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Insist on deep learning and careful understanding to find out the truth

The Party Committee of the organ directly under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Source: Banner net 08:34, September 30, 2022
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Since the launch of the special work of "study, discussion, problem finding, improvement and improvement" (hereinafter referred to as the "special work"), the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has closely linked with the actual work, carefully arranged the deployment, promoted the implementation of the special work with the "four focuses", and solidly promoted the economic work in the cultural and tourism fields to play an important role in economic and social development.

Focus on organizational leadership

The Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism attaches great importance to carrying out special work, regards it as an important political task, and continues to strengthen organizational leadership and responsibility implementation. Hu Heping, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and minister of the Ministry, put forward special requirements for carrying out special work, emphasizing that special work should be taken as a starting point, in-depth study and understanding of Xi Jinping's economic thinking, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, and transform the learning achievements into ideas to promote work and measures to solve problems, so as to promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism. Lu Yingchuan, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry and Vice Minister of the Ministry, presided over the special work forum, listened to the work progress report, exchanged experience and practices, analyzed existing problems, and promoted the special work to go deeper and more practical.

The Party Committee of the organ directly under it actively planned, carefully studied and formulated the work plan, timely printed and distributed the Notice on Carrying out the Special Work of "Learning, Investigation and Reform", deployed the special work carried out by the affiliated units and the social organizations in charge of business, and carried out classified guidance, random inspection and supervision on the special work of each unit by means of research interviews, attending meetings as nonvoting delegates, and accessing documents and materials as required, Promote the full coverage and balanced development of all units. Party organizations at all levels consciously improve their political position, strengthen their responsibility, convey the deployment requirements of special work at the first time, formulate their own implementation plans based on the actual situation, refine their work measures, and strive to promote the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the economic work decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee in the field of their own departments.

Focus on learning and discussion

Insist on taking study and discussion as the basic link of special work, deeply understand the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's economic thought, and enhance the political consciousness and action consciousness of doing economic work in the field of culture and tourism. The theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Education has twice carried out thematic study and discussion around the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power and Xi Jinping's economic thought, especially in-depth study and understanding of the important statement spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on grasping the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, and building a new development pattern, and exchange learning experience, Research and explore ideas and measures to promote high-quality development of culture and tourism.

The Party Committee of the organ directly under the CPC Central Committee timely compiled, printed and issued the Compilation of Press Releases of the Central Economic Work Conference (2012-2021) since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, and distributed Comrade Xi Jinping's On Grasping the New Development Stage, Implementing the New Development Concept, and Constructing a New Development Pattern and Xi Jinping's Extracts of Important Treaties on Culture and Tourism Work (2021 Edition). The Ministry Party School takes Xi Jinping's economic thought as an important teaching content and incorporates it into the training plan and curriculum arrangement for Party members and cadres. Party organizations at all levels actively innovate learning forms on the basis of concentrated learning and discussion. Some unit party organization secretaries take the lead in holding lectures and party classes, some units actively carry out theme based joint learning and joint construction activities, and some units invite experts and scholars to give lectures and guidance. The youth theoretical study groups of all units went deep into the grassroots and the masses to understand the truth, carried out research and tackling activities around the "key little things" concerned by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and declared a total of 43 research and tackling topics.

Check the problem

Take the problem solving as the key link of the special work, always focus on "the biggest country", seek truth from facts to find out the problem accurately, investigate deeply and carefully, and see people see things see ideas. Grass roots Party organizations and the majority of Party members and cadres take "six comparisons, six observations and six investigations" as the basic reference to investigate and solve problems, insist on investigating and solving as many problems as there are, and focus on investigating and solving as many problems as there are prominent problems, which are neither small but simple and general, nor do they try to make everyone pass the exam and force everyone to be comprehensive. In the process of finding out the problems, we should always focus on the "five key points", that is, we should focus on the search against the requirements of implementing new development concepts and promoting high-quality development; Focus on finding out from the aspects of deepening supply side structural reform, adapting to market demand, and providing high-quality cultural and tourism products; Pay attention to the search based on the service at the grass-roots level, solve problems and improve the style of work; Pay attention to the search from the perspective that the effect of event organization and service provision is evaluated by the masses; Focus on searching from the perspective of creative work and enhancing initiative.

