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Focus on the central work and the primary task to comprehensively promote the construction of Chinese style modernization

Zheng Zhajie
Source: Banner net 15:49, April 26, 2024
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At the Central Economic Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively summarized the economic work in 2023, deeply analyzed the current situation at home and abroad, systematically deployed the main goals and tasks of economic and social development in 2024, and pointed out the direction for the next step of economic work and provided fundamental guidance. We need to focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development. In accordance with the overall requirements, main goals and key tasks set by the Central Economic Work Conference, we will implement them in a down-to-earth manner, vigorously, pragmatically, and courageously.

Deeply understand the regularity of doing economic work well in the new era

General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically summarized the regular understanding of doing economic work well in the new era, and clearly put forward the "five must", which reflects the integrity and innovation of the understanding of the development law. It is the latest theoretical achievement of Xi Jinping's economic thought, which provides a strong ideological guidance for promoting the high-quality development of China's economy and society. It is necessary to study deeply, understand deeply, and implement earnestly.

 On February 29, 2024, workers of an engineering equipment manufacturing enterprise in Nanjing, Jiangsu, were busy working on the production line.

On February 29, 2024, workers of an engineering equipment manufacturing enterprise in Nanjing, Jiangsu, were busy working on the production line.

Adhering to high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Development is the key to solving all problems in China, and it is also the top priority of our party in governing and rejuvenating the country. The development of the new era must be high-quality development. Only by continuously improving the quality of economic development and strengthening economic strength can we continuously meet the people's growing needs for a better life, fully demonstrate the remarkable advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and firmly grasp the strategic initiative in the accelerated evolution of the world's hundred year changes. On the new journey, we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the creation of new advantages of high-quality development in the process of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the strength, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity of the economy.

Adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic demand and deepen supply side structural reform. Supply and demand are two aspects of economic development. Giving up the demand side to talk about the supply side, or giving up the supply side to talk about the demand side, is one-sided. The two are not either or opposite, opposite to each other, but coordinated and coordinated. The more complicated the situation and uncertain factors are, the more we should adhere to the system concept, better balance the supply side and demand side, and smooth the economic cycle in promoting the mutual promotion and progress of supply and demand upgrading. On the new journey, we should give full play to the advantages of the super large market and strong production capacity, promote the expansion of domestic demand and optimization of supply as a whole, break through the breakpoint and blocking point of the combination of the two, and promote the sustained recovery and long-term improvement of the economy.

Insist on relying on reform and opening up to enhance the endogenous power of development. Reform and opening up is a key move to determine the future and destiny of contemporary China, and an important magic weapon for China to catch up with the times. Further deepening reform in an all-round way is a powerful driving force to promote high-quality development and accelerate the construction of Chinese style modernization. Deepening high-level opening-up, especially institutional opening-up, is an inevitable choice for China to build new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition and make China's contribution to global economic governance. On the new journey, we should deepen reform and opening up with greater determination and strength, continue to liberate and develop social productive forces, stimulate and enhance social vitality, and constantly advance the grand cause of Chinese style modernization.

Adhere to high-quality development and high-level safety. Development is the foundation of security, security is the premise of development, and development and security are two wings of one body and two wheels of driving force. It is a major principle of our Party's governance of the country to adhere to the principle of overall development and security, enhance the awareness of hardship, and be prepared for danger in times of peace. It is not only necessary to continuously consolidate the material and technical foundation for high-level safety through high-quality development, but also to create a favorable environment for high-quality development through high-level safety. On the new journey, we must thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, promote high-level security with high-quality development, guarantee high-quality development with high-level security, and constantly enhance China's viability, competitiveness, development and sustainability, so as to ensure the stability and long-term development of Chinese style modernization.

We will continue to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way through Chinese style modernization. Chinese style modernization is a modernization with Chinese characteristics and in line with China's reality. It is a bright road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is the central task of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. On the new journey, we should closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, firmly grasp the goal and task of promoting Chinese style modernization, firmly stick to the green mountains, roll up our sleeves and work hard, constantly create new historical achievements, and gradually turn the grand blueprint of Chinese style modernization into a beautiful reality.

 On February 24, 2024, the Lantern Festival of the Year of the Dragon led by intangible cultural heritage lanterns in Lanzhou Old Street, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, attracted many citizens and tourists to clock in.

On February 24, 2024, the Lantern Festival of the Year of the Dragon led by intangible cultural heritage lanterns in Lanzhou Old Street, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, attracted many citizens and tourists to clock in.

Comprehensively implement the important rules of doing economic work well in the new era

At the Central Economic Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing first before breaking. This shows that the CPC Central Committee has a profound grasp of the dialectical relationship between "stability" and "progress", "establishment" and "breaking" from the perspective of the overall situation, which is of great guiding significance to the economic work at present and in the future. We should carefully study and understand, and comprehensively implement.

Adhere to seeking progress while maintaining stability, and take "stability" as the overall situation and foundation. The general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability is an important principle of our Party's governance and is also a methodology for doing economic work well. The key point of stability should be to stabilize the economic operation and ensure that growth, employment and prices do not fluctuate significantly. Since the reform and opening up, China has adhered to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, constantly improved the systems and mechanisms in all aspects, actively, steadily and gradually promoted reform and development, constantly promoted growth, optimized structure, and improved quality and efficiency, and created two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability on the premise of maintaining social stability. In practical work, we should closely link the economic operation, closely follow the prominent contradictions in development, make more policies conducive to stable expectations, stable growth, and stable employment, carefully introduce contractive and inhibitory measures, and strive to maintain steady and healthy economic development to create favorable conditions for "progress".

