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The newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China embodies the four unifications

Liu Shuyin
Source: Banner net 14:51, April 26, 2024
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The Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is a basic intra party law that regulates and restricts the behavior of Party organizations and members, and is also an important institutional basis for implementing and maintaining Party discipline. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee system with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has summarized the theory and practical experience of discipline construction, and has revised the Regulations three times. The red line of disciplinary requirements and the scale of disciplinary punishment have become clearer, and the concept of disciplinary punishment has also achieved optimal development. The newly revised Regulations have condensed the positions, views and methods contained in the innovative theoretical achievements of the Party, further improved the principles, concepts and methods of disciplinary application, provided powerful and effective guidance, standardized and reliable basis for disciplinary implementation, and provided strong disciplinary guarantee for the in-depth promotion of the new era of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

From the perspective of fundamental objectives, the newly revised Regulations reflect the unity of managing the Party with strict discipline and keeping pace with the times to improve discipline

Strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the Communist Party of China as a Marxist party. Keeping discipline in the forefront of party management is the basic experience and important magic weapon to ensure the unity of the party. In different historical periods, discipline requirements have different priorities, and discipline norms have different forms of development and stage characteristics. But the fundamental objective of the irrefutable is to maintain and consolidate the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, purify the Party's organization, pool the strength of Party members, and escort the completion of the Party's various tasks.

 On January 26, 2024, the Fifth Party Branch of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yanshi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province organized to study the newly revised disciplinary regulations.

On January 26, 2024, the Fifth Party Branch of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yanshi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province organized to study the newly revised disciplinary regulations.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthening discipline building has been given a higher mission and status as a fundamental policy to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, which reflects the scientific understanding of the function of discipline building and the profound grasp of the laws of Party building by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. This revision of the Regulations once again released a clear signal of comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline building with a strict tone, and implemented the consistent requirement of forging a team with iron discipline. Compared with the 2018 version, the newly revised Regulations are only added and modified without deletion, and clearly add "adhering to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time" as the principle that must be followed in disciplinary work, indicating that the strict position remains unchanged and will become more strict in the future.

At the same time, the Regulations effectively promoted the improvement of the Party's various disciplines and norms by adding provisions. On the one hand, the relevant important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping will be translated into clear overall discipline requirements. For example, in the general provisions, the following contents were added: "adhere to self revolution", "carry forward the great spirit of party building", "stick to the original mission", "practice the correct view of power, performance, and career", highlighting the leading role of new ideas, new ideas, and new assertions in discipline construction, so that discipline and norms can better serve the requirements of the new development stage. On the other hand, according to the new situation and new tasks of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, we summarized the frequent disciplinary violations and outstanding performances found in the practice of supervision and discipline enforcement in recent years, solidified them into prohibitive provisions, made more specific and detailed provisions on the contents and matters of disciplinary violations, and tightened the cage of the system. For example, we have expanded the specific manifestations of disloyalty to the Party, dishonesty, and acts that undermine the unity and unity of the Party. We have added the content of reading, browsing, and listening to the content with serious political problems privately, engaging in political attachment, making friends with political cheats, and other violations of discipline; Targeting to correct the "four styles" problems that are growing and changing insidiously, we have added punishment provisions for giving gifts in the name of lecture fees, project fees, consulting fees, etc., and enriched punishment provisions for illegal reception, excessive welfare distribution, unauthorized rental and borrowing of office space, unauthorized organization of demonstration activities, violation of conference management regulations, etc.

From the perspective of expected effect, the newly revised Regulations reflect the unity of emphasizing strict management and supervision and encouraging accountability

It has always been an important consideration for the CPC to carry out disciplinary work to balance the relationship between strict management and kindness, and between encouragement and restraint. Disciplinary punishment must avoid the "one size fits all" style of simple and rude and unfair.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has been determined and tenacious to further promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and has achieved true and strict governance, dare to manage and dare to be strict, and long and strict governance. Strictness is the undoubted background, but it is not the only color in the picture. It is an internal unity rather than a mutual opposition to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party and encourage accountability, As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Strict does not mean to control everyone to death, to make people look forward and backward, to become a stagnant pool of lethargy and inaction, but to form a clean and healthy political environment within the Party and create a good environment conducive to the entrepreneurship of the directors by clarifying the direction, establishing rules, improving the ethos, and strengthening immunity."

