the achievements that human beings have achieved. We must not compare with others, compare with others, and compare with other people's children. These are meaningless.

For every ordinary person, lifelong learning does not mean that you have to go to a class or a degree. You will be able to compete with yourself in your own position. Don't care what the outside world thinks of you. How many people like you will definitely hate you. Therefore, the most important thing for people is not to stare at "darkness", but to look for "light". This is the "optimistic" attitude towards life, which means neither optimism nor pessimism. You can treat everything with tolerance on both sides. In any case, you will feel that this is not an accident, but just a different probability. This can be done Both work hard and follow suit Isn't that what we lack?

In science and technology, every generation of us is subverting the previous generation. The essence of human continuous progress is that this generation does not listen to the previous generation, so we can get to today. In this sense, the greater significance of parents' education for children is to let children know that people are equal, and even people and everything should share the earth, so don't envy others, just do yourself well. Don't forget to read books, don't forget to practice, and combine knowledge with practice in many things. All children are likely to live a different life from others. The ideal education is bound to start from the self change of parents. As long as parents start from their daily happiness, the rest is to wait for the flowers to bloom.

Yin Ye, Being a Calm Parent, Guangdong Economic Publishing House, May 1, 2023, May 6, 2024. The 1450th book in total

[Guanzizi 68] Time to snap your fingers

Speak《 Song of the Pipa 》。 Starting from the preface, each of you will have a couplet to explain every step. You can talk as much as you can. If you can't explain clearly, I will add. One lesson was advanced to "it seems that I didn't succeed in life".

The scroll submitted her final written history exam My 2024 two weeks in advance. "What's the difference between the past and history? Personally, I think the past is more personal and personal, while the history will be more open... What is the present and what is the future? The past, the present and the future are interconnected. When I snap my fingers, when you say the present, the present is the past; When you talk about the future, the future becomes the present and then the past... People should not simply define whether their past is good or bad, because everything has its advantages and disadvantages. " More than a thousand words, I have my own ideas, concepts, events and summaries. Unfortunately, the handwriting is illegible and the "Jesus" of "Jesus" is wrongly written. A very small and important mistake resulted in B+.

In the afternoon, I took the ninth grade science comprehensive examination.

[Observing Freedom · 67] Perfect off topic and successfully recovered lessons

[Language] Bai Juyi's Two and a Half Articles

"Lotus Picking Song" is an old theme of Yuefu, and many people have written it. Today, Bai Juyi talked about "Lingye lingering in the waves and lotus rising in the wind", and by the way, he reviewed Wang Changling's "lotus leaf and skirt in one color".

"Rhombic leaves haunt the waves, the lotus rises in the wind". The Rhombic leaves are small and low, close to the water surface, so they are rippling; The lotus leaves are tall, so they sway in the wind. It only uses seven words, one big and one small, one high and one low, two kinds of dynamic. The goal of the school is for you to be proficient in Chinese and excellent in English. We may not be able to write such vivid poems, but at least we should learn to appreciate them, even if they are only shallow.

The explanation of the "boat pass" is that the two boats meet in the deep of the lotus pool to make an approach. But I don't think so. I think it should be called "traffic". "traffic" is a word in modern Chinese. In ancient Chinese, "jiao" means interaction, and "tong" means intercourse. It should be in the deep of the lotus pool, where boats come and go.

"Feng Lang wanted to say something and bowed his head and smiled, while Jasper scratched her head and fell into the water". A woman on the boat saw her sweetheart on the boat coming and going. She wanted to say hello and say something, but she was embarrassed. She bowed her head and smiled, and the jasper hairpin fell into the water. Did you pick up the hairpin? Who picked it up? Did the girl's sweetheart pick it up and give it back to her? A string of questions and an open end leave room for aftertaste.