Adhere to progress to promote stability, and take "progress" as the direction and motivation. Without development and progress, "stability" will not be achieved. Only by constantly making new progress in promoting high-quality development, making new breakthroughs in deepening reform and opening up, and making new achievements in improving people's well-being, can we continue to push forward the Chinese style modernization. Since the reform and opening up, China has maintained steady economic and social development for a long time, creating a stable macro environment for the transformation of mode and structural adjustment; At the same time, substantial progress in adjusting the economic structure and deepening reform and opening up has effectively promoted the steady and healthy operation of the economy and society, creating good expectations and new impetus for high-quality development. In practical work, we should focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development. We should be proactive, pioneering and innovative, unswervingly and comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and continue to stimulate and release the endogenous power of economic growth.

Adhere to the principle of "standing before breaking", make overall plans and treat "standing" and "breaking" dialectically. "Standing" and "breaking" are dialectical unity and complement each other, and should be grasped as a whole. What should be set up should be set up actively, making good use of scientific and reasonable new mechanisms, new experience and new rules to create new growth momentum. What should be broken should be firmly broken on the basis of establishment, and institutional mechanisms and policy measures that do not meet the requirements of the new era should be broken in time. In practical work, we must balance the dialectical relationship between "establishment" and "destruction", strengthen forward-looking planning, strategic layout, and overall promotion, and help high-quality development by first establishing and then destroying. First of all, we should be able to establish, constantly improve the top-level design of the system, and constantly cultivate new drivers and new advantages; Secondly, we should be good at breaking down outdated systems and recurring old problems. We should resolutely reform them and constantly liberate and develop the productive forces.

Do a solid job in development and reform to help China's modernization drive

The National Development and Reform Commission will conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Economic Work Conference, deeply grasp the overall requirements and policy orientation of economic work, thoroughly implement the CPC Central Committee's decision and deployment on economic work, and constantly promote the continuous optimization of the economic structure, the continuous enhancement of growth momentum, and the continuous improvement of the development trend.

We will promote the implementation of various macro policies to achieve results, and continue to consolidate the foundation for economic stability and improvement. We will strengthen the coordination and cooperation of fiscal, monetary, employment, industrial, regional, science and technology, environmental protection and other policies, incorporate non economic policies into the evaluation of the consistency of macro policy orientation, and ensure that they work in the same direction and form joint forces. More efforts should be made to improve the effectiveness of government investment, and more efforts should be made to stimulate private investment. We will take multiple measures to improve residents' willingness and ability to consume, and foster more new forms of consumption and new hot spots.

Vigorously promote the self-reliance of high-level science and technology, and open up new fields and new tracks for development. We will resolutely win the battle against key core technologies, improve the new national system, and accelerate the research, development, application and promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as new energy, artificial intelligence, biological manufacturing, green low-carbon, and quantum technology. Strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, promote the high-quality construction and operation of the national laboratory, and accelerate the project of "calculating data from the east to the west".

Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and develop new quality productive forces. We will vigorously promote new industrialization, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, create a number of strategic emerging industrial clusters with international competitiveness, accelerate the development of the digital economy, and layout a number of future industries. Promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and continue to implement the action plan to improve the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Promote green and low-carbon development, actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, and implement the "ten major actions of carbon peaking" in a planned way.

We will continue to deepen reform in key areas and build and improve a high-level socialist market economy. We will continue to improve and implement the "two unswerving" system and mechanism, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, and implement the suggestions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy. We will continue to promote the reform of key links, and strengthen institutional building and supervision in areas such as property rights protection, fair competition, and social credit. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market and deepen the market-oriented reform of factors.

We will open up to the outside world at a high level and accelerate the construction of a new system of a higher level open economy. We will implement the eight initiatives to jointly build the "Belt and Road" with high quality. Promote stable scale and optimal structure of foreign trade, expand intermediate trade, service trade, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce exports, promote high-quality development of pilot free trade zones, and accelerate the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. We will continue to strengthen efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment, implement measures to completely eliminate restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, and continue to promote the expansion of opening up in the service sector.

Deeply promote urban and rural integration, regional coordinated development, and constantly improve the coordination and balance of development. We will promote the overall revitalization of rural areas and deepen new urbanization. We will deepen the implementation of major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies, solidly promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, promote the ecological environment protection and green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, accelerate the construction of major cooperation platforms in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

We will make overall plans for development and security, and prevent and resolve major risks and hidden dangers. We will strengthen food, energy resources, industrial chain supply chain, and data security, raise investment standards for high standard farmland construction, strengthen energy supply security capabilities, constantly improve strategic resource supply security capabilities, establish and improve data security governance systems, and prevent risks in key areas.

We will continue to improve the well-being of people's livelihood, and keep the bottom line of people's livelihood. We will give greater priority to employment, continue to increase residents' income, and expand middle-income groups. We will improve the social security system and the hierarchical and classified social assistance system, develop pension undertakings and industries, and improve the policy system for supporting childbearing. We will strengthen the protection and restoration of the ecosystem, and continue to fight for the blue sky, clear water, and pure land.

(Source: The Flag, 2024, Issue 4; the author is the Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission)

(Editor: Sun Li Signed by: Sun Li Signed by: Zhao Pin)