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Further release the value of data elements and accelerate the construction of digital China

Liu Liehong
Source: Banner net 15:47, April 24, 2024
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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has had a deep insight into the development trend of the digital era and the trend of scientific and technological innovation. With a view to coordinating the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, he has put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new discussions on building a digital China, made a series of strategic arrangements, and promoted the construction of a digital China to achieve important progress and remarkable results. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mapped out a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, and made a series of new arrangements for accelerating the construction of digital China. In December 2022, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Building a Data Infrastructure System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements made it clear that we should fully realize the value of data elements, drive the transformation of production and lifestyle and governance methods with digitalization, and inject strong impetus into the construction of digital China. We need to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on data development and security, implement the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, take multiple measures to stimulate the potential of data elements, rally to promote digital development in all fields, and use new achievements in the construction of digital China to strongly support the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

On February 24, 2023, the integrated computing service platform of eastern data and western computing was officially launched in Yinchuan, Ningxia.

Data is the basic resource and key element for building a digital China

Taking data as a new type of production factor, deploying data management system reform, market construction, industrial development and security management around promoting digital technology innovation, market-oriented configuration reform of data factors and digital transformation of industries is an important innovation practice of Xi Jinping's economic thought, which not only follows the general law of social productivity development, It also meets the new characteristics and requirements of the new development stage of China, and opens new space for the construction of digital China.

Data is an important basis for the development of new quality productivity. Since September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to actively cultivate and develop new quality productive forces. Revolutionary breakthroughs in digital technology have created conditions for innovative allocation of production factors and in-depth industrial transformation. The level of data resource utilization directly affects the allocation efficiency of land, labor, capital, technology and other traditional factors, and directly affects the level of productivity development. Giving full play to the value of data elements is conducive to promoting the structural remodeling of traditional industries, promoting high-end, intelligent and green industries, realizing the value multiplication of traditional production factors, and plays an important role in promoting the development of new quality productivity.

Data is an important support for improving national governance capacity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that data is a basic strategic resource and the basis for scientific decision-making, precise governance and fine services. Over the years, the relevant national departments have continuously promoted the inclusion of more than 6000 departmental data into the scope of government data sharing in response to prominent issues such as data barriers and information islands, blocking management loopholes, improving regulatory efficiency and improving service levels. According to the overall layout plan of digital China construction, continue to promote the in-depth integration of digital technology with economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction, and give play to the role of data in analyzing complex problems, predicting potential risks, carrying out lean management, and achieving scientific decision-making, which will significantly promote the modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities in various fields.

Data is an important support for ensuring and improving people's livelihood. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that big data has great potential in ensuring and improving people's livelihood. Over the years, governments at all levels have insisted on letting people run less errands and more data, constantly improving the level of equalization, inclusiveness and convenience of public services, improving the business environment, promoting digital applications in education, employment, social security, medicine and health, housing, transportation and other fields, and using big data to help targeted poverty alleviation and ecological environment protection, so that people feel a sense of gain, happiness The sense of security continues to improve. Accelerate the digital supply and networking of public service resources, promote the sharing and reuse of high-quality data resources, make full use of digital technology, strengthen the docking of supply and demand in the field of people's livelihood, further optimize resource allocation, and continue to bridge the "digital divide", which is conducive to the realization of digital dividends for all people.

Promoting the construction of digital China has a solid foundation of data elements

Data development and security play an important role in the overall construction of the Party and the country in the new era. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China's data work has achieved groundbreaking changes, the advantages of massive data resources and rich application scenarios have been further exerted, and the value of data elements has been released faster, laying a solid foundation for the construction of digital China.

Data development and security foundation have been consolidated. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China listed data as a new factor of production for the first time, and then the Central Committee successively issued policy documents, requiring to speed up the cultivation and development of data factor markets, and establish basic institutional norms for data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution and security governance. After the establishment of the National Data Bureau, it quickly formulated opinions on the development and utilization of public data resources, normalization supervision of the digital economy, and further improved the basic system of data. At the same time, China's "East Data and West Computing" project continued to be implemented, and the planning and construction of the national integrated computing network was vigorously promoted. By the end of 2023, the total size of the data center racks of the eight hub nodes has exceeded 1.05 million standard racks, and the network delay between the eastern and western hub nodes has basically met the 20 millisecond delay requirement, with an average listing rate of 61.9%, 3.9 percentage points higher than that in 2022. The data infrastructure system and data infrastructure construction work together to effectively guarantee and promote the value of data.

The basic resources of data and the role of innovation engine are further highlighted. The development of digitalization, networking and intelligence in China has brought exponential growth in data scale. According to the latest survey statistics, by the end of 2023, the total data production in China has exceeded 32 zebytes (ZB). Massive data resources are accelerated to integrate into production and life, giving play to the multiplier effect, and enabling high-quality economic and social development. In terms of improving total factor productivity, data flow led the flow of materials, talents, technology and funds, promoted the efficient allocation of traditional production factors, and improved the efficiency of economic and social operations. In terms of expanding new space for economic growth, data multi scenario application and multi-agent reuse promote the collision of knowledge in all aspects, break through the output limit under the constraints of traditional resource factors, and create new value increment. In terms of improving scientific and technological innovation capability, multiple data fusion can lead to qualitative change with quantitative change, greatly improve the speed of scientific and technological innovation, promote the transformation of scientific research paradigm, create new knowledge, and hasten the birth of new business forms and models.

