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You can't stay away from books for a day

Li Tianqi
Source: Banner net 11:27, April 23, 2024
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"You can not eat for a day, sleep for a day, and read books for a day." General Secretary Xi Jinping once quoted Comrade Mao Zedong's famous sentence, issued an important call to "read more books, read good books, and learn wisdom and nutrition from books", urging us to never forget to "learn from books", so that reading can truly become a daily lesson and a lifelong career.

But Yan ancestors had books and codes. China is a country with books, and the Chinese nation loves books. The vast classics of more than 5000 years, which record history, continue the context, and promote progress, are inexhaustible national treasures. Throughout the ages, sages and scholars have attached great importance to the significance and value of books, taking reading as "the greatest hobby" and "the first thing", and placing their feelings on voluminous books. "It's deep spring before we know it, and every inch of time is an inch of gold", "The book is sentimental like an old friend, and every morning and evening is sad and happy for dating", "The old book is never tired of reading a hundred times, and the refined mind knows itself"... Through these proverbs, we have met a number of Chinese scholars who have been searching all their lives and tirelessly, and have seen the height of national thinking and spiritual depth marked by books.

Books are the life of the times and great power. On the new journey, theoretical innovation is constantly promoted, national development is booming, knowledge updating is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the necessity and urgency of studying and cultivating oneself and increasing talents are becoming increasingly prominent. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "If we do not strengthen reading and learning, knowledge will age, ideas will become rigid, and ability will deteriorate." Even if we do not read for a day, we may also be alienated from the truth, lag behind the times, and fall into the dilemma of "not keeping justice in mind, being hateful to the mirror, and being insipid to people". We should be eager to learn and keep improving. We should continue to strengthen our arms, exercise our skills, broaden our mind, enter a larger world, and become better ourselves in reading.

It is not easy to know that "opening a book is beneficial" and "really opening a book". In the face of busy work and life, if there is no ambition of "studying for the rise of China", the pursuit of "going to the holy place and continuing to learn", the determination of "working hard while you are still alive", and the determination of "learning sleepy, lead the cone to stab its own shares", it is probably difficult to finish "most of the head", and it is difficult to climb over the mountains of books and get the scriptures. In the fast-paced and diversified modern society, readers should regard reading as a kind of exercise, a habit, and a kind of enjoyment. They should calm down to "squeeze" and "drill", and "learn to the end". Through the pages of the book, through time and space, they should have a long dialogue with the wise people, find an inexhaustible living water for the heart spring, and keep an eternal pure land in the noise.

When a book is "hard reading", it also needs "skillful reading". The more limited your time and energy are, the more you should cherish the rare opportunity to study. With curiosity and interest, you should use your brain, pen and ink, and emotions. You should be good at choosing and choosing, eliminating the pitfalls, adhering to the principles, grasping the abstract, understanding, drawing inferences from one instance, and exploring more scientific methods to read more masterpieces and gain deeper insights. When reading, the most important thing is to develop a pair of unique insight, see what people have not seen and say what people have not said, use the rules of writers to open their own faces, find the innovation and creation of the only individual among thousands of readers, and achieve "I pay attention to the Six Classics, and the Six Classics pay attention to me". During reading, it is also inevitable to encounter confusion. At this time, it is advisable to cover your mind and learn from other mountains, ask good teachers about their sutras, and analyze the doubts with close friends, so as to overcome the difficulties of reading and enjoy the happiness of reading together in exchange and discussion.

Reading should be known and renewed day by day, and more importantly, it should be done day by day. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "It is not good not to read, nor is it good to be a 'bookworm'." Good books are used, and reading should be effective. Never stop reading; It is better to have no books than to believe all books. In the process of reading, we should carry forward the Marxist style of learning that integrates theory with practice, keep pace with the times, focus on problems, take a realistic view, and do not drill into the "bull's horns" or fall into the "old paper pile". We should apply the world to practice. We should be both knowledgeable and practical. We should "get in" and "jump out". We should not only see "books with words" on the bench, but also see "books without words" in the vast world. We should read books lively and realistically, translate the results of reading into actual achievements in promoting the development of the party and the country, and make due contributions to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

One day without books, Pepsi is deserted. At the time of writing, the 29th World Reading Day is coming, which is a grand festival for book lovers and a regular day for readers. Every day should be used as a reading day; Everyone should strive to be a scholar. Let's spend our lives with books and read more.

(Source: The Banner, 2024, Issue 4; the author is an editor of Xinhua News Agency and a young learning model of the central and state organs)

(Editor: Zhang Li Signed by: Zhang Li Signed by: Zhao Pin)