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Constantly improve the institutionalization and standardization level of patrol work to polish the sword

Central Inspection Leading Group Office
Source: Banner net 15:21, April 26, 2024
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 On March 27, 2023, the National Patrol Work Conference and the first round of the 20th Central Committee's patrol mobilization deployment meeting were held in Beijing.

On March 27, 2023, the National Patrol Work Conference and the first round of the 20th Central Committee's patrol mobilization deployment meeting were held in Beijing.

On February 8, 2024, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated and implemented the newly revised Regulations on the Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The newly revised Regulations adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, take the Party Constitution as the fundamental basis, comprehensively summarize and apply the achievements of theoretical innovation, practical innovation and institutional innovation since the 18th CPC National Congress, It is of great significance to adhere to and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee on patrol work and promote the high-quality development of patrol work. The newly revised Regulation has 9 chapters and 53 articles. Compared with the original Regulation, it has been improved from style to structure, from mechanism to method, from procedure to content in all directions, in all processes and all elements. There are many innovations and deepening points, mainly including 10 aspects.

More clearly determine the direction and task of the inspection work, and for the first time stipulate the orientation and policy of political inspection work from the height of internal Party laws and regulations

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has revolutionized the inspection system, defined the orientation of political inspection and established the guidelines for inspection work. The newly revised Regulations solidified this for the first time in the form of intra party laws and regulations, and pointed out in the general provisions that, "Patrol work is the political supervision of the higher party organizations over the lower party organizations in performing the Party's leadership responsibilities. The fundamental task is to resolutely maintain the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, and firmly maintain the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core", "The inspection work adheres to the policy of finding problems, forming deterrence, promoting reform and promoting development". These regulations have more clearly defined the direction and tasks of inspection work, and profoundly clarified the positioning, connotation, responsibilities and missions of inspection work, which is conducive to promoting the development of inspection work along the correct political direction.

More clearly emphasize the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and clarify the inspection leadership system and working mechanism for the first time

Through practical exploration since the new era, the inspection leadership system and working mechanism have been continuously improved. The newly revised Regulations specifically set out a provision that "under the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party, the patrol work shall be carried out through the system and mechanism of hierarchical responsibility of the Party organization, organization and implementation of the patrol organization, assistance of the discipline inspection and supervision organ and organization department, support of relevant functional departments, cooperation of the inspected Party organization, and participation of the people". This regulation embodies the political, organizational and institutional advantages of the socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics, which is conducive to further strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over inspection work, improving the responsibility pattern of each taking his own responsibility, unified coordination and joint management, and providing a strong institutional and mechanism guarantee for the scientific and healthy development of inspection work.

More clearly strengthen the main responsibility of inspection work, and refine the specific requirements of the party committee (party group) for inspection work

Patrol inspection is an important responsibility entrusted to Party organizations at all levels by the Party Constitution. Only when the Party committee (Party group) attaches importance, especially the main responsible person, will the patrol work be authoritative and effective. The newly revised Regulations specifically set out a provision on the responsibilities of the main body of patrol work, specifying eight main responsibilities, highlighting that the party organizations that carry out patrol work, especially the main responsible persons, should take patrol work as an important starting point to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and fulfill the responsibility of comprehensive supervision, study and deploy major issues of patrol work, and regularly listen to reports on patrol work, Make overall plans to strengthen inspection rectification and application of results, and promote the formation of a vivid situation of "one level at a time, one level at a time".

Focus more on the key points of political inspection tour and clarify the supervision content of "four implementations"

After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the deepening of the theory and practice of political inspection, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has defined the supervision focus of "four implementations". The newly revised Regulations regulate the content of political inspection and supervision, and further clarify that inspection work should focus on power and responsibility, strengthen political supervision, and clarify political discipline and rules, focusing on four aspects: first, the implementation of the Party's theories, lines, policies The major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party, especially the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, the second is the implementation of the main responsibility and supervision responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, the third is the implementation of the organizational line of the Party in the new era, and the fourth is the implementation of patrol supervision and the rectification of problems found in audit, accounting, statistics and other supervision. These "four implementations" have defined the key points for deepening political inspection tour and promoting the concretization, precision and normalization of political supervision.

