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Knowledge enables scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation helps promote new industrialization, supports and cultivates new quality productivity

Party Committee of China Industrial Information Publishing Media Group
Source: Banner net 15:35, June 11, 2024
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China Industrial Information Press and Media Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Group) adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, deeply studies and implements Xi Jinping's cultural thought, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new quality productivity, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new industrialization, and strengthens the Party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideological and cultural work, We will give full play to the role of the national team of science and technology publishing, the leader of cultural digitalization, and the main force of cultural security, take on new cultural missions, empower scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation with high-quality knowledge services, help promote new industrialization, support the cultivation of new quality productivity, and provide strong support for the construction of a manufacturing power, a network power, and a cultural power.

Deeply grasp the connotation and relationship between new quality productivity and new industrialization

Both the new quality productivity and the new industrialization are major theoretical innovations of the sinicization of Marxism. It is the basic view of Marxism that theory originates from practice and guides practice. The new quality productivity is driven by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries. It takes the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination as its basic connotation, and the significant increase in total factor productivity as its core symbol. It is characterized by innovation, the key is quality, and its essence is advanced productivity. New industrialization is a new exploration of the economic development model under the guidance of the new development concept. It has the characteristics of the times and Chinese characteristics, and is a new concept of industrial development in the new era. The new quality productivity and new industrialization, both derived from the great practice of serving the high-quality development of the new era, are important contents of the theoretical system of Chinese modernization, and are major theoretical innovations in the sinicization of Marxism.

New quality productivity and new industrialization are closely related and mutually reinforcing concepts. The new quality productivity led by scientific and technological innovation is the core driving force to promote new industrialization, and the new industrialization characterized by the integration of data and reality and green intelligent manufacturing is the main position to speed up the formation of new quality productivity, both of which are unified and common. The combination of the two lies in technological innovation and industrial innovation. Both new quality productivity and new industrialization have the basic characteristics of digitalization, intelligence, greening and integration, and there are multiple interaction paths such as scientific and technological innovation, institutional change, industrial transformation, factor agglomeration, "multiple integration", bottleneck breakthrough, and facility carrying. The starting point of the two is talent training. Labourers are the basic elements of the new quality productivity. The development of new quality productivity and the promotion of new industrialization are in urgent need of improving the quality of all kinds of talents. It is not only necessary to cultivate top talents in basic disciplines, cross disciplines and emerging disciplines that lead to source innovation, but also need to cultivate a large number of engineering and technical talents and large country craftsmen and skilled craftsmen. The foothold of both is high-quality development. Accelerating the cultivation and formation of new quality productive forces and promoting new industrialization with Chinese characteristics can accelerate the endogenous power of industrial reform, promote self-reliance in science and technology, and build a modern industrial system with international competitiveness, which can provide a solid material foundation and powerful power support for the realization of Chinese style modernization and achieve high-quality development.

Empowering new industrialization and new quality productivity with knowledge services

As a science and technology publishing and media enterprise, the Group, based on its main responsibility, gives full play to its professional advantages, actively promotes the ICT knowledge empowerment project, the new science and technology publishing action, the ICT education innovation project, the digital transformation and upgrading project, enables scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation and talent innovation with knowledge services, and actively engages in services to promote new industrialization Cultivate and develop new quality productive forces.

Promote the ICT knowledge empowerment project and enable scientific and technological innovation. Adhere to the "four orientations", promote the ICT knowledge empowerment project, empower scientific and technological innovation, and create a diversified knowledge service system. First, implement the project of high-quality book publishing. Focusing on the new generation of information technology, 6G, quantum theory, intelligent manufacturing, aerospace, new materials, new energy and other cutting-edge theories and the development of "choke" technology, we will create a number of high-quality monographs that reflect the development of science and technology, innovative teaching materials to cultivate scientific and technological talents, and popular science books to improve scientific literacy. The second is to implement the periodical cluster quality improvement project. Focusing on the core fields of information communication, electronic information and industrial manufacturing, we will build a domestic first-class and internationally renowned cluster of ICT sci-tech journals, promote the digital transformation of sci-tech journals, expand the new media matrix, tell a good story of ICT, and spread the voice of ICT. Third, implement the project of building industry research think tanks. Build a new think tank based on Huaxin Research Institute, promote in-depth research on digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, integrated circuit, "One Belt and One Road", industrial investment and financing policies, and build a scientific and technological innovation knowledge enabling platform based on research consulting, information services, and enterprise diagnosis.