The ecology of data resource development and utilization is continuously rich. At present, the whole society's understanding of the value of data is constantly improving, and more and more business entities are participating in the market-oriented allocation of data elements, especially actively participating in the construction of data infrastructure, promoting data circulation and development and utilization. A number of service-oriented, application-oriented, and technical data vendors have emerged, becoming promoters, converters, and developers of the realization of data value. According to statistics from relevant institutions, in the past 10 years, the number of digital business enterprises in China has increased from 110000 to more than 1 million, becoming an important part of the data industry and playing a key role in revitalizing the value of data elements. At the same time, we focus on 12 key industries and fields, such as intelligent manufacturing, smart agriculture, trade and circulation, and implement the three-year action of "data element ×" to promote data to play a variety of multiplier effects in different scenarios, and promote China's advantages in basic data resources to further transform into new advantages in economic development.

Continue to provide new momentum for the construction of digital China with the release of data value

Those who strive for transportation are the first, and those who innovate are strong. Fully releasing the value of data elements and leading and driving digital development are the internal requirements and important focus of building a digital China. We should conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on data development and security, vigorously promote the reform of market-oriented allocation of data elements, promote the efficient circulation and utilization of data, and promote the construction of digital China to a new level.

Improve the basic data system. The construction of data infrastructure system concerns the overall situation of national development and security. We should accelerate the construction of a basic system that adapts to the characteristics of data elements, conforms to market rules, and meets the needs of development by focusing on supply, flow, use, and security. We will focus on making policies on data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution, and security governance mechanisms to lay the foundation for the formation of a data market with efficient factor allocation, orderly flow compliance, and fair and reasonable distribution. To carry out the construction of the data base system, we need to combine the top-level design with the grass-roots exploration. On the one hand, all local departments should boldly explore and try first. On the other hand, the National Data Bureau will continue to improve and optimize the top-level design based on practice, and accelerate the formation of a systematic, scientific, reasonable, coordinated and unified data base system.

Improve the development and utilization of data resources. Data value can only be realized in application scenarios. We should adhere to the principle of using for business, and implement classified policies to develop and utilize public data, enterprise data, and personal data. The development and utilization of public data resources should give play to the demonstration effect, promote sharing, openness and authorized operation in coordination, and balance the relationship between public welfare and marketization. For key areas with large data stocks and rich application scenarios, especially in data development and utilization, we should take the lead. We support and encourage all kinds of business entities to participate in it and stimulate market innovation vitality. The development and utilization of enterprise data should reduce the cost of data circulation and use, and promote large, medium, small and micro enterprises to jointly develop and use data according to market rules. The development and utilization of personal data is related to the vital interests of the people. It is necessary to grasp the boundaries, effectively protect personal privacy and rights, and give full play to the value of personal data.

Vigorously develop the digital economy with data as the key element. Digital China is the general direction of national digital development, and digital economy is the main battlefield of digital development. This year's Government Work Report listed "in-depth promotion of the innovative development of the digital economy" as a key task, and implemented the relevant deployment. We must accelerate the "integration of data and reality", coordinate the promotion of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, promote the deep integration of digital technology with manufacturing, agriculture, and services, and continue to deepen the construction of the national pilot zone for the innovative development of the digital economy, Select typical regions to build a number of digital industrial clusters. We should focus on cross regional and cross departmental application scenarios, organize the implementation of major digital transformation projects, deepen AI research and development, and promote the deep integration of AI and industrial applications. We will continue to support the healthy development of the platform economy and encourage platform enterprises to accelerate technological innovation and business model innovation.

We will do a good job in building data infrastructure and tackling key core technologies. Efficient and compliant use of data cannot be separated from the support of data infrastructure and technological innovation. It is necessary to focus on the integrated layout of general computing power, intelligent computing power and super computing power, the integration and coordination of computing power in the east, middle and west, the integration and development of computing power, data and algorithms, the integration and integration of computing power and green power, the integration of computing power development and security assurance, and accelerate the construction of the national integrated computing power network. We will improve the infrastructure for national data circulation, create a secure and credible circulation environment, strengthen the construction and management of data quality standards, data value evaluation systems, and security evaluation systems, and promote the interconnection of cross industry and cross regional data element circulation platforms. Benchmark the core technology frontier in the international data field, speed up the key common technology and "choke" technology breakthrough, accelerate the industrial layout around the technical development, and form a benign development trend of mutual integration and mutual promotion of data technology and data industry.

Coordinate data development and security. Security is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of security. We need to accelerate data technology innovation, improve infrastructure, strengthen standard guidance, strengthen talent team construction, improve the level of industrial development, and promote high-level security with high-quality development. At the same time, it is necessary to scientifically formulate management policies, strengthen the safety management of the whole process of data circulation and use, keep the safety bottom line, and ensure high-quality development with high-level safety. We should promote open cooperation in the field of data, improve the rules for cross-border data flow, expand the space for international cooperation in the field of data, make better use of both domestic and international markets and resources, serve high-level opening up and build a new development pattern.

On May 18, 2023, the 7th World Smart Conference will open in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin).

(Source: The Banner, 2024, Issue 4; the author is a member of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the National Data Bureau)

(Edited by: Xu Yawei Signed by: Lin Yan Signed by: Zhao Pin)