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Branch secretary talks about "four strong" (2): Jin Xin, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Research Office of the Central External Liaison Department

Jin Xin, Central United Department
08:35, May 27, 2024
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To polish the background of political organs, adhere to the unity of knowledge and practice, and highlight the characteristics of "research"

The Research Office of the Central Foreign Liaison Department is mainly responsible for conducting comprehensive research on the international situation, the situation of world political parties and major international issues, and coordinating all research work. In recent years, the Party branch of the Research Office has carefully studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 9" important speech, adhered to the leadership of the political construction of the Party, and continued to promote the deep integration of party building and business work.

In April 2023, the Youth League Committee of the Joint Department of the Party Branch of the Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China jointly held the theme party day of dialogue and exchange between young party members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and foreign party leaders at the CPC History Exhibition Hall.

One way: polish the background of political organs and firmly implement the "two safeguards"

For the research laboratory, a political organ at the forefront of the international ideological struggle, adhering to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is undoubtedly of great significance for us to always adhere to political beliefs, stand firm in political positions, and focus on political direction in the face of major issues of right and wrong.

In recent years, based on the Party's foreign work practice, we have insisted on serving the major diplomatic agenda of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the key, consciously acted as the pacesetter in implementing the first square of "two safeguards", and contributed to enriching and developing Xi Jinping's diplomatic thoughts.

The high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the world political parties held in March 2023 is the first home multilateral diplomatic event attended by General Secretary Xi Jinping in person after the 20th CPC National Congress. The Party branch took the implementation of major tasks as the touchstone to test the organizational strength of the branch, and with a high sense of mission and responsibility, it undertook the task of drafting important documents for the dialogue meeting, and consciously applied the results of daily theoretical learning to the writing of documents.

We have thoroughly studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on carrying forward the common values of all mankind and advocating exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations. Once the global civilization initiative was put forward, it triggered a warm response at the phenomenal level in the international community. Together with the global development initiative and the global security initiative, it constitutes the "three pillars" of the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Party branch of the Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China carried out collective learning.

Practice 2: Insist on the unity of knowledge and practice, and comprehensively promote high-quality development of work

We adhere to the party building work to guide the development of various businesses, and strive to transform the learning results into the driving force for high-quality development of our work.

At present, as China is getting closer to the center of the world stage and more and more developing countries are "looking east" and "learning from the east", we are deeply introducing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to the international community, especially developing countries, and constantly improving the international influence and appeal of our party's innovative theory, facing important strategic opportunities, This puts forward new and higher requirements for the theoretical study of Party branch members. Our experience is that the study of the Party's innovation theory should not only focus on "internalization", but also strengthen "transformation".

In July 2022, on the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will hold a forum between the Communist Party of China and the world's Marxist political parties with the theme of "localization and modernization of Marxism in the 21st century". In the preparation process of the forum, we consciously integrated the world significance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the great significance of the leadership core for the construction of Marxist political parties into the whole process of agenda design, manuscript writing, news reporting and other work, and invited 108 Marxist political parties from 72 countries and more than 400 foreign representatives to attend the meeting. On the day of the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the forum. The forum has achieved the expected goal of creating a good external environment for the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress, and is also another important test of the theoretical learning achievements of the Party branch.

As the policy research department of the foreign affairs unit, whether the role of the Party branch is strong or not, and whether the vanguard and exemplary role of the Party members is outstanding, the key is that the research on the international situation is not thorough, and whether the countermeasures and suggestions put forward to the Party Central Committee are practical and effective. We consciously transformed our learning achievements into in-depth thinking on major strategic issues such as the international pattern and foreign strategy. A large number of research achievements were approved by the central leadership. 27 articles on policy interpretation and situation analysis were published or reprinted in the People's Daily, Qiushi, Xinhua Digest and other newspapers and media, forming a distinctive style and creating their own distinctive brands.

Practice 3: highlight the characteristics of "research" and strive to explore a new model of Party branch construction

We explore the organic combination of external exchanges and the construction of the Party branch, carry out the characteristic activity of "Party building+foreign affairs", and realize the dual role of party member education and external publicity.

In April 2023, we received a delegation of world communist party theoretical cadres from 20 countries, including six party presidents, vice presidents and general secretaries, to visit China. During his stay in Beijing, the Communist Party branch and the Youth League Committee of the Central Committee jointly held the theme party day of "cross space and time sharing ideas" - the dialogue and exchange between young Communist Party members of the Central Committee and foreign Communist Party leaders in the CPC History Exhibition Hall. Accompanied by the youth of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the foreign guests first visited the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China. During the introductions by the commentators and one-on-one exchanges with the youth, they had a deep understanding of the centennial struggle history of the Communist Party of China, especially the brilliant achievements under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. After the visit, the participating CPC members held a ceremony to review the oath of joining the Party, and the foreign guests observed it. After that, the Chinese and foreign youth representatives read the classic Marxist literature with deep feelings. In the steady and vigorous music, the youth representative of the Central Committee Association Department first recited the excerpts of the keynote speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the world political parties, focusing on the important discourse of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Chinese style modernization. When reading that "we will always closely link our own destiny with the destiny of the people of all countries, and strive to provide new opportunities for world development with the new achievements of Chinese style modernization", the foreign guests gave warm applause one after another. Haidar, a member of the Lebanese Communist Party, read the excerpts of the Communist Manifesto in English. When he read aloud "Proletarians all over the world, unite", the representatives of the Communist Party of all countries at the scene spontaneously recited together. The last arrangement of the event was particularly exciting, with Chinese and foreign comrades singing the solemn "Internationale" together. A dozen different languages, including Chinese, English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Danish, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Sinhalese and so on, sing loudly and loudly with each other, expressing firm beliefs, common ideals and sincere friendship. Through participating in the activities, the majority of young comrades have more deeply realized that only by "learning deeply and understanding thoroughly" can they "speak deeply and thoroughly" to the outside world.

In April 2023, the Youth League Committee of the Joint Department of the Party Branch of the Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China jointly held the theme party day of dialogue and exchange between young party members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and foreign party leaders at the CPC History Exhibition Hall. The picture shows foreign guests watching the ceremony of CPC members reviewing the oath of joining the Party.

We focus on exploring the integration mode of party building and business that conforms to the characteristics of the research room. Party building and business do not engage in "physical splicing", but focus on generating "chemical reaction". The "three meetings and one lesson" focuses on integrating basic theories, current affairs and working methods. Each theoretical learning is combined with research topic planning and situation trend analysis to carry out problem oriented "research-based" learning. After General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered his latest important speech, the Party branch immediately understood the essence of the theory, and made a good interpretation in foreign exchanges. In 2023, the Party branch secretary won the first prize in the collection of high-quality Party courses for the secretary of grass-roots Party organizations of the central and state organs. Young comrades from the Party branch participated in the research and research activities of the Youth Theory Study Group of the central and state organs on "key issues" and won the grand prize and the "top ten research reports".

We attach importance to mutual learning and mutual learning with our brother units. According to the relevance of our work, we have repeatedly carried out joint learning and joint construction with the Party branches of relevant units. We have continued to build Party building brands such as the Party branch journal "Seeking Truth" and "Broad Information Lecture Hall", and strengthened internal publicity and education. Seeking Truth is an internal journal regularly compiled and distributed by the Party branch. The "learned lecture hall" is an internal forum for Party members in the branch. These two platforms promote each other and become an important carrier for Party members to enlighten their thoughts and learn from practice.

(Edited by: Bai Xiang Signed by: Bai Xiang Signed by: Zhao Pin)