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Promote high-quality development of cause with high-quality party building of organs -- Sidelights of the first experience exchange meeting on the construction of "four strong" party branches of the central and state organs in 2024

Wu Hui
Source: Banner net 12:15, May 21, 2024
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On May 11, Beijing, where Li Xia had just passed, was sunny. In 2024, the first experience exchange meeting on the construction of the "four strong" party branches of the central and state organs will be held in the China Meteorological Administration. Zou Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs, Chen Zhenlin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director General of the China Meteorological Administration, attended and delivered a speech. Zhang Lu, Member of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs and Director of the Grassroots Organization Construction Guidance Department, presided over the exchange meeting. More than 300 party branches from the central and state organs participated in the meeting.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan, and the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party building work conference of the central and state organs. Zou Xiaodong pointed out that this exchange meeting is just a powerful measure to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs and the spirit of the important instructions on the construction of grass-roots party organizations of the central and state organs, and to summarize and promote the "four strong" in the form of "branch secretaries speak, branch secretaries listen, and branch secretaries comment" The Party branch's experience in creating work, giving full play to its exemplary role, and promoting the high-quality development of the construction of grass-roots Party organizations of the central and state organs.

The central and state organs are the "first square" to practice the "two maintenance" and the "first kilometer" to implement the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee. "This requires us to take the lead in adhering to and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, and persevere in promoting the overall quality and efficiency improvement of party building in the organs." Chen Zhenlin said, "We look forward to the sparks of thought from today's exchanges, which will become a new starting point to promote the construction of high standard 'four strong' party branches, create a good atmosphere for the central and state organs to jointly build, share, and promote each other, and stimulate the great power to further promote the new great project of party building."

At the exchange meeting, party branch secretaries from 7 departments including the Central External Liaison Department, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Medical Security Administration, and the China Meteorological Administration exchanged advanced ideas and innovative methods to create "four strong" party branches through vivid cases and true feelings, Share the vivid practice of leading and promoting the high-quality development of the cause with high-quality party building in their respective fields.

The two-hour exchange meeting is not only a platform for exchange, a stage for display, but also a platform for training. The atmosphere is warm and positive.

Focusing on strengthening the political function, there is such a way of thinking - practice the "two maintenance" and take the "first square"

The "four strong" party branches regard the strong political function as the foundation of the branch construction, continue to make efforts on the "first square", guide party members and cadres to firmly support the "two establishment", and take the lead in achieving the "two maintenance".

"We always regard learning and understanding the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions and instructions as a 'required course', and constantly enhance comrades' 'alignment thinking' and 'political mind'." Wang Wenjun, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Medical Security Business Management Center of the National Medical Security Bureau, shared his experience and practices in highlighting the positioning of political organs, "When studying measures and deploying work at ordinary times, the first idea that pops up in my mind is to think about how General Secretary Xi Jinping instructs and instructs the CPC Central Committee, what decisions and arrangements the CPC Central Committee has, make benchmarking become political consciousness, and ensure that the final work results conform to the decision-making intention of the CPC Central Committee." Taking the popularity of tourism in Harbin as an example, The party branch implemented the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on medical security work, and guided the medical insurance departments of Heilongjiang Province and Harbin City to provide convenient cross provincial cross regional medical treatment settlement services for 111000 person times within four months based on the national cross regional medical treatment settlement platform.

The Party Branch of the Department of International Cooperation of the China Meteorological Administration has established the first issue system, formulated a regular learning plan, and achieved constant learning, everyone speaking, and collective brainstorming. "Use Xi Jinping's diplomatic thinking to guide Party members and cadres, actively carry out international cooperation, and let Chinese programs and Chinese technology take advantage of the wind of jointly building the" Belt and Road "like a" dandelion "to travel far and take root and benefit the whole world." Zeng Qin, secretary and director of the party branch mentioned in the sharing that Party members found "one country, one policy" and "twinning" from General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important statements Bilateral cooperation ideas and measures such as "teaching people to fish".

