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Notice of Application for Party Building Project of 2024

Source: Banner net 17:09, February 21, 2024
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2024 marks the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party building work conference of the central and state organs (hereinafter referred to as the "July 9" important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping). In order to thoroughly study and implement the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, especially the important speech and important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building of organs, continue to deeply implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on "July 9", and further implement the Key Points of Party Building Work for Central and State Organs in 2024 Relevant requirements and the spirit of the first National Symposium on Party Building Theory for Organs, strengthen the research on major theoretical and practical issues of party building for organs in the new era, and effectively use high-quality theoretical research to promote the overall improvement of the quality of party building for organs Special researcher of the Research Magazine of Party Building in Government Offices organized and carried out the research work on the subject of Party building in government offices in 2024 around the theme of "research on the experience, effectiveness and enlightenment of the in-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's" July 9 "important speech in government offices at all levels over the past five years". Relevant matters are described as follows.

1、 Topic selection

Over the past five years, the authorities at all levels have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 9" important speech and studied the experience, effectiveness and enlightenment.

Research direction:

1. Deepen the construction of political organs and do a good job in carrying out the first square research of "two maintenance".

2. Consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of theoretical research.

3. Under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the Party's self revolution, strengthen the discipline education and warning education research of party members and cadres.

4. Improve the research on the responsibility system of party building of organs.

5. Research on the Party building supervision and inspection work of the organ.

6. The party affairs cadres of the government organs have done model research on loyalty to the party, proficiency in party building, conscientious work, and law-abiding.

7. Other self selected topics.

2、 Declaration requirements

(1) Each project application unit must set up a project team to participate in the project research; Special researchers can form a research group or participate in it in their own names. The person in charge of the project must be a member of the Communist Party of China, have strong research ability, and have the title of deputy high or above or the administrative position at the department level or above.

(2) All departments of the central and state organs shall be subject to the unified declaration of their own party committees, while local units shall be subject to the unified declaration of their own working committees. All specially appointed researchers can directly apply to the official party building research magazine. All departments of central and state organs, working committees of local organs at all levels, and special researchers shall report at most three topics. The topic can be drafted according to the direction of topic selection, and it is encouraged to determine small and practical topics around the direction of topic selection for research.

(3) The research team must fill in the 2024 Annual Project Application Form of the Organ Party Construction Research Magazine (see Annex 1), and submit the paper version (1 copy, with official seal) and electronic version of the form. After summarizing the declaration information, the party committee of the department or the working committee of the department at the same level shall fill in the Summary Form of Application for Party Building Topics of Organizations in 2024 (see Annex 2), which shall be submitted in paper form after being affixed with the official seal. The electronic version of the above form can be downloaded from the WeChat official account of "Research on Party Building of Organs", the banner website and the branch work APP.

The paper version of the application materials can be exchanged confidentially to the "Comprehensive Coordination Office of the Central and State Organ Working Committee Organ Party Construction Research Magazine", or sent by express to "Room 724, Kangming Building, No. 18, Art Museum Back Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100010"; E-mail

Tel: 010-84030630 010-84011047.

(4) The deadline for submitting the subject application form is Friday, March 15, 2024.

3、 Related matters

(1) From March to August, the project research work was carried out. Comprehensive use of questionnaires, literature review, symposiums, individual interviews and other methods to carry out research, focus on the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research, and ensure the quality of research projects. The organ party building research magazine is scheduled to hold a topic opening seminar in March; In June, experts were organized to review the mid-term results of the project research, and put forward suggestions for modification.

(2) The project research report shall be submitted in the middle of August. Specific requirements will be notified later.

(3) In September, the project review was carried out. The research results will be published in the Journal of Research on Party Building in Organs.

(4) Organize and hold theoretical seminars on party building in the organs in due time to exchange outstanding research results.

enclosure: 1. Application Form for 2024 Annual Project of the Organ Party Construction Research Magazine

          2. Summary Form of Application for Party Building Projects of Organizations in 2024

Organ Party Construction Research Magazine

February 21, 2024

(Editor: Wang Xiruo Signed by: Wang Xiruo Signed by: Zhong Ming)