It's not too difficult for the article "The Man Who Sells Charcoal". "The poor man's coat is just too thin, and his heart is worried about the low price of charcoal, and he would like to be cold in the sky". The sky fulfills his wish. "A foot of snow comes out of the city at night", so he "knows how to drive a charcoal cart through the ice" and sells charcoal in the city. It was just dawn and we started from Nanshan with a load of charcoal. At noon, we arrived at the city gate. The ice and snow melted, and the cattle were trapped and people were hungry. We had no choice but to rest in the mud. At this time, two subordinate palace envoys came, holding a document saying that they were ordered by the emperor to purchase charcoal, and led the cattle northward. "A car of charcoal weighs more than a thousand jin, and the envoy of the palace will not regret it". Originally, the old man was thinking about "where to buy the money from selling charcoal? The clothes and food on his body", and relying on the money from selling charcoal to buy food and clothing to solve the problem of food and clothing. The day was also the wish of people. When it was cold, the charcoal could be sold at a good price. But unexpectedly, the envoy of the palace dragged a cart of more than one thousand jin of charcoal without paying for it, and only tied half a piece of red silk gauze to the head of a cow to charge the price of charcoal. Half of the horse is no more than 6 meters long, and a zhang is no more than 3 meters long, and the total length is less than 10 meters. Besides, the gauze and damask are all silk fabrics. The old man who sells charcoal hopes that he can feed and clothe himself with this car of charcoal has also failed.

Based on the evil deeds of the palace envoy of "yellow emissary and white shirt" in the market procurement, this paper reviews the reasons for one of the "palace envoys strike" in the "Yongzhen innovation" that was mentioned in yesterday's class. The innovation failed after eight months, resulting in“ Two Wangs and Eight Simas ”Event.

"Pipa Line Parallel Preface" was read twice for all of you, emphasizing the pronunciation of more than ten words. To understand the content, you must first understand the pronunciation. Let's start tomorrow.

[Common Sense of Chinese Culture]

The original plan was to talk about the origin of the word "defect" and why "defective", "fault finding" and "old defects" are now used to refer to diseases, problems or shortcomings. But as always, from the beginning. As soon as Jun Haojun heard of the "problem", he thought of Cao Cao looking for Hua Tuo to cure his headache. In order to correct the meaning of the fourth tone of his "Hua" as a surname, such as Hua Xiong, and the first and second tones, when it is read as "flower", it is different from "flower". Take the "young peach" in the Book of Songs · Tao Yao as an example, and take the "strange trees in the court, green leaves bloom" in "19 ancient poems" and "strange trees in the court" as an example. "I went to a fake school before. The teacher said to read the second tone," said Shang Youjun.

Talking about the First of "Nineteen Ancient Poems" from "Strange Trees in the Court"《 Row Row Rerow Row 》, Mr. X Remembering the sentence "slender and plain hands, Zha Zha Nong Ji" in Altair Far Away, I introduced Mulan Ci from "Ji Zhuan" to "Do not hear the sound of Ji Zhuan, only hear the sigh of women". By the way, Mulan is not a historical figure, and it was in the Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties that she began to take the surname of flower. Mulan's opponent was the northern nomads, but at this time it was neither the Huns nor the Turks, but Rouran. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the peasants won the war with nomads for the first time, prompting the division of the Huns. The southern Huns returned to the Han Dynasty, and the northern Huns moved westward to establish the Hun Empire. Attila of the Hun Empire and later Genghis Khan of the Mongols were called by European Christians“ God's whip ”The two men. The Mongols moved westward, and the famous generals were afraid not to spend their time in the north of Jerusalem. They were defeated by the Egyptian army who used the Mongol tactics to fight with the Mongolian army. So the Mongolian army was defeated by itself in the end. Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel and Palestine, but it is actually controlled by Israel. More than 2 million Muslims are trapped in the Gaza Strip, which is the size of Guiyang City. Because Jerusalem is the holy land of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the situation is very complicated. Any monopolization by either side is likely to lead to a new round of "world war" - Christianity is the religion with the most sects in the world, with more than 10000 sects. American countries, mainly the United States and Canada, believe in Protestantism, Countries dominated by Russia believe in the Eastern Orthodox Church, while most of the old European countries believe in Catholicism. Jews hold a lot of wealth in the world, and Islamic countries in the Middle East hold more than half of the world's energy. At this time, the bell remembered. "So, once the world war is triggered, who is the one with the problem? 'Problem' and 'Mao' really have a relationship with Mao. Come on, take the textbook back and have a look." A perfect off topic lesson was successfully saved again. "President Dou, can we switch to Sanjinzhai in the future? Without maps, the time and space of geography and history are all based on imagination, which is not intuitive at all," said Shang Youjun. "OK, I will apply to Shuai."

