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Integrating Party discipline learning and education into daily life

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At present, Party discipline learning and education are being carried out in a solid manner throughout the Party. The Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education throughout the Party issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that Party discipline learning and education should be integrated into daily life and focused on regular work. This requirement has strong practical pertinence and practical guidance. It is necessary to transform iron discipline into daily habits and consciously follow them, integrate the learning and education of party discipline into daily life and focus on regular activities, so that party members and cadres can further clarify the measuring scale of daily words and deeds through subtle influence and exposure, and internalize the discipline requirements into the heart and externalize them into action.

Strengthening discipline education is a basic and regular work to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and strengthen the discipline construction of the Party, which must be unremittingly and for a long time. Long term effectiveness is important, while kungfu is important. For party members and cadres, the study of party discipline is not only a major political task at present, but also a required course and a regular course that accompanies them all their lives. "To learn is like climbing a mountain, and you should not be afraid of difficulties if you want to face the beautiful scenery". You should calm down, concentrate on nothing, keep the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline on the desk, review them constantly, and make progress day by day. You should always examine yourself, check yourself, reflect on yourself, and correct your thoughts and actions with Party discipline. At the same time, Party organizations at all levels should firmly refrain from formalism in the learning and education of Party discipline, put an end to the phenomenon of "two skins" of learning while learning, and guide Party members and cadres to engrave Party discipline and rules in their hearts, so that the process of learning Party discipline can truly become a process of enhancing discipline awareness and improving Party spirit cultivation.

The key to integrating the learning and education of Party discipline into daily life and focusing on regular work is to seize the "key minority" of leading cadres and drive the "vast majority" through demonstration. Every move, word and deed of leading cadres will virtually affect the cognition and action of party members and cadres on the learning and education of party discipline. Huang Kecheng, the former Executive Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, gave an example in a speech, "During the initial construction of the Red Army and the underground struggle, leaders should take the lead everywhere. It is because leaders, cadres, and party members take the lead that any Red Army has fought effectively. At that time, there were two words, 'The front is to charge, the back is to retreat'; 'The front is to bear hardships, the back is to enjoy'.". During the charge, cadres and party members were in front, 'Come on, follow me'. Company and platoon commanders do this, battalion and regiment commanders do the same, and division commanders and political commissars do the same when the battle is critical. Just say 'Follow me' and the team will go up. " The same principle applies to the study and education of Party discipline. We should not only talk about it with our mouths, but also practice it by ourselves. We should use "silent language" to influence and drive the majority of Party members and cadres. With leading cadres leading the way and setting an example in observing and implementing discipline, it will naturally produce the effect of "acting without orders", and drive the majority of party members and cadres to really tighten discipline and establish rules.

To integrate the learning and education of Party discipline into the daily life, we should actively explore effective ways of publicity and education in combination with the conditions of the times, enhance its attractiveness and appeal, and truly touch the soul of party members and cadres. On the one hand, we should strengthen heuristic education. Innovate the way of expression, pay more attention to the popularity, communication and resonance, and prevent the use of live examples to explain the truth deeply and thoroughly. On the other hand, it is necessary to implement precise policies and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Education should be carried out in different regions, fields and levels, highlighting the warning education for newly promoted cadres, young cadres, cadres in key positions and other key objects, avoiding the "flood" education method, and constantly enhancing the targeted effectiveness of the party discipline learning education.

There is no shortcut to learn the Party's discipline and rules. The most taboo is to be superficial and impetuous. We should study the Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China in its original form, chapter by chapter, and article by article. We should carefully study and grasp the Regulations, always check the standards and watch, and work hard every day. We should strive to develop a sense of discipline, transform the requirements of heteronomy into internal pursuit, and make Party discipline a real guide to action and daily observance.

(Editor: Wang Chunchun Signed by: Wang Chunchun Issued by: Zhao Pin)