Theory learning should not only focus on "internalization", but also strengthen "transformation".

"Take in-depth study, understanding and implementation of the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the 'first step' to carry out the work." Chen Kelong, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that the branch insisted on carrying out the brand building of the branch work of "learning, thinking and writing the post station", that is, members around the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Combined with the central work, use the fragmented time to write a hundred words to learn. Over the past four years, Party members and cadres have written more than 400 articles and put forward more than 1200 work suggestions, effectively combining theoretical learning with practical application.

In order to strengthen the branch team, there is such a way that we should not only play the role of "head sheep" but also inject youth strength

Whether the branch is strong or not depends on the "head sheep". The branch team, especially the branch secretary, is vital to the construction of the Party branch.

"The team is the 'commander' and the 'vanguard'." The Party branch of the Security and Control Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce is well aware of this truth. The branch team insisted on thinking first and deeply, exploring the specific path of implementing the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party in connection with reality, implementing various responsibilities in detail, and striving to be the first person responsible for politics; Take the lead in overcoming difficulties, study the situation, analyze countermeasures, and try to be the leader in business.

Party branch members are indispensable to the construction of the Party branch and the consolidation of the organizational foundation of the Party.

"We have clarified the responsibilities of the members of the branch, requiring them to strictly implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and consciously 'draw seven chapters' in terms of leading by example, one post with two responsibilities, loyalty to duty, pioneering, pragmatic, solidarity and cooperation, and strengthening learning, so as to set a good example in the face of major tasks," said Jiang Qianliang, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Safety and Control Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce.

The Party branch of the Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission has adhered to the correct selection and employment orientation, coordinated the training of party cadres and business cadres, and timely elected young cadres with excellent political quality and strong business ability as branch members, while providing a broader platform for young cadres, it has also injected "fresh water" into the work of the branch. "At present, in addition to the secretary and deputy secretary of our branch, all the five branch members are outstanding young cadres born around 1990, including three deputy directors," said Liu Ming, secretary and director of the branch.

Focusing on strengthening the ranks of Party members, we have taken such measures - flexibly use positive incentives and set up reverse constraints

Party members are the cells of the Party's body. How to activate every cell to make the body of the Party organization stronger? I can see it in ordinary times. The Party branch of the Research Office of the Central External Liaison Department explored the organic combination of external exchanges and branch construction, carried out a series of activities of "Party building+foreign affairs", and held a party day activity themed with "cross space and time sharing ideas" between young party members and foreign party leaders, which not only educated party members, but also publicized to the outside world. Through such activities, young Party members have more deeply realized that only by "learning and understanding" can they "speak and understand" Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

In addition to the positive excitation, the reverse constraint is also indispensable. The Party Branch of the Natural Resources Registration Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources has built a national registration personnel information database covering nearly 110000 people, and a database of nearly 100 warning cases. It has reported typical cases of style problems at the registration window, warned people around with things around them, and educated and guided the party members to do things without accidents.

The anchoring role should be strengthened and such actions should be taken - serving the overall development of the country and always adhering to the supremacy of the people

A strong role is the foothold of the construction of the "four strong" party branches and the touchstone to test the achievements of the "four strong" party branches.

At the exchange meeting, all party branches showed fruitful results in promoting the deep integration of party building and business: making each party member a bright red flag, and each branch a battle fortress with the party flag flying high.

Problem oriented, people's livelihood, research results into top-level design——

According to the survey of the Party branch of the Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, various types of elderly care facilities have been built in recent years, but the vacancy rate of beds is high. Most Chinese people are looking forward to providing for the elderly in their home communities, so whether they can enjoy high-quality public services at home is a key small matter, but also a major livelihood issue. Focusing on this problem, the research report formed by the branch won the special prize of the "key little things" research and tackling activity of the central and state organ working committee, and was transformed into the "Implementation Plan for the Construction Project of Embedded Service Facilities in Urban Communities" along this idea.

