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Do it in your heart, in reality and in depth, and promote the high-quality development of the work of the People's Court with the guidance of high-quality party building

Zhang Jun
Source: Banner net 15:53, April 26, 2024
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General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building has greatly enriched and developed the Marxist theory of party building with a series of original achievements, marking that our party's understanding of the laws of the construction of the Marxist ruling party has reached a new height. As the highest judicial organ of the country under the leadership of the Party, the Supreme People's Court has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly studied and implemented the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, continued to implement the important speech and important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building of organs, and focused on "fairness and efficiency" The theme of the trial work is to adhere to the principle of strict management of the party and the court in an all-round way, focus on the major political task of party building and team building, consciously shoulder political responsibility, strive to do the party building work in mind, in practice, in depth, and lead and promote the high-quality development of the work of the people's courts with high-quality party building, Provide strong political guidance for the modernization of trial work to support and serve Chinese modernization.

Highlighting political guidance, gathering joint efforts to do the party building work in mind

Party building is a political work, but also a work that leads and condenses "people's hearts". It is the political mission of the Party building work and the distinctive feature of the Party building work to do meaningful things concretely and interestingly, to reach the heart of every party member and cadre, and to effectively play a positive role in guiding, educating, cultivating and shaping people.

 On June 27, 2023, the author gave a special party lesson on theme education for party members and cadres in the fourth level courts around the "party consciousness in judicial work".

On June 27, 2023, the author gave a special party lesson on theme education for party members and cadres in the fourth level courts around the "party consciousness in judicial work".

We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul and deepen the "Building One Heart" project. Deeply carry out the theme education of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, continue to consolidate and expand the theme education achievements, promote "strengthening the party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements" with a down-to-earth "learning thought", educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", enhance "four consciousness", and strengthen "four self-confidence" To achieve "two maintenance" and truly implement "from a political point of view and from the rule of law". The theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Court gave full play to the role of leading and promoting learning, and collectively studied and discussed issues directly, conducted in-depth exchanges, and pursued practical results, which led the whole court to carry out theoretical learning, ideological armed, and party spirit refining. Through political rotation training, special party courses, red education and other forms, we guide party members and cadres to constantly cast the soul of political loyalty, always taking the party's flag as the banner, the party's will as the will, and the party's mission as the mission. We should firmly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over judicial work, enhance the Party spirit consciousness in judicial work, always plan and promote the work of the courts in the overall situation of the Party and the state, deeply understand that the main body of "feeling fairness and justice" is the people, and help to deepen the political foundation of the Party's long-term governance.

Adhere to the concept of Xi Jinping's rule of law as the "guiding principle" and "soul" and consciously integrate it into all aspects of the whole process of trial implementation, and vigorously promote the "strong confidence" project. Learn to thoroughly understand and practice the idea of the rule of law, guide the majority of party members and cadres to consciously resist the western wrong ideas of "constitutionalism", "separation of three powers", and "judicial independence" from the ideological root, and unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Centering on the implementation of the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "adhering to the rule of law in an all-round way, and promoting the construction of a China under the rule of law", we will comprehensively promote and systematically implement the trial concept, trial mechanism, trial system, trial management, and accelerate the modernization of trial work. We should be confident in the rule of law, base ourselves on the judicial practice in the new era, tell a good story about Chinese justice in the new era, and actively explain the judicial concepts, propositions and successful practices with Chinese characteristics. Educate and guide Party members and cadres to deeply feel the great practical power of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought from the achievements of building a rule of law China in the new era and the development and progress of the judicial cause, and effectively enhance the confidence and confidence in the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.