More emphasis on "key minority" and clear requirements for strengthening the inspection and supervision of "top leaders"

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made clear plans to enhance the effectiveness of supervision over "top leaders" and the leadership. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has specially printed and distributed the Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of "Top Leaders" and the Leading Group. Patrol inspection is the political supervision of the superior party organization over the subordinate party organization. Strengthening the supervision of the "top leaders" is a due and proper responsibility. The newly revised Regulations highlight "key minorities" and set out a special provision, "The inspection work should strengthen the supervision of the main responsible person of the inspected party organization, focus on their loyalty to the party, their performance of the first responsible person's responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the party, their performance of duties and rights according to laws and regulations, their commitment, integrity and self-discipline, and so on, and make in-depth understanding of the important issues reflected to form special materials". This regulation has important political and practical significance for solving the problem of "top leaders" 'supervision and strengthening the construction of the leadership.

 In September 2023, when the Fifth Patrol Group of Changning Municipal Party Committee of Hunan Province carried out regular patrols in Xinhe Town, it closely focused on the problem of "difficulty in handling affairs and obtaining certificates" of the masses, and promoted the town to handle real estate certificates for 86 villagers in Chashan Village. The town held a house fair and sent the real estate ownership certificate to the masses.

In September 2023, when the Fifth Patrol Group of Changning Municipal Party Committee of Hunan Province carried out regular patrols in Xinhe Town, it closely focused on the problem of "difficulty in handling affairs and obtaining certificates" of the masses, and promoted the town to handle real estate certificates for 86 villagers in Chashan Village. The town held a house fair and sent the real estate ownership certificate to the masses.

Strengthen patrol rectification and application of results, and clarify rectification responsibilities of all parties

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward clear requirements for strengthening inspection, rectification and application of results. The newly revised Regulations has a special chapter, which stipulates the patrol rectification and the application of results with responsibility as the main line: first, it is clear that the party organization carrying out the patrol work should strengthen the organizational leadership of the patrol rectification and the application of results. The second is to clarify the responsibility of the rectification subject of the inspected party organization. It is highlighted that rectification is an important means to fulfill the responsibility of managing the Party and promoting high-quality development. The main person in charge bears the responsibility of the first person in charge, and other members of the leadership team bear the "one post, two responsibilities". In order to solve the problem of "new officials ignore old accounts", it is stipulated that "if the main person in charge of the party organization and other members of the leading group have been adjusted, they should do a good job of patrol, rectification and handover, and continue to implement the rectification responsibility". Third, clarify the main tasks of centralized rectification of the inspected party organizations. With regard to the time limit for centralized rectification during patrol inspection, the original two months stipulated in the Regulations were adjusted to six months in combination with the actual work and suggestions in the survey. The fourth is to clarify the rectification and supervision responsibilities of discipline inspection and supervision organs and organizational departments, as well as the application responsibilities of relevant functional departments. The fifth is to clarify the overall supervision responsibility of the inspection agency. These regulations provide a strong institutional guarantee for strengthening inspection rectification and application of results.

More highlight the comprehensive supervision role of patrol inspection, and make provisions for promoting the integration and coordination of patrol inspection and other supervision

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly requires that we give full play to the comprehensive supervision role of patrol inspection, strengthen the connection and coordination between patrol inspection and other supervision, and form a joint force of supervision. As an important hand for the Party committee (Party group) to perform its overall supervision responsibilities, patrol inspection has the practical basis and organizational advantages of penetration and coordination. The newly revised Regulations make corresponding provisions from three aspects: first, it is clear that the party organization, the inspection work leading group and its office that carry out inspection work should combine the responsibility positioning, improve the system and mechanism of coordination between inspection and other supervision. Second, it is clearly stipulated that the discipline inspection and supervision organs and organizational departments should assist the party organizations at the same level in carrying out patrol work, and departments and units such as propaganda, united front, politics and law, confidentiality, audit, finance, statistics, letters and visits should support the patrol work. Third, in the provisions of patrol preparation, understanding, reporting, feedback, handover, rectification and other links, requirements are put forward for the coordination of patrol and other supervision. These regulations specify the requirements for giving full play to the comprehensive supervision role of patrol inspection in terms of responsibility, mechanism and process, promote and strengthen the overall joint force of supervision, and better transform the institutional advantages into supervision efficiency.

