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Fully perform duties and missions to better play the "four roles"

Wang Yibiao
Source: Banner net 10:17, February 29, 2024
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Since its establishment five years ago, the "Research on Party Building in Organs" and "Banner" magazine have achieved remarkable results: Always adhere to the correct political direction, and the propaganda and interpretation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on Party building have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Adhere to the important content of publicizing and explaining the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, especially the important speech and important directive spirit on party building of organs, set up special columns to deeply publicize and explain the truth strength and practical strength of the party's innovative theory, and record and witness the new progress and new achievements of party building of organs in the new era. We have always adhered to the practice orientation, and the role of guiding the Party building of the organs has become increasingly prominent. Focusing on the mission and task of party building of organs in the new era, we regularly set up columns such as "creating model organs" and "branch construction research", dissect sparrows and teach methods, and promote the central and state organs to be good "three models" and walk the first square. Always adhere to dislocation development, and the style and characteristics of running journals are increasingly prominent. The Journal of Research on Party Building in Organs focuses on being a "think tank" for party building in organs. Relying on the responsibilities of the office of the special committee of the National Party Building Research Association undertaken by the magazine, it launched relevant research topics and formed a batch of research results with guiding significance; As the official journal of the Central Committee and the working committee of the state organs, the Banner magazine sets up columns scientifically, builds a communication platform, and promotes the extensive application of the experience and achievements of party building of organs in the new era in practice.

Looking back over the past five years, the editorial board of the People's Daily and the party organizations at all levels of the newspaper focused on learning the "True Classics of Party Building" published in two journals, and tried to use "stones from other mountains" to promote the continuous innovation and development of the practice of party building in the newspaper. The editorial board and its main leaders and members published many signed articles on magazines, and the research results of the newspaper's party building project, the experience and practice of the construction of grass-roots party organizations, comments and theoretical articles of party members and cadres were published on magazines and banners. At the same time, the newspaper office actively carried out various forms of cooperation and exchanges with the two journals. The Theory Department of the People's Daily established a coordination mechanism for the use of manuscripts with the magazine Research on Party Building of Organs, and achieved "common answers" in the promotion and interpretation of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

It is hoped that the two journals will take the fifth anniversary of their founding as a new starting point, focus on fully performing their duties and missions, and better play the "four roles". Better play the role of the flag. Adhere to the Party journal's name as the Party, keep the correct political direction, adhere to the highest standard on the principle of abiding by the Party spirit, always take the study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the primary political task, and thoroughly publicize and explain the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, Promulgate and explain the important speech and directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the party building of organs, and provide correct ideological guidance and strong public opinion support for promoting the high-quality development of party building of organs in the new era. Give better play to the role of the platform. Now, the party building of the central and state organs has entered a new stage of comprehensively improving the quality. The two journals should follow the pace of practice, timely and fully reflect the fresh practices of the central and state organs, especially the grass-roots party organizations, be good at discovering and constantly summarizing advanced experience, continue to promote effective methods of party building, and strive to become an authoritative platform for the research on party building of organs It is an important garden for the exchange of experience in party building and mutual learning of party affairs workers. Give better play to the role of think tanks. Deeply insight into the development and changes of the party building work of the organs in the new era, closely focus on the strategic issues related to the party building of the organs, the bottleneck problems restricting the high-quality development of the party building of the organs, and the practical problems concerned by the party members and party workers, actively offer advice and suggestions based on in-depth investigation and research, and play a good role as a staff assistant and a new type of think tank. Better play a guiding role. We will conscientiously implement the responsibility system for ideological work, and with a sense of responsibility of "always being reassured", we will fulfill our responsibility and mission to win the initiative battle in the ideological field. We will stand up at the critical moment, be able to catch up, and hold on to it. Actively promote the innovation of the concept, content, means, system and mechanism of running journals, constantly create new highlights and advantages on the basis of giving play to the traditional advantages, constantly expand the communication power and influence in promoting the integrated development of media, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of joint efforts to promote the party building work of organs.

(Source: The Flag, 2024, Issue 1; the author is the deputy chief editor of the People's Daily and the secretary of the Party committee of the organ)

(Editor: Wang Xinyue Signed by: Wang Xinyue Signed by: Zhong Ming)