The content of this lesson was originally prepared as follows: "defect" originally means that the hair on the horse is defective and gathers to form a vortex. This phrase comes from the book "Tiger Seal Classic" written by Xu Dong of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the book volume 10 "Horse Hair Interests No. 111", a batch of ominous horses are listed. These horses are all characterized by sick horse hair, such as "those with horizontal hair under the eyes are named dead and crying", "those with curly hair kissing the latter, named Yu Brown", "those with back hair under the armpit are named dead", etc, And came to the conclusion: "Those who have taken up the wrong horse will not benefit the owner."

[Reading Secretary 1449] Ma Boyong's Litchi in Chang'an

Li Shande has been admitted to the civil service for 19 years, but because he is not good at managing all kinds of relationships, even at the foot of the emperor in the capital, he is only a supervisor of the forestry department of the Si Nong Temple from the ninth grade at the age of 42. He is too small to be an official.

In order to settle down his wife and daughter, and for the family to have a home in Chang'an, Li Shande gritted his teeth and exhausted his savings, paid 30% down payment, loaned 2 million yuan (through), and settled the principal and interest of 3.92 million yuan (through) to buy a second-hand house outside the Fourth Ring Road. After completing the formalities, I thought that as long as I worked hard, I could pay off my debts slowly. But my boss and colleagues designed an impossible task to celebrate the birthday of the Imperial Concubine, transport fresh lychees from Lingnan 5000 miles away to Beijing, and the lychees would rot three days after they were picked.

Li Shande was forced to do what he could not do, and he had a slim chance to do it. Otherwise, the new life he was just about to start would suddenly end - his head was different, and his wife and daughter were sold as slaves because of debt. "Even if I fail, I also want to know how far I fall from the end."

In the end, of course, it is "a ride on the world of mortals and concubines laugh", but all kinds of hardships make it a "documentary" of the current working community animals who fought for their lives to risk landing. A general's achievements are withered, and he has to work hard for thousands of years. "The process is the rule that the weak should obey; If you still think of a little favor, raise your hand and you will be saved. Life and death are all in the hands of those immortals. They have no control, just like catkins and duckweeds. Alas, I am a person who has to obey the rules in everything, so I can't get along in the workplace, stay in the shopping mall, live in seclusion in villages and towns, and do not interact with people, so I can feel a little comfortable and peaceful with everyone.

Ma Boyong's Litchi in Chang'an, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, October 1, 2022, edition 1, printed, 118000 words, received at sunset yesterday, and finished reading this afternoon. Subsequent《 Daming under the microscope 》、《 Wind rises in Longxi 》、《 Three country secrets 》The fourth book after that is Ma Boyong. The 1449th book in total

[View Freedom, 66] A little new knowledge is added to the lessons

When Liu Yuxi finished his last article of "The Humble House", he completed one third of the theme of "Liu Bai".

Bai Juyi reviewed seven songs, including "Farewell to Ancient Grass", "Remembering Jiangnan", "Peach Blossoms in Dalin Temple", "Singing in the Evening River", "Spring Journey to Qiantang Lake", "Ask Liu Shijiu" and "Looking forward to the Bianshui River", and added some new knowledge with the class.

"Fu De Gu Yuan Cao Farewell" is Bai Juyi's exam oriented exercise when he was 16 years old.

Recalling the South of the Yangtze River was a teaching song in the Tang Dynasty, and became a lyric card in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. So when we see Recalling the South of the Yangtze River again, whether it is a teaching song or a lyric card depends on the author.

Peach Blossoms in Dalin Temple: Dalin Temple is located in Lushan Mountain. At this time, Bai Juyi was in charge of Sima in Jiangzhou.

In Song of the River at Dusk, "real pearl" means "pearl".

In the Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake, the "shade" of the "white sand embankment in the shade of the green poplar" connects the "shade".

In Ask Liu Shijiu, "Green Ant New Fermented Grains" is realistic“ scene of debauchery ”It is also realistic, because there was no distillation method in Tang Dynasty, and the newly brewed wine was slightly green.

"Long Lovesickness" is a word card, with Bai Juyi as the main body.

Tomorrow Bai Juyi's "The Man Who Sells Charcoal" and "The Parallel Preface of Pipa Line" are the focus of this theme“ Two Wangs and Eight Simas ”An extension of.

[Life Lessons for Rural Parents] 3: Freedom

"Mom, I also want a piece of bread," Dawa said to the lady sitting in the back row with Erwa.

"I want it too! I want it too!" Er Wa also echoed quickly.

