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UAV water conservancy and environmental protection

UAV water area patrol, water environment monitoring, flood and drought disaster prevention, flood fighting and rescue

China is a country with many types of natural disasters and high frequency of occurrence, especially in recent years, water conservancy disasters occur frequently, resulting in heavy losses of national property and people's lives and properties. The UAV system uses the advantages of aviation technology, network information technology, communication technology and 3S (remote sensing, geographic information, global positioning system) technology to have broad application prospects in flood and drought disaster prevention, pollution monitoring and emergency response. As an important means of spatial data acquisition, UAV has the characteristics of real-time image transmission, high-risk area detection, low cost, high resolution, mobility and flexibility. It is a powerful supplement to traditional satellite remote sensing, as well as an important supplementary means for conventional water conservancy information monitoring on the ground and emergency treatment of sudden disasters. The technology of UAV application in water conservancy monitoring is relatively mature, mainly including water conservancy project monitoring, flood disaster monitoring, drought and water shortage monitoring, water environment pollution monitoring, river bed and river channel monitoring, inland lake and reservoir monitoring.

UAV flood and drought disaster monitoring

As an important means of spatial data acquisition, UAV has the characteristics of real-time image transmission, high-risk area detection, low cost, high resolution, mobility and flexibility. It is a powerful supplement to satellite remote sensing, as well as an important supplementary means for conventional water conservancy information monitoring on the ground and emergency treatment of sudden disasters. Water area modeling: high-definition images obtained by UAV aerial photography can be used to generate high-precision 3D image models of water area and surrounding areas through the GIS geographic information application system of the launch application. Inundation simulation: the GIS geographic information system applied by Qifei can simulate and analyze the flood inundation based on the real 3D ground scene. Thus, it can be deduced in advance, eliminate hidden dangers and formulate response plans, providing important technical support for flood control. Spatial measurement: Qifei's GIS geographic information system can calculate the volume of various dimensions such as length, area, volume, excavation and filling based on the three-dimensional model, which can greatly reduce the cost of water conservancy project planning and greatly improve the efficiency. Image comparison: 3D modeling can store 3D geographic data at different periods and even at different time points in the water area. By comparing data at different time points, it can provide important basic data for water conservancy research and planning.

UAV water area patrol

The UAV can carry high-definition camera, thermal imaging, zoom camera and other equipment to carry out high-altitude high-speed patrol on rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other waters. Based on the aerial perspective of UAV, patrol personnel can obtain a broader perspective without missing any details; The high-definition digital image transmission system can obtain real-time image information within the range of 5km-50km; Automatic flight route setting and other functions are highly automated throughout the patrol process, which greatly saves manpower. The UAV system applied by Qifei has a broad application prospect in areas such as illegal construction of waters, river pollution discharge, and illegal treatment of water. Investigation and treatment of construction violations: Qifei uses UAVs and HD cameras to carry out water surface patrol from high altitude, which can effectively find various illegal buildings that occupy rivers and lakes, threaten shipping and water conservancy safety, purify water areas and eliminate potential safety hazards. Pollution investigation: Qifei's UAV equipped with 30x zoom camera and thermal imaging camera can effectively find various sewage sneak shots, and HD camera can take high-resolution pictures of pollution degree, distribution and other status quo to help pollution control. Handling illegal ships: Qifei's UAV equipped with HD camera can effectively find illegal ships such as illegal sand suction ships and illegal fishing boats. The thermal imaging camera can identify ships at night, providing all-weather support for law enforcement on the water surface

UAV water environment monitoring

As a powerful task platform, the UAV can carry various environmental equipment and instruments for environmental monitoring and pollution control in the water area, in addition to carrying out water area patrol to find pollution spots. Water body sampling: The UAV water intake system applied by Start Flight can obtain water body samples at precise points and underwater depths within 5-0km through highly automated operation, which can greatly reduce the original sampling cost and completely avoid any safety risks that operators may face. Water body analysis: the UAV water body analysis equipment used by Start Flight can conduct real-time analysis of water bodies. The water quality monitoring probe can penetrate into the water for 1-2 meters, which can accurately monitor the actual situation of water quality and eliminate possible interference from UAVs or water surface. Water vegetation analysis: Qifei uses UAVs equipped with multi spectral cameras and other equipment to obtain multi-layer pipe images of the water area, and based on this, analyze and judge the vegetation type and distribution of the water area. Compared with traditional means, it greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy.

UAV flood fighting and rescue

For a long time, China's flood control supervision and rescue methods and work are more traditional, lacking more accurate, scientific and convenient related equipment and technology. The emergence of UAV technology will help to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of flood control and rescue work. Disaster investigation: when a flood disaster occurs, it is very important to obtain the real-time on-site information of the disaster area for disaster processing and response. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with HD camera can quickly and efficiently obtain the on-site dynamic information, while avoiding various risks and uncertainties faced by personnel on-site investigation. Emergency rescue: The occurrence of natural disasters such as floods often leads to many people trapped in dangerous areas in floods who cannot be evacuated in time. Traditionally, rescuers need to take boats or even wade on foot to rescue. There are considerable risks. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) throwing system used by Qifei can directly air drop materials such as life jackets to trapped people, It can even deliver the lifeline to the trapped, greatly improving the efficiency and safety of rescue work. Communication relay: In flood disasters, infrastructure is often vulnerable to damage, roads are destroyed, and communication is interrupted. At this time, the use of UAV equipped with signal relay devices can provide signal relay services for large areas in the shortest time, so as to ensure smooth communication in disaster areas and timely transmission of various information.

Application case

Application of UAV in ecological protection

In recent years, with the increasingly serious environmental pollution, environmental protection has become the focus of attention. In order to strengthen environmental protection, more and more cities have begun to use environmental monitoring UAV technology. So, no environmental monitoring

Application of UAV in water quality monitoring

In the current application of water quality monitoring, unmanned aerial vehicles are often used as the carrier of water quality monitoring systems. Based on different monitoring purposes and actual environmental conditions, water sampling and water quality monitoring systems can be flexibly established, which can greatly improve the efficiency of water sampling and water quality monitoring. So

Advantages of UAV in water quality monitoring

The application of UAV in the field of water environment protection is a new technology, but it has developed rapidly through the advantages of high efficiency and low cost. Because the inland water environment is relatively complex, the water area is small, and the pollution types are diversified, the requirements for data accuracy are very high. On

Advantages of UAV in the field of environmental protection detection

With the progress of the times, all walks of life have developed rapidly under the promotion of the country, but the environmental problems caused by excessive development are also very serious. Today, environmental issues are a hot topic discussed around the world. Environmental pollution, water and gas pollution are closely related to our lives. Because

What to do at night with environmentally friendly UAVs?

Previously, most environmental friendly UAVs were used in the daytime, with good stability and exploration effect. The UAV can also carry corresponding small environmental protection detection equipment, which can effectively sample and transmit corresponding data in real time, with more stable effect. But night patrol needs

What can environmental UAVs detect?

The use of environmental friendly UAVs to monitor the atmospheric environment can make up for the shortcomings of traditional monitoring methods and improve work efficiency. UAV is not just a flight platform. When it carries different accessories such as pneumatic detection pods, it can do many things: First, the daily environment