Adhere to solving problems by doing practical things to enhance humanistic care, and normally promote the "heart warming" project. Comprehensively implement the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's mass work and trade union work, unify the firmness of implementing the Party's will and the effectiveness of serving the workers and the masses, and build a bridge between the Party and the workers and the masses. Actively carry out heart to heart talks, explore the establishment of a home visit system, and leaders and ordinary police officers can be seen at any time and communicate frankly, talk about family affairs in a few words, understand the working and living conditions, practical ideas and suggestions, strengthen policy publicity, and answer questions and questions. Translate the opinions and suggestions put forward by the police into specific rectification tasks, clarify the responsible department and rectification time limit, ensure that everything is managed by someone and that everything has an echo, and actively respond to and implement the concerns of the police. We will provide targeted assistance to police officers who have difficulties in life, hold sports meetings for government agencies, New Year group visits, lectures on physical and mental health, and other cultural and sports activities to warm people's hearts, stimulate their spirit, and rally their strength. We will encourage court police officers to devote more attention to the specific practice of serving the overall situation and serving the people, and make sure that the CPC Central Committee can rest assured on the new journey More solid performance to satisfy the people.

Adhere to the problem orientation, closely link with reality, and do the party building work in practice

It is an important experience for the Party building work to focus on the weak links based on the functional orientation, and pay close attention to the implementation of the work with strict standards and practical measures. The effectiveness of Party building can only be fully released if we do everything we can to implement, vigorously implement, be realistic and pragmatic, dare to do good, and continue to work hard on pragmatism and effectiveness.

Adhere to the clear guidance of focusing on the grass-roots level, and consolidate the foundation for the construction of grass-roots party organizations. To solve the problems of disunity and equality in the quality of intra party political life in some grass-roots party organizations, we revised and improved the detailed rules for the implementation of the "eight systems" for party building in line with the new requirements of the Party Central Committee for party building work, starting from standardizing the establishment and renewal of party organizations, "three meetings and one lesson", and implementing the work of leading cadres' democratic life meetings, democratic evaluation of party members, etc, We will implement the standardization and standardization of grass-roots Party organizations. Focusing on classified guidance, according to the characteristics of the grass-roots party organizations of the judicial departments, administrative departments, and directly affiliated units, and in combination with the actual situation, implement the activities of "one category and one feature, one department and one highlight, one branch and one brand", create party building brands such as "high-end forum of the criminal court", "lunchtime micro classroom", and "bamboo shoots workshop", and focus on combining reality and highlighting characteristics, We will strengthen the political and organizational functions of grass-roots Party organizations. Actively promote branch work methods with more distinct themes, more diverse forms, and closer to the work of the court and the actual situation of the team, and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of party building work.

Insist on focusing on the Party building around the center, do a good job of promoting business through party building, and promote the deep integration of party building and business. In view of the "two skins" problem that some grass-roots party organizations separate the emphasis on politics and the rule of law, and separate the work of party building from the work of judicial adjudication, we should study the ideas and measures to further promote the deep integration of party building and business work, so as to achieve what we do in daily work, what we should focus on in party building, what are the weaknesses in our work, and what we should make up for in party building, We will integrate political requirements, Party spirit and the spirit of law into judicial work. With the guidance of Party building, we should practice the sense of overall situation and the feelings of serving the people, and take the deep foundation of the Party's governance as the fundamental standard, to effectively transform the effectiveness of Party building work into the effectiveness of building a new security pattern with active performance services, boosting high-quality development, and ensuring the high-quality life of the people. In particular, we should take the leadership of Party building to promote the solution of the difficulties and blockages in people's litigation, carefully handle every "small case" and "difficult matter" of people's livelihood with emotion, implement the "Maple Bridge Experience" of the new era to promote the governance of litigation sources, promote the "faith must be restored" with the determination of "even if you are head butting the ground, people's affairs must be handled well", and effectively solve the problems of "one case leads to many cases" and "idle procedures", We will continue to enhance the people's sense of access to justice.

Adhere to the principle of strict management of the Party in all aspects, and improve the excellent style of justice. In view of the problems that some police officers are used to hearing about and seeing violations of discipline and law, are indifferent to them, and the implementation of the judicial power restriction and supervision system is not enough, we should adhere to the strict tone to strengthen the correct style, eliminate discipline and fight against corruption, and implement the overall political responsibility of strictly managing the party and the academy. Taking the control of "cases" as the foothold of managing "people" and "courts" well, we should run through the work of trial management, discipline inspection and supervision, and internal inspection, highlight the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the eight central provisions and the spirit of their implementation rules, prevent interference in the "three provisions" of justice, and the provisions of the trial management system, report problems when people see things, and pursue accountability in accordance with rules and disciplines, Conducting strict pressure layer upon layer. We will promote the construction of a clean and honest court culture, strengthen warning education, extract the "confessions" of people who seriously violate discipline and law in the court system, and educate police with people around us and cases around us. In accordance with the supervision and management concept of "grasping the early and the small", manage the team well, lead the team well, and drop the "strict management itself is love", so as to achieve the effect of fearing corruption because of fear, not corruption because of the system, and not corruption because of awareness.