"You and your brother will have one more. You will have breakfast when you get to school later, but you can't eat enough of this kind of bread. Do you want to have it, Dad?" asked the Taizuo.


"Dad has always been very disciplined. We should all learn from him."

"Self discipline leads to freedom. Of course, there is also a saying that" freedom leads to self-discipline ", but I think it is just a word game, because one cannot understand what freedom is without self-discipline. This is just like the conversation between Tang Xuanzang and Wang Xiang, the military general stationed at beacon tower——

"Wang Xiang said to Xuanzang:‘ A man who keeps precepts , seems very happy, but uncomfortable. '

"Xuanzang said, 'Be more comfortable.'

"Wang Xiang asked, 'Why?'

"Xuanzang replied:‘ Don't you worry about knowing what to do and what not to do? ’”

[Reading Secretary 1448] Jin Mei Peng Cuo's "Keeping Together"

"Science and technology can meet people's material needs and promote the improvement of living standards; Buddhism can bring spiritual happiness to people and dispel the darkness of the inner world.

"The biggest devil in the three worlds is holding to the concept of the ego All demons and ghosts are my subordinates. We get along with the great devil every day. There is no external devil except him. Mirarepa also said: 'If your heart has not become a devil, there is no devil in the outer world.'

"The source of all pain is actually self clinging. Only by fundamentally cutting off self clinging can pain disappear. Just as the Buddha of Silence said: 'All disasters, terror and pain in the world are born from self clinging.'

"Everyone is destined to follow this path in the near future - to leave this fickle world and his favorite relatives. Therefore, we don't need to be too persistent about everything in this life. Instead, we should seize the time to practice the Dharma for a long time and make full preparations for the arrival of death."

Buli, dictated by Jin Mei Pengcuo, compiled by Sodaji Khenpo, Chinese Press, January 1, 2014, edition 1, print. The 1448th book in total

Don't deny yourself, don't disturb his heart.

[Watching Freedom - 65] A man is a teenager until he dies

Added A little about the three poems that Teacher Panda said yesterday Liu Yuxi's two new poems, Zhuzhici, Yangliu Qingqingjiang Level and Rewarding Happy Yangzhou at the First Meeting, were introduced.

It is estimated that you do not know the person "Wang Dao" in the sentence "Yan in front of the old Wang Xie Hall" in Wuyi Lane. You can only say that Wang Dao was talked about in class, good Wang Dao. So we borrowed a copy of Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Orchard Pavilion Collection" in the classroom, and added that Wang Dao was Wang Xizhi's uncle. Wang Xizhi and his son Wang Xianzhi were called "Two Wangs" because of their calligraphy. This Wang family is different from Wang Weijia's Wang family, Wang Wei yes Taiyuan Wang Family , Wang Dao is the Wang family of Langya.

The sentence "Go to the home of the cowherd and the weaver girl" in "Waves Washing Sand, Nine Melodies of the Yellow River, Ten Thousand Miles Sand" adds two of the four versions of "Cowherd and the Weaver Girl", one of China's four major folk myths. First, the Weaver Maid is the little girl of the Emperor of Heaven. Her job is to weave clouds. But after marriage with the Cowherd, she was obsessed with love and delayed her work, so she was punished. One is the most widely known version. Niu Lang stole the clothes of the seven fairies who bathed in the river, so they fell in love at first sight. "What a fake school I went to! My former teacher talked about the latter version, but now it seems that this cowherd is a stinking rascal!" said the girls. "What are the two versions of Mr. Dou?" Bai asked.

"Good question! If you are interested, you can check it yourself."

"Isn't it true that the Weaver Maid has been in the sky for a year? The cowherd on the ground can't live to see the Weaver Maid, can they?" Wu said.

"Great! As for the time difference between heaven and earth, let's bury a foreshadowing here and continue later. Now we will start today's new lesson," Zhuzhici · Yangliuqingjiang Level "." I said.

Just because there is a word in "Zhuzhi Ci", it can't be considered as a word card. This is the poetic style adapted from folk songs where Liu Yuxi was demoted everywhere due to the incident of "two kings and eight horses". This is a poem playing "homophonic stem". "The sun rises in the east and the rain falls in the west, but the road is not clear, but there is clear" is to use the scenery to express feelings. This poem has two versions: "Listening to the singing voice on the Langjiang River" and "Listening to the singing voice on the Langjiang River". When the weather was warm and the peach trees were red and the willow trees were green, I heard the singing of my little brother from Jiang. Is he singing to me? Or sing to others? The mood is like "the sunrise in the east and the rain in the west". He is restless. "The road is sunny but sunny". Is he in love with me? "It must have resonated with all the young ladies and sisters in adolescence when they read this poem," I said.

