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Young cadres should conscientiously achieve the "Five Consciousness"

Xie Peng
Source: Banner net 09:31, April 24, 2024
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General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the opening of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024, putting forward the important requirements of "five self-consciousness" for the healthy growth of young cadres. Young cadres should keep in mind the earnest instructions, practice their internal skills diligently, improve their self-cultivation, and enhance their skills, so as to become capable of being useful and shouldering heavy responsibilities.

Be a conscientious believer in the Party's innovative theory. Theoretical literacy is the most fundamental skill of young cadres. Mastering the depth of the Party's innovative theory determines the degree of political sensitivity, the breadth of thinking horizon, and the height of ideological realm. When young cadres first leave school and enter the society, their world outlook, outlook on life and values are often in a critical period of "shaping". At this time, they must seize the time to strengthen their theoretical arms, take the initiative to join the "sea of learning", seek truth like plants, increase their true knowledge like sponges, and deeply learn Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, Use the Party's innovative theory to forge the soul, guide the direction, and practically achieve the unity of learning, thinking and application, knowledge, trust and practice, so as to truly transform the learning effect into work effectiveness.

Be a model practitioner of loyalty and honesty to the Party. Loyalty and honesty to the Party are the political qualities of young cadres. Young cadres shoulder the historic task of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. Only by being loyal to the Party can they remain true to their hearts and aspirations at any time and under any circumstances, and work with the Party with one heart and one mind. The first thing for young cadres to be loyal to the Party is to cultivate their Party spirit, strengthen their political ability, be loyal to the Party's belief, be loyal to the Party's organization, and be loyal to the Party's line, principles and policies. Nowadays, young cadres are living in the era of peace, and the challenges they face do not seem to be as severe as those in the war years. However, the absolute requirements for loyalty are the same. They must show their loyalty in their words and deeds, and be honest, practical and down-to-earth.

Consciously be a selfless devotee committed to the benefit of the people. Serving the people is the greatest achievement, and it is also the correct achievement view that young cadres should establish and practice. As early as when he cut ranks in Liangjiahe, Northern Shaanxi, Comrade Xi Jinping set his lifelong ambition: "To do practical things for the people!" Since then, from Liangjiahe to Zhengding, from Fujian to Zhejiang, from Shanghai to Beijing, he has always been deeply attached to the people and set a brilliant example. "Our goal is grand and simple. In the final analysis, it is to make people live a better life." From the moment when young cadres take up their jobs, they should clearly realize that doing business and making achievements is not for personal gain or loss, but for the benefit of the people. We should have a deep heart of love for the people, abide by the responsibility of serving the people, be good at planning policies to enrich the people, and do more things that benefit the people.

Conscientiously be a tireless fighter who is brave to take on responsibilities. Doing things is the duty and value of cadres, and also the key to the growth of young cadres. From Huang Wenxiu, the "National Model for Poverty Alleviation", to "the most beautiful grass-roots college graduates", who took the initiative to go to the northwest on behalf of the East to guard national unity, to Yang Jun, the national "civil servant satisfied by the people", who has taken root in the front line of labor and rights protection and loved thousands of families for more than 10 years, in recent years, many people have been aware of the heavy burden Young cadres who have risen to the challenge have taken the initiative and won widespread praise. Only when young cadres grasp the "jointing booting stage" of life, dare to work on "porcelain" and "shoulder the heavy burden", can they accumulate and grow. At present, we have embarked on a new journey to achieve the second centennial goal. Young cadres should practice "broad shoulders" and "hard backbone", take the fiery practice as the best classroom, seize rare opportunities, cherish precious opportunities, be down-to-earth, start from small things, work from the lowest level, and write a wonderful life in the struggle.

Consciously be a strong promoter of a good political ecology. Political ecology and cadre growth are cause and effect each other. Without a good political ecology, the healthy growth of young cadres cannot be talked about; With a good political environment, young cadres will have energy and ambition, and our cause will develop better and better. The majority of young cadres should cultivate a clean spirit, promote integrity, and be strong promoters, defenders, and demonstrators of a good political ecology. We should vigorously promote the style of pragmatism, not aim too high, not divorced from reality, and firmly refrain from formalism and bureaucracy; We should vigorously promote the trend of incorruptibility, and frequently brush off the "ideological dust", think more about "greed", and often break down the "thieves in the heart", so as to ensure that we can keep our mind, behavior, and innocence at all times; We will vigorously promote frugality, carry forward the fine tradition of thrift, and maintain a healthy and progressive lifestyle. We should carry forward the spirit of thorough self revolution, constantly examine ourselves with the attitude of "being less than what you are", cultivate integrity, and promote the political ecology of "green mountains are always there and green waters are always flowing".

(Source: The Flag, 2024, Issue 4)

(Editor: Wang Chunchun Signed by: Wang Chunchun Issued by: Zhao Pin)