More emphasis was placed on standardizing the internal inspection of central units, and for the first time, the principle requirements were put forward for the setting of inspection organizations of central units

According to the provisions of the Party Constitution, the Party Leadership Group (Party Committee) of the relevant ministries and commissions of the central government and state organs shall carry out patrol work according to work needs. With the development of practice, many party committees (party groups) of medium management financial enterprises, medium management enterprises and medium management colleges have also carried out patrol work. The newly revised Regulations clearly stipulates that the relevant central ministries and commissions, the party group (party committee) of the central state organs and the party committees (party groups) of the financial enterprises, enterprises and universities under the central management shall, according to the work needs, carry out patrol work, set up patrol agencies, and in principle, conduct patrol supervision on the party organizations of the lower level units according to the affiliation of the party organizations and the management authority of cadres; The leader of the leading group for inspection work is generally the party group and the secretary of the party committee (including the main leader of the leading group of the unit without the party group and the party committee), and the deputy leader is generally the member of the leading group of the party group and the party committee in charge of relevant work and the main leader of the discipline inspection and supervision institution; The office of the leading group for inspection work can be set up separately or jointly with the internal institutions. It should be staffed with corresponding full-time personnel to undertake the daily work of the leading group for inspection work of the Party group and the Party committee.

More emphasis will be given to the linkage between the top and bottom, and a separate chapter will be set out to regulate the patrol work

Patrol work is an important part of patrol work and an important institutional arrangement to promote the extension of strict Party governance to the grass-roots level. The revised Party Constitution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stipulates the patrol work. The newly revised Regulations has a special chapter of "patrol work", which defines the main body of patrol work, the objects of municipal and county Party committees' patrol work, the contents of patrol supervision, the organizational leadership, institutional responsibilities, working procedures, methods and authorities of patrol work, and is determined by referring to the provisions on patrol work and combining with the actual situation. These regulations are of great significance to comprehensively promote the standardized development of inspection work and improve the working pattern of inspection and patrol linkage.

More emphasis should be placed on iron forging, and a separate chapter should be set out to stipulate the construction of patrol teams

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the inspection team, carry forward the fighting spirit, enhance the fighting skills, and strive to build a loyal, clean and responsible inspection team. In the newly revised Regulations, a special chapter stipulates team building, highlights high standards and strict requirements, and consolidates the organizational guarantee for high-quality development of patrol work. First, it is clear that the party organization carrying out patrol work should strengthen the overall planning of patrol cadre team building, select and strengthen the leader and deputy leader of the patrol team, and attach importance to finding, training and training cadres in patrol posts. The second is to further clarify the conditions that patrol cadres should have, and emphasize that the transfer of personnel to participate in patrol work should be strictly controlled. The third is to clarify the requirements for the construction of work style and discipline, emphasize that patrol cadres should strictly abide by political discipline and rules, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations, and strictly implement the discipline of patrol work. Fourth, make provisions for inspection agencies and inspection cadres to consciously accept supervision, establish and improve internal control mechanisms, and promote inspection in accordance with regulations and disciplines.

The vitality of the system lies in execution. When the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China printed and distributed the newly revised Regulations, it put forward clear requirements for learning, publicity and implementation. Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels and inspection and inspection institutions should take the study, publicity and implementation of the Regulations as an important political task, and earnestly implement the provisions of the Regulations. We should strengthen learning and training, incorporate the Regulations into the important learning contents of the theoretical learning center group of the Party committee (Party group), as a compulsory course of education and training in the Party school and cadre college, and guide party members and cadres, especially patrol cadres, to fully understand the spiritual essence, main thrust and practical requirements of the Regulations in combination with the learning and education of party discipline. We should strengthen the implementation of the system, and promote all responsible subjects to know their responsibilities, clarify their responsibilities, perform their responsibilities, and fulfill their responsibilities. It is necessary to improve the system, further standardize the work process and improve the system and mechanism in combination with the new deployment and new requirements of the Regulations, so that every link and every post of patrol work has rules to follow.

(Source: The Flag, 2024, Issue 4)

(Editor: Sun Li Signed by: Sun Li Signed by: Zhao Pin)