"Ah... well... Dou, let's change the topic quickly!"

"Hahaha... OK. When the peach blossoms and the willow trees are green, not only the younger brothers and sisters, but also the old friends will get together." In 826, the second year of the Baoli era of Tang Jingzong, Liu Yuxi went to Luoyang from Hezhou, and Bai Juyi went to Luoyang from Suzhou. The two met in Yangzhou and had a meal together. Bai Juyi wrote a poem to Liu Yuxi at the dinner table, to the effect that you are too miserable, brother. This demotion has lasted for more than 20 years. Although you are talented, you are unlucky. You have lost too much in these years. Liu Yuxi also wrote a response to Bai Juyi, that is, "Reward Happy Yangzhou at the First Meeting".

"Bashan Chushui desolate place" refers to Liu Yuxi who was demoted everywhere because of the incident of "two kings and eight horses". He once served as the minister of horses in Kui Prefecture, which is located in Bashu;

"Twenty three years of abandonment" means that he has been demoted for twenty-three years, just like being abandoned by this era;

In "Nostalgic Ode of Singing and Listening to the Flute", "Ode of Listening to the Flute" refers to the allusion of Xiang Xiu in the Western Jin Dynasty, in memory of the dead old friends Wang Shuwen and Wang Pi, "Two Wangs";

The "Lanke", which "looks like a Lanke person in the countryside", refers to the story that Wang Zhi of the Western Jin Dynasty went into the mountain to cut firewood and met a fairy to play chess. After watching the chess for a while, he turned around and saw that the handle of the axe was rotten. When he returned to the village, he found that people of his own age were dead, and young people did not know his story. "This is another different story about the passage of time between heaven and earth besides the meeting of Cowboy and Weaver Girl once a year. Cowboy had to wait for a year to see Weaver Girl, but for Weaver Girl, Aaron saw her every day, so the Emperor of Heaven still loved her." I then said: "When it comes to seeing Aaron every day, I will talk about something. The simplified characters you are using were born in 1956, which is only half a century ago. Before that, the Chinese people used traditional characters, also called traditional characters. Personally, I think traditional Chinese characters are more cultural and vivid. Take the word 'township' as an example. Hometown has Lang, the people I miss and the things I have experienced with people there, so there is nostalgia. Now, the simplified word "Xiang" is just a winding road. So our course has progressed to the current level. According to the plan, the Chinese textbooks next semester will begin to use traditional characters in an all-round way. Are you surprised?! Are you surprised?! "


"Oh! No!"

"This is cruel!"

"Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees spring before the diseased tree". Don't be pessimistic and discouraged, brother. We still have unlimited possibilities. "Listen to your song today, and your spirit will grow with a cup of wine". After listening to the poem you wrote to me today, let's take a cup of wine and go, and cheer up our spirit. Let's go to a better future together!

At that time, Liu Yuxi returned to Beijing for the second time after being demoted, but Liu Zongyuan, one of the "two kings and eight Simas" who was demoted with him, was not so lucky.

Wang Shuwen is the prince's Go teacher. It is said that after the prince became Emperor Shunzong of Tang Dynasty, Wang Shuwen formed a cabinet to reform the corrupt politics. Shunzong's year was Yongzhen, so this reform was also called "Yongzhen Innovation". However, since Prince Li Song was unable to speak out because of the air gap when he became a Shun Zong, it is hard to say whether the Emperor wants to reform or the newly formed cabinet wants to reform. Everyone was unlucky. After 186 days of reform, Shun Zong abdicated to his son Li Chun, also known as Xianzong, and died of illness within a few days. Personally, I think Shun Zong may have died of illness. Because "Yongzhen Innovation" not only touched the force of eunuchs, but also threatened the vassal town. At that time, it was the eunuchs who actually held the power in the Tang Dynasty. Even the elite guards of 120000 Shence troops were also in the hands of eunuchs. If the emperor is disobedient, we should change him from inside to outside. As for the new cabinet members, stay where they are cool. So Wang Shuwen, Wang Pi's "two kings" and eight people including Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan were all demoted from Beijing. Since eight people were demoted to the post of Sima in each state, the "Yongzhen Innovation" was also known as the "Two Wangs and Eight Sima Event".

