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Deepen the construction of spiritual civilization and gather the driving force for sustainable development

Party Committee of Guangzhou Special Office of CNAO
Source: Banner net 10:11, April 11, 2022
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In recent years, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Guangzhou Special Office of the National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China has adhered to the working idea of "strengthening the foundation, pioneering and innovating, serving the overall situation, and striving for an example", and continued to promote the establishment of spiritual civilization by building the soul of the Party through political construction, building a strong foundation for the team, focusing on the main business, optimizing management empowerment, Provide strong spiritual impetus and ideological guarantee for promoting the construction of model organs and high-quality development. A total of 47 collectives and individuals have won the honorary titles of "National Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation", "May Day Labor Medal of the Central and State Organs", "Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres of the Central and State Organs", "Advanced Worker of National Audit Institutions", "Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation in Guangdong Province", etc; It has been rated as "Outstanding Special Office of the National Audit Office" for three consecutive years, and its audit results rank among the top 18 special offices in China.

Strengthen chemical thinking, practice and understanding, and build the foundation of faith

Continue to deepen the mechanism of the first topic of political learning in the sub party group meetings, and organize group exchanges and discussions between leaders at the office and the office levels. All office leaders give lectures on Party courses and organize learning at the audit site. Build a multi-level three-dimensional learning platform through online and offline combination of "Party building lecture hall", keynote speech contest, knowledge contest and "micro party class" collection. We will continue to hold activities to exchange ideas and experience about learning and using new ideas, carry out special work to promote the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the economic work decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee through party building, and achieve a clear understanding of learning and practice. The Party branch actively organizes Party members and cadres to carry out study and discussion, pays attention to the organic integration of theoretical and policy learning and business work, and drives cadres to transform learning achievements into ideas and measures for better work. All party branches and temporary party branches and party groups of the audit team carried out theme party days and branch school union activities according to local conditions. Through youth forum essay solicitation, experience sharing and explanation, selection of "able to check, speak and write" experts and other ways, encourage cadres to deepen their study and research, adopt various ways such as highlighting their views, touching their thoughts, understanding and comparing results, so as to make their political position "high", theoretical cultivation "thick", and ability and quality "strong". In the party history learning relay contest held by the central and state organ working committees, it won the third prize of the central and state organs and the first place of the National Audit Office's team.

Strengthen the thought hardening and remember the original mission

Pay attention to the demonstration and leading role of leading cadres, and require the leading group to consciously take the lead in stressing politics, improving position, taking the lead in stressing the overall situation, maintaining unity, taking the lead in observing rules, strictly observing discipline, taking the lead in stressing responsibility and active action, and strive to build a "five force" excellent leading group with "cohesion, combat effectiveness, charisma, execution and influence"; The leading cadres at the department level are required to take the lead to achieve the "three times and three times comparison", that is, to study and study again, to deepen and work hard again, to take the lead in comparison with the Party spirit, to take the lead in comparison with the realm, and to take the lead in comparison with the dedication. Strengthen the education of cadres' ideals and beliefs, carry out activities such as "political birthday" message and "micro speech" collection of party members, "speech under the flag", etc., and the leaders of the office send letters to encourage female cadres and young cadres on Women's Day and Youth Day, organize to pay homage to revolutionary education bases such as the former residence of martyr Ruan Xiaoxian and the memorial hall of the three major conferences of the Communist Party of China, and visit the "monuments of red hot land" And other special exhibitions. We carried out party days with the theme of "learning from models, being brave and setting an example", "learning from the history of the party and keeping the original intention, tempering the party spirit and assuming the mission", "planting the original intention of the party members together, and building a beautiful Baiyun Mountain". We carried out activities to appraise and commend the excellent and recommend the advanced and typical people around us, and gave full play to the leading role of advanced and typical models by publishing letters of commendation and gratitude for cadres, posting honor lists, taking micro videos and collecting on-site photos, and emerged a group of people around us who overcame difficulties and were willing to contribute.

Strengthen Party building, lead strict discipline style

Earnestly implement the requirements of the list of responsibilities for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, strengthen the daily guidance and inspection of the Party branches and offices in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and take the implementation of the Party building work as the first topic for the departments or audit teams to report. We will implement the system of fixed-point contact with branch members of the Party committee and the discipline inspection commission of the organ, and promote the Party branch to strictly implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the main responsibility of the Party. The leaders of the office led the team to carry out special research around the theme of "two-level party building innovation work of the office in the new era" to promote the innovation of ideas and methods of party building work. We will focus on strengthening political functions and improving organizational strength, and actively promote the construction of "four strong" party branches. Timely establish the temporary party branch of the audit team, and focus on playing the role of the front-line battle fortress of audit. Build party building activity rooms, libraries, etc., and create a new front for party building work; Establish "Party building micro classroom" and "Party building micro platform", and promote "Internet+Party building". In recent years, 7 collectives and individuals have won the honors of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization of the Audit Office", "Outstanding Party Workers of the Audit Office", "Advanced Grass roots League Organization of the Audit Office", etc.

We will continue to deepen the discipline and work style of our cadres. We have organized and carried out theme year activities such as "Year of Efficiency Improvement" and "Year