Carry out the practice activity of "I do practical things for the masses" in a normalized and long-term manner——

The Party Branch of the Natural Resources Registration Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources focuses on the efficient implementation of "one thing". The branch organizes and promotes, the Party members are responsible, and participate in the whole process of supervision. It solidly promotes "one window service", "cross provincial general service", and "whole process online service". "Today, the time for general registration and mortgage registration is reduced from 30 working days to 5 working days." Hu Shanshun, the director general, said.

The Party Branch of the Safety and Control Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce insists on the supremacy of the people and actively practices "business for the people". It reviews and issues about 100000 import and export licenses to more than 3000 enterprises every year, realizing paperless licensing process.

Give full play to the vanguard and model role of Party members——

Members of the Party Branch of the Department of International Cooperation of the China Meteorological Administration learned from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the "Digital Silk Road", sorted out more than 60 types of information items, completed a "digital portrait" of Pakistan's meteorology, and helped the "cloud based early warning support system" to be quickly implemented in Pakistan. Following this line of thinking, "national portraits" of major cooperative countries have been drawn in succession.

In the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Party branch members of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology were motivated by orders and fully committed to successfully completing the tasks assigned by the Party Leadership Group. A comrade was awarded "National Excellent Communist Party Member" and "National Advanced Individual in Fighting COVID-19".

The excellent examples of dry goods serving the country and the people one by one made the whole audience applaud continuously.

As for the key features of the "four strong" party branches in this speech, Zhang Lu summed up this way: "Party building work is carried out closely around the concerns of the Party Central Committee and the people, and closely combined with the actual business and team; the branch secretary dares to grasp and grasp, and the party members in the branch are particularly capable of fighting, making outstanding contributions to serving the" big country "."

To promote the construction of "four strong" party branches, the next step is not to stay in the "self strong", but to actively promote "others strong"

"The 'four strong' party branches should not stay 'strong by themselves', but also actively promote' strong by others'." Zou Xiaodong pointed out that the party committees of all departments and organs should combine their own actual conditions, strengthen the exchange of experience in the construction of the 'four strong' party branches, promote the joint construction of the 'four strong' party branches and other branches, give full play to the role of typical demonstration and guidance, and make comprehensive progress in the construction of the branches We will work hard to improve and strengthen Party building in all aspects.

Another new highlight of this year's exchange meeting is to organically combine the exchange meeting with the first demonstration training class for party branch secretaries of central and state organs in 2024, invite the trainees of the training class to make comments, and further improve the experience exchange mechanism for the construction of "four strong" party branches. The Party branch secretaries from the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the China Meteorological Administration, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the People's Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other relevant units of seven departments commented in turn.

"We can learn from each other and learn from each other to find our own shortcomings, the direction, methods and ways to work hard, and build our own Party branches into strong battlegrounds."

"Party building and business don't need to look for each other deliberately. Party building will be carried out wherever business work progresses, that is, 'You are me, I am you'."

"Learning is the beginning of knowledge, and knowing is the beginning of action. Only good learning can lead to good work, and only deep learning can lead to solid work."


Share and comment collide, and everyone benefits a lot.

At the end of the exchange meeting, everyone said that through this exchange activity, the understanding of the construction of the "four strong" party branches was deepened, the focus of relevant work was more clear, and they would continue to adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the party, take the "first front", and constantly promote the comprehensive quality and efficiency of the party building of the organs, so as to achieve the deep integration of party building and business, and promote mutual progress, Promote high-quality development of the cause with high-quality party building, and make new and greater contributions to promoting Chinese style modernization.

It is reported that the Central Committee and the Working Committee of State Organs have held four experience exchange meetings this year to deepen the exchanges and co construction of branch work.

(Author's unit: China Meteorological Daily)

(Edited by: Bai Xiang Signed by: Bai Xiang Signed by: Zhong Ming)