Ten years after leaving Beijing, Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan were summoned back to Beijing, ready to use them again. At that time, Liu Yuxi wrote a poem when he visited Xuandu Temple. He was demoted again because of the two lines in the poem, "There are thousands of peaches in Xuandu Temple, all of which are planted after Liu Lang went". Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Liuzhou and died there because of this. These two lines imply that you who are now in high positions did not all rise after I was demoted?

Another ten years later, he was called back to Beijing again and wrote "Happy Meal at the First Meeting in Yangzhou" at the dinner party between Yangzhou and Bai Juyi. Back in the capital, Liu Yuxi went to the Xuandu Temple again, and wrote another poem, "Visit the Xuandu Temple again", in which "Where do Taoists grow peaches go? Liu Lang came here again today" said: Eh? Where have all those people who have demoted me to a distant post before?! I Hu Hansan came back today! So men are teenagers until they die! What does it cost to be like this.

[Observing freedom, sixty-four] The ultimate goal of history class


This semester has only four teaching weeks. The last week is the unified examination of the Education Bureau, and the penultimate week is the final oral and written examination evaluation of our subject. There are only two teaching weeks in class. After discussing with the panda teacher, the Chinese class will be integrated in the past two weeks. I will talk about the key points and difficulties.

In today's Chinese class, Miss Panda talked about three songs by Liu Yuxi, namely, "Looking at the Dongting Court", "Waves Washing the Sand, Nine Melodies of the Yellow River, Ten Thousand Miles of Sand" and "Autumn Poems, Solitude in Autumn". I will say tomorrow that the theme of "Liu Bai" will focus on Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing".

If the speed of progress of the subject assignment of adults in Liushui is aided by God, it will rise from "F" to "A" in less than two six weeks. Both body and mind can grow freely in a free and respectful environment.

Before the end of the semester, Wu finally settled down on his own“ Comfort zone ”- No matter the soft pen hairpin small regular script or the daily notes and topic assignments, they are all "A". The next step is to encourage her to expand her "comfort zone" to history, geography, English and mathematics.

Chinese History

All the students from Grade 6 to Grade 9 in junior high school are in two classes of Chinese history.

Today's Chinese history class announced the exact time and content of the final evaluation of Chinese and Chinese history:

On July 1, submit the final written examination of Chinese "Education in the AI Era" and the final written examination of Chinese history "My 2024"; On July 3, the third six weeks of the Japanese semester, the "Glory Battle" - the championship of the semester and the championship of the academic year of the Flying Flower Festival PK.

I said, "You still have two weeks to finish these two final projects. So there is no new content in these two weeks' classes. You should use the time of these two classes to start thinking. You can discuss. If you are unclear, you can ask me, you can also put forward your ideas, or listen to my suggestions."

"How many words should I write?" asked Zi Yangjun, who participated in the final evaluation for the first time.

"There is no limit to the number of words. You can say it clearly in five words, or you can say it in five thousand words."

"If I write more, will the evaluation level be higher?" asked Zi Lejun, who also participated in the final evaluation for the first time.

"No, no, the number of words has nothing to do with the evaluation grade", Wu said hurriedly: "You are like I wrote more than 1000 words in my last project assignment, but the result is that Made a 'low-level mistake' and only got an 'F' So beans always look at quality rather than quantity. " I am indeed an old student. "For me There are similar painful lessons Ah, ha, ha... "The scroll echoed.

"Can Dou always give me some advice? This semester, all I learned is poetry. Can I string these poems together to express what I want to express?" Wu then asked.

"What do you think? If you want my advice, I think you can review this semester from the moon..."

"Yes, Mr. Dou, you know enough, you don't have to say anything." Wu quickly cut off my words.

"Mr. Dou, what do you think is' history '?" asked the Great Demon King.

"This is a good question! But I will not answer you, because that is my answer, not yours. You need to find your answer, then you come to me, and I will tell you my answer, so that we can all get different views on this question."

"Brother Dou, do you have any suggestions for me?" Liushui adults participated in this final evaluation for the first time, a little confused, understandable.

