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Notice of theoretical essay solicitation in 2024 of Research on Party Building in Organs

Source: Banner net 14:44, April 1, 2024
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Since its inception in 2019, the magazine has carried out theoretical essay solicitation activities for five consecutive years, which has aroused enthusiastic responses among party members and cadres of central and state organs, local organs at all levels, as well as theoretical workers. It has harvested a number of outstanding research results on party building in organs, and has made positive contributions to comprehensively improving the quality of party building in organs. 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan, and the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs. In order to further do a good job in theoretical research and exchange of party building in organs, the magazine Research on Party Building in Organs will continue to carry out theoretical solicitation activities in 2024.

Essay theme

Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Party building and the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, We will unswervingly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs, and comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs.

Object of solicitation

Party organizations and party members at all levels of the central and state organs, party organizations and party members at all levels of local organs, as well as research institutes, colleges and universities and other theoretical research institutions and theoretical workers.

Submission requirements

The article must be original, and shall not be copied or submitted more than one draft.

The signature can be an individual, a unit or a group. Please indicate the detailed address, contact person, position of the unit, contact information, etc. at the end of the text.

Please send the electronic version of the article to

The deadline is September 30, 2024.

Selection and application of results

The magazine will organize experts to review the solicitation, issue certificates and bonuses to the award-winning authors, select outstanding contributions in a timely manner, invite outstanding solicitation authors to serve as special researchers of the magazine as appropriate, and participate in relevant theoretical research.

Selected Topics for Reference of Essays

1. Deeply study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, and constantly promote the new great project of party building in the new era

2. Deeply study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, and deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the Party's self revolution

3. Consistently implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs, and comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs

4. Deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, and shoulder a new cultural mission

5. Thoroughly study and implement the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024, consciously be a faithful follower of the Party's innovative theory, a model practitioner of loyalty and honesty to the Party, a selfless devotee committed to the benefit of the people, and a tireless fighter who is brave to take on the role A strong promoter of good political ecology

6. Consolidate, expand, study and implement the educational achievements of the theme of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and constantly lead the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to in-depth

7. Deeply study the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline, and solidly carry out discipline education

8. Glorious course and valuable experience of party building in the organs since the founding of New China 75 years ago

9. Research on Comrade Mao Zedong's Party building thought

10. Research on Deng Xiaoping's Party building thought

The above topics are for reference only, and can be further refined or self prepared according to the theme of the essay. The number of words is about 5000.

(Editor: Wang Xiruo Signed by: Wang Xiruo Signed by: Zhao Pin)