The newly revised Regulations follow this concept and express it in a clear system, which not only makes clear requirements for party members and cadres to face the red line of discipline, but also provides full protection for party members and cadres to boldly step forward in promoting career development. For example, on the one hand, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, resolutely show the sword against inaction, disorderly acts and false acts, and add in the work discipline provisions on the punishment of not daring to fight, unwilling to take responsibility, retreating in the face of major contradictions and conflicts, crises and difficulties, engaging in arbitrary decision-making, mechanical implementation, engaging in cultural mountain meetings, engaging in layer upon layer overweight, excessive marking and other behaviors; On the other hand, fully implement the requirements of "Three Distinctions", encourage "Four Dares" cadres, distinguish between general disciplinary violations, minor disciplinary violations, and non accountability for party discipline, and provide that "although a party member's behavior causes losses or consequences, it is not intentional or negligent, but caused by force majeure and other reasons, no accountability for party discipline", In terms of lighter or mitigated punishment, the system interface is reserved to link with other intra party laws and regulations, and the previous "other meritorious performance" provision is refined into "other lighter or mitigated punishment situations stipulated by intra party laws and regulations".

The newly revised Regulations are not blindly, mechanically and one-sided strict, but reflect differences, distinguish situations, and integrate discipline, law, reason and reason. Instead of making a mistake to veto or turn pale, they fully mobilize and protect the enthusiasm of cadres and officials for entrepreneurship, and maximize the transformation of cadres from "wrong" to "promising", With clear policy and system guidance, we will constantly stimulate the endogenous power of taking on responsibilities.

From the perspective of the relationship between discipline and law, the newly revised Regulations reflect the unity of adhering to discipline before the law and promoting the integration of discipline and law

Party discipline is the internal rules of the organization specifically for the Party organization and Party members, and it is the ruler of governing the Party; National law is a social norm with universal binding force for all citizens, and it is an important tool for governing the country. The nature and ruling position of the Communist Party of China determine that party discipline is necessarily stricter than national law. Taking the first revision of the Regulations after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main symbol, the Party earnestly promotes the separation of discipline and law, adheres to the principle of being more strict than the law and upholding the law, raises the standard of discipline, and places the red line of discipline that cannot be touched by Party members above the bottom line of law; Taking the reform of the national supervision system as the main opportunity, we will promote the integration of discipline and law, and promote the integration of discipline and law as a main line and an important goal throughout the reform, so as to achieve the goal of both discipline and law.

This revision of the Regulations continues to implement the concept of discipline before the law and discipline through the law. On the one hand, rigid constraints are strengthened with more stringent discipline requirements. For example, Article 80 has been added, which stipulates that "Party members who are legally and legally obligated to testify refuse to testify or deliberately provide false information in the process of discipline review of the Party organization", indicating that when the Party organization carries out discipline review, Party members who are obligated to testify must bear in mind that Party members are the first identity and the organization is the fundamental ownership, and must eliminate selfishness and put down concerns, Unconditional cooperation in organizational work is obviously higher than the obligation of ordinary citizens to testify, and it actually reflects the requirements for the obligation to increase the shareholding of party members with clearly defined disciplinary consequences. For another example, the newly revised Regulations on illegal intervention and intervention in market economic activities, judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities, public property fund distribution, project approval, merit recognition and rewards and other sanctions provide that the subject of discipline violations is no longer limited to "party leaders and cadres", demonstrating the determination to control the behavior of all party members with higher standards and stricter requirements. On the other hand, the newly revised Regulations pay special attention to the convergence with national laws such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment of Public Officials, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of the Supervision Law, and implement the requirements for discipline enforcement and law enforcement with more stringent provisions. For example, the "discipline enforcement and law enforcement" is added to the principles that should be followed in disciplinary work, and Article 28 stipulates that "the application of discipline and the application of law are organically integrated, and the party discipline and government affairs are matched". In specific circumstances, it is clear that if a party member is subject to dismissal or higher punishment according to the law, he or she should be given a punishment of removal of post or higher within the party in accordance with the Regulations, Party discipline punishment shall be given to Party members who violate the market economic order, public security management, financial discipline and other illegal acts depending on the circumstances. Party members who lose their membership conditions and seriously damage the image of the Party, such as being involved in pornography and drugs, shall be expelled from the Party. The overall requirements and specific measures have promoted the further improvement of the provisions on the connection between discipline and law.