"It can be a chronological style, a biographical style, an event driven style, a time based comparison, or a keyword based style. For example..." I just saw the framework she started on the notebook, "that's great!"

"Can I express it in poetry?" asked Zi Kunjun, who was also involved in the final evaluation for the first time.

"Why not? There is no limit to the number of words and the genre. This is your 2024, not mine. But if you sing, you should sing it." I said.

"It's poetry, poetry, poetry, not songs," said Zi Kunjun.

"Yes! But I still think it's better to use songs."

"Good President Dou, I will listen to some of your suggestions."

"Then I will draw a picture to complete My 2024," said Prime Minister Zhang, who also participated in the final evaluation for the first time.

"Absolutely, but we should have a sense of readership, not talking to ourselves."

"What is reader awareness?"

"Every article, painting, poem and word you write is not written for me alone, but for everyone on this small planet. Your ideas should be conveyed through your works."

After lunch, the Great Devil came to my office and said, "President Dou, about the final evaluation of Chinese history, I want to find out what the two concepts of 'history' and 'present' are, because ¥%&* # @ ¥%..."

"How nice! If you can figure out these two concepts, it may be your greatest harvest in 2024. At this stage, don't care about the standard answers. History is not about memorizing those times, characters and times, but first of all, it is about establishing your own historical view, that is, understanding and methods of history. This is President Dou The ultimate goal of history course 。”

"Okay! I see!"

0.1% possibility for reading freedom

2024 is the 19th year of my blog, and I have typed a total of 2-3 million words, about half of which are reading notes, because more than 1400 books have been read in the last 10 years.

The total number of books purchased in the first five months of this year is not more than that in the previous two years. It is impossible to achieve the freedom of book purchase and reading by financial freedom in this life. but Received a book from the author last month The day before yesterday, I received an invitation from the publishing house, which made my withered heart to reading freedom seem to be slightly stirred - is there any way to get books from the publishing house to realize reading freedom indirectly? Can I try the book blogger on "Little Red Book"?

The "Little Red Book" has been launched for 10 years. Today, it is the first time to download, install and complete the registration content, and draw a self portrait with AI as the head portrait. Although the number of fans is only two digits in a year, and the possibility of continuously obtaining books from publishers through this way is only 0.1%, it is more reliable than the way of financial freedom, which is completely zero. And for me, the cost of time is the lowest - the content of reading notes has been completed in the blog, and only needs to be slightly modified to conform to the nature of the platform, and then take a few photos of the book at random, and send it every day.

In the evening, the first official note on the "Little Red Book", "Reading is like breathing, book is life", was issued. My first account and first fan were both "Yixian Book Company", a good start.

Reading is like breathing, and books are life. [About the Secretary of Chizhai Reading]

I don't want to be the majority of people in the Dead Poets Society who "live in quiet despair", but "what people usually see is what they want to see, and what they hear is what they want to hear" (Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird"). How can I live to be myself instead of anyone? So I, a middle-aged survivor who moved to the town, decided to save myself by reading.

Every year, I read nearly one hundred kinds of books, and nearly 2000 kinds of books in the past 20 years. I realized what Kenichi Sakamoto said in Today's Shop Break: "Reading makes my life more colorful and my vision more open. For me, reading is like breathing, and books are my life."
It has been six years since I used "Chizhai" as my study title. This Zhai refers to three things:

1、 Chizhai refers to face

The location of eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose. The Internal View of the Yellow Court · Spleen Department: "The main tune is the fragrance of grains and schisandra, which can dispel the weakness of people without disease or injury, and the appearance of the chi house is fragrant." The Internal View of the Yellow Court · Qiongshi: "An inch of land and a foot of house can cure people." Liang Qiuzi notes: "A foot house is a face." Song Luyou's poem "Learning Tao": "The spirit lives in a foot house, and the empty white is concentrated in the building."

2、 Chizhai refers to a not spacious residence

Song · Sushi's poem "To Wang Zhongsu Temple Cheng": "The feet of the house are enough to protect themselves, and every inch of land has more than enough space."

3、 Chizhai refers to worldly wisdom

The martial arts refer to the Jianghu, and the literati refer to the society. Seen in the bustle, people come and go, and people are happy, angry, sad, and happy. According to my worst worldly wisdom, Ma Yifu said in his poem, "One foot house is the Jianghu".

[Secretary of Chizhai Reading] is not only a record of daily reading, but also a life course changed by books.