We will promote new scientific and technological publishing and enable industrial innovation. Comply with the trend of a new round of scientific and technological industry revolution, promote new scientific and technological publishing action, enable industrial innovation, and promote independent and controllable key industrial chains. First, promote the systematization of technology application topic selection. Focus on key software, integrated circuits, mobile communication equipment, high-end equipment, automobiles, industrial robots and other industrial chains, publish books on applied technology, promote the systematization of topics in information technology, engineering technology, natural science and other fields, and support and strengthen the application and iteration of key technologies. The second is to promote the systematization of topics for industrial transformation. Focusing on transforming and upgrading traditional industries, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, laying out and building future industries, promoting the systematization of topics such as transformation of technological achievements and transformation of modern industrial system, helping to build an independent, controllable, safe and reliable industrial chain supply chain, and improving industrial innovation capability. The third is to promote the systematization of digital economy topics. Focusing on the digital leadership of strategic industries, the popularization of digital applications in different industries, and the digital innovation of SMEs, we will promote the systematization of topics such as data, computing power, artificial intelligence, digital economy, industrial economy, industrial management, and digital literacy, and promote the innovation and development of the digital economy.

Promote the innovation project of ICT education and enable talent innovation. Smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents, implement the innovation project of ICT education, enable talent innovation, and serve the strategy of strengthening the country with talents. First, earnestly perform the duties of the Planning and Textbook Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. High quality and efficient support, selection and cultivation of excellent teaching materials and curriculum systems in the field of ICT, service and cultivation of strategic talents leading basic scientific and technological innovation and promoting new industrialization. The second is to promote the three-year action of textbook construction and management. Focusing on strategic emerging fields and the construction of textbooks planned by the 14th Five Year Plan, we will strengthen the construction of textbooks for core courses in key areas of basic disciplines and new engineering, promote the construction of high-quality textbooks for vocational education, cultivate strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovative teams, and cultivate outstanding engineers and great craftsmen. Third, accelerate the construction of digital textbooks. Implement the national education digital strategy, adhere to the market orientation, upgrade the digital teaching platform, strengthen the development, publication, promotion and application of digital teaching materials, and build a new ecological environment for the development of smart education.

Promote the digital transformation and upgrading project, and cultivate new quality productivity of publishing. Implement the national cultural digitalization strategy, promote the digital transformation and upgrading action, and expand the new scene, new business form and new model of cultural publishing. First, strengthen digital transformation to adapt to the new situation. Adhere to "artificial intelligence+publishing", strengthen the intelligent transformation of the whole publishing process and the development of the AIIC publishing AI model, and improve the level of digital intelligence of publishing. Second, promote integrated development and expand new publishing formats. We will improve the development guidance mechanism, promote the construction of the new media platform for ICT featured science popularization and the intelligent platform for ICT knowledge services, actively create an emerging publishing business platform with revenue of 10 million yuan, and promote the large-scale development of emerging publishing business. Third, deepen reform and development to shape the new momentum of the Group. Take the opportunity of deepening and improving the reform of state-owned enterprises and the implementation of the newly revised Company Law, optimize the corporate governance structure, improve the operational efficiency, strengthen the construction of the cadre talent team, stimulate the enthusiasm of cadres and employees for entrepreneurship, and shape the new momentum of reform and development of the Group.

(Edited by: Yan Yi, signed by: Yan Yi, signed by: Zhao Pin)