All grass-roots Party organizations seriously held special organizational life meetings, took the initiative to put themselves, their responsibilities, and their work in the agenda, and launched criticism and self-criticism focusing on substantive issues and fundamental reasons. For the problems found out, each unit shall sort out and analyze them one by one, confirm the list of problems, task list and responsibility list, revise and improve the implementation measures for rectification, and clarify the timetable and road map. In order to urge all units to do a good job in investigating and solving problems and hold a special organizational life meeting, the Party Committee of the directly affiliated organ has identified seven departments and bureaus and directly affiliated units that are closely connected with economic work. The leading group members of the Party Committee of the organ lead the team to attend the special organizational life meeting as nonvoting delegates, and conduct comments and guidance.


Focusing on the improvement of special work, we insisted on learning, checking, and improving while implementing key tasks, promoted problem rectification in the implementation of key tasks, and ensured the high-quality completion of key tasks with problem rectification, which has formed a number of policy achievements, system achievements, and work achievements.

Establish an internal working mechanism and an external contact mechanism, and earnestly study and judge the economic situation in the field of culture and tourism. Establish cross sectoral and cross regional work shifts and coordination mechanisms, deploy pilot and platoon tourism stock projects nationwide, and promote the revitalization of idle and inefficient tourism projects; Promote 14 departments to jointly introduce policies and a package of support measures for the tourism industry; Cooperate with six departments to print and distribute the Opinions on Promoting the Cultural Industry to Enable Rural Revitalization, and focus on enhancing the balance and coordination of urban and rural regional industrial development; Carry out special research on the development trend and main tasks of digital culture in the new era, support the digital transformation and upgrading of art troupes, and focus on improving the digital, networked and intelligent level of cultural industry and tourism industry.

Adhere to the principle of "tourism for the people, tourism driven", and promote the high-quality development of tourism. 113 national rural tourism boutique routes of "Four Seasons of Rural Scenery - Spring and Summer, All Things Show Together" were launched to meet the local travel needs of the masses; Guide scenic spots to do well in epidemic prevention and control and safe and orderly opening by holding scenic spot management teleconferences, sending out tourist flow warning tips, and conducting video patrols of key scenic spots; Actively promote the implementation of enterprise rescue policies, and timely adjust the deposit system of tourism service quality; Support travel agencies to undertake trade union and exhibition activities of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, support qualified hotels, home stay and other tourism enterprises to provide accommodation, meetings, catering and other services for government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and support and guide local governments to introduce rewards and subsidies policies for direct enterprises.

Pay close attention to the demands of the masses, respond to the concerns of the masses, and do a good job in the comprehensive management of cultural and entertainment fields. Guide the Association to strengthen self-discipline in the industry, carry out an inventory of illegal and immoral artists and cultural products, and bring new business forms into the scope of supervision; Continuously optimize the business environment, and establish a working mechanism of "good and bad evaluation" for government services in the cultural and tourism markets; Focusing on people's strong complaints about violations of laws and regulations, we organized and carried out actions to crack down on pension fraud in the field of culture and tourism market, protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, operate travel agency business without permission, and carry out special rectification of "unreasonable low-cost travel".

Always adhere to the people as the center, and constantly meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people. Innovate the performance mechanism combining offline performance and online performance, and expand the transformation from traditional performance to digital product operation; Give play to the creation, resources, platform and brand advantages of the "national team", strengthen the exploration of new cooperation models with social resources in capital cooperation, platform building and other aspects, and drive the development of cultural and creative derivatives, brand co branded products, digital collections and other multi industry chains; Guide public libraries and cultural centers (stations) to actively promote "Internet+public cultural services", provide online public digital cultural services, and guide public libraries at all levels to carry out a series of activities of reading for the whole people; We improved the mechanism for supporting mass cultural activities, and carried out a series of mass publicity and education activities on the theme of "rejuvenating the country with me".

(Source: The Flag, 2022, Issue 7)

(Edited by: Liu Qiong Signed by: Xu Yawei Signed by: Zhong Ming)