 On December 4, 2023, the Supreme People's Court held a constitutional oath ceremony for new employees.

On December 4, 2023, the Supreme People's Court held a constitutional oath ceremony for new employees.

Compacting responsibilities, improving mechanisms, and deepening party building

To strengthen and improve the work of party building, we must hold the "bull nose" of responsibility system, constantly consolidate and innovate the system and mechanism, pay close attention to the implementation of the system and responsibility, actively create a good atmosphere of concerted efforts and collective wisdom, and truly reflect the fruits of the work of party building into the achievements of promoting the high-quality development of the work of the people's courts.

We will continue to take Party building as our own responsibility, and deepen the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. The composition of the leading group for party building work of the Supreme People's Court was adjusted, and all the leaders of the Party members' court and the responsible comrades of judicial adjudication, personnel organization, discipline inspection and supervision, administrative management and other relevant departments were members, so as to strengthen the leadership of party building work. We will revise and improve the "two lists" of the main responsibilities of the Party group and grass-roots Party organizations to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. Members of the Party group will take the lead in implementing the system of contact points for the work of the Party branch, and drive grass-roots Party organizations and even all Party members to resonate with each other on the same frequency and answer the same questions, so as to form a working force that is horizontal to the edge and vertical to the bottom. Regular meetings will be held to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party committees and chambers of commerce, promote the key work of Party building, review and assess the work of Party building, further clarify the tasks, detailed measures and responsibilities, and transmit the pressure to every responsible department and every grass-roots party organization. Give full play to the advantages of "tour", highlight the responsibility of "guidance", and carry out tour guidance for all circuit courts and directly affiliated units to effectively guide the compaction of main responsibilities.

Adhere to the principle of focusing on peacetime, highlighting achievements, and dig deep into the evaluation mechanism of party building that reflects the characteristics of the court and meets the needs of fair justice. Focusing on the integration and promotion of the construction of political quality, professional quality and professional ethics quality, we should identify the combination of party building evaluation and business evaluation, combine the work review and evaluation of party building with the performance evaluation of all staff, and trial quality management, and connect the work of party building, case evaluation, and evaluators to ensure that "one post with two responsibilities" is implemented. Highlight the effectiveness of practical work and performance, give full play to the role of assessment and evaluation baton and vane, do the best, give way to the average, lower the mediocre, and eliminate the inferior, encourage all police officers to take on the responsibility, form an atmosphere of high spirited progress, learning to catch up with and surpassing others, and promote the integration, mutual promotion, and common improvement of the party building, the trial work, and the team building.

Adhere to the high standards of strong politics, excellent business and good work style, and pay close attention to the construction of party members and cadres. Take the construction of high-quality party members and cadres as an important basis for achieving high-quality party building work, and lead the high-quality party building to forge a loyal, clean and responsible excellent court iron army. We will strengthen the leadership of grass-roots Party organizations, promote leading cadres of Party members at or above the department level and the presiding judge to serve as branch members and group leaders of the Party, constantly enrich the strength of grass-roots Party affairs, promote the integration of Party building and business work, and better play the role of grass-roots Party organizations in educating, managing, supervising and serving Party members. Vigorously carry out the selection of "four strong" party branches, "four good" party members and the activities of party members' commitment and fulfillment, and give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as battle fortresses and the exemplary vanguard role of party members. We will encourage all Party members and cadres to faithfully perform their duties and take on responsibilities, serve the overall situation and the people's justice in a deep and practical way, and make outstanding achievements and new contributions in the process of supporting and serving Chinese modernization with the modernization of judicial work.

(Source: The Flag, 2024, Issue 4; the author is the Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the Supreme People's Court)

(Editor: Sun Li Signed by: Sun Li Signed by: Zhao Pin)