Industrial UAV _ UAV reaction equipment _ application field _ intelligent patrol inspection - clairvoyant aviation
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UAV intelligent patrol

Bridge inspection Railway inspection Pipeline inspection Mining exploration

Nowadays, the development of urban economy largely depends on transportation infrastructure. However, most urban infrastructures were built in the last century, and regular maintenance is crucial to maintain urban operation efficiency and public safety. The clairvoyant aerial UAV supports multiple UAV photogrammetry apps, and the images taken in the air can be accurately restored to the ground coordinates. The customized software used can quickly process the data and convert them into two-dimensional orthophoto maps and three-dimensional models accurate to centimeters. These data allow experts to evaluate the transportation system more efficiently. UAVs can also be used for traffic monitoring. The aerial monitoring effect that was previously achieved by helicopters can now be achieved by unmanned aerial vehicles. Efficient global monitoring can reduce traffic accidents and congestion.

Road and bridge patrol inspection

Nowadays, the development of urban economy largely depends on transportation infrastructure. However, most urban infrastructures were built in the last century, and regular maintenance is crucial to maintain urban operation efficiency and public safety. Dajiang UAV supports multiple UAV photogrammetry apps, and the images taken in the air can be accurately restored to ground coordinates. The customized software used can quickly process the data and convert them into two-dimensional orthophoto maps and three-dimensional models accurate to centimeters. These data allow experts to evaluate the transportation system more efficiently. UAVs can also be used for traffic monitoring. The aerial monitoring effect that was previously achieved by helicopters can now be achieved by unmanned aerial vehicles. Efficient global monitoring can reduce traffic accidents and congestion.

Railway patrol inspection

The UAV can carry high-definition cameras and cameras to fly to dangerous rock places above the railway, send images back to the ground in real time, and collect data on dangerous rocks, geology and landform. At the same time, through aerial panorama presentation, it effectively avoids the hidden danger blind corner that is caused by the impossibility of human troubleshooting, and also greatly reduces the early workload. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of locomotives on the line and avoid the unknown risks of locomotives, workers need to check every mountain and every dangerous rock one by one; Sometimes you have to climb steep slopes or even cliffs more than ten meters high. Therefore, the risk almost certainly exists, and it is only uncertain when to encounter injury. Now using "UAV" aerial photography is tantamount to skillfully using new technology to avoid or even completely bypass the risk of personal injury and ensure personal safety.

UAV port patrol

UAV technology has huge application space in ports. The UAV carries a high-definition camera, which can carry out real-time dynamic monitoring of the departure range in and around the port, and assist the port management personnel in daily dispatching management. Combined with UAV 3D modeling technology, the volume of iron and other media accumulated in the port can be accurately measured; The UAV can also be used to assist in the observation of ship draft, greatly improving the efficiency of port operation and saving a lot of capital costs.

Mine patrol surveying and mapping

The use of advanced UAVs for rapid data acquisition will significantly improve the operational efficiency of the mine and effectively solve the dilemma of mining enterprises. The precision of UAV ground control point measurement is up to sub centimeter level, and it is fast and convenient. It can also automatically analyze and calculate the material accumulation, obtain valuable operation data, and save a lot of equipment and fuel costs for the mine. Users can use the DJI SDK developer kit to develop powerful applications. For example, the automatic pipeline detection is realized through the longitude and latitude M100 UAV equipped with laser radar, which improves the safety and significantly reduces the cost.

Application case

Company news

UAV Expressway Patrol Technology Helps Traffic

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What are the factors that affect the accuracy of UAV aerial survey

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What are the precautions when using UAV for patrol inspection?

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What are the daily application scenarios of patrol UAVs?

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UAV patrol to ensure power grid safety in summer peak

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