 >On June 29, 2023, the Chengxi Police Station of Hai'an Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province, and the party members and policemen of the Traffic Police High tech Zone Squadron reviewed their vows to join the Party in the anti-corruption education base.

On June 29, 2023, the Chengxi Police Station of Hai'an Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province, and the party members and policemen of the Traffic Police High tech Zone Squadron reviewed their vows to join the Party in the anti-corruption education base.

From the perspective of ideology, the newly revised Regulations reflect the unity of focusing on key issues and promoting global governance

The Party's discipline is a systematic and comprehensive system of rules and regulations. The six disciplines are organically linked to form the overall structure of the Party's discipline. Among them, political discipline is the most important, fundamental and critical discipline. The revision of political discipline has been the key point of all previous revisions of the Regulations since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is an important strategy and method for strict discipline implementation to drive organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, life discipline and other disciplines to be strict through strict political discipline and political rules, It shows our Party's thorough understanding and precise grasp of the six disciplines.

This revision of the Regulations focuses on the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promotes the whole party to more firmly support the "two establishment", the biggest political achievement in the new era, and more firmly adhere to the "two maintenance", the highest political principle of the party. It puts forward more specific and targeted requirements in terms of political discipline, and ensures that the whole party's political position, political direction, political principles On the political road, we have maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. For example, Article 56 grasps the essential attribute and substantial harm of the act of "implementing the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China but not implementing them", adjusts it from violating work discipline to violating political discipline, highlights stricter political requirements, increases the punishment of "ignoring the overall situation of the Party and the country, engaging in departmental or local protectionism", and requires the whole party to always focus on the center Serve the overall situation, and provide a solid disciplinary guarantee for keeping government orders unblocked and the implementation and effectiveness of the major policies of the Party Central Committee.

In addition, the Regulations also focus on eliminating blind spots, leaving no blind spots, and strengthening discipline supervision all the time, all the area, and all the chain. In terms of time, the full cycle management of Party members has been implemented, and the management and supervision of Party members in non working hours have been strengthened. For example, Article 106 added provisions on punishment for taking advantage of the original authority or position influence to seek profits for others after leaving or retiring (leaving), which made up for the regulatory loopholes in the period after leaving or retiring (leaving). It covers all channels in space. For example, Article 153 added the provisions on punishment for improper words and deeds in cyberspace, indicating that the Internet is not an "out of bounds place". Highlight the whole chain in terms of compaction responsibility. For example, Article 130 adds the punishment provisions for the behavior of "new officials ignore old accounts", resolutely resists and strikes against passive avoidance, evading the important and taking the light, shirking the blame, and shirking responsibility, which forces party members and cadres to keep their promises and be responsible.

At present, the whole party is carrying out party discipline learning and education. Studying and implementing the newly revised Regulations is one of the important manifestations of our party's self revolution and an important political task for all party members at present. We must deeply understand the significance and characteristics of the times of the revision of the Regulations, fully understand the main thrust and rich connotation of the Regulations, accurately grasp the spiritual essence and core concepts of the Regulations, We should not only maintain the high-level guidance of the Party's ideals and beliefs, but also scrupulously abide by the bottom line constraints of the Party's discipline, enhance the consciousness and initiative of observing discipline, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

(Source: The Banner, 2024, Issue 4; author unit: China Institute for Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

(Editor: Sun Li Signed by: Sun Li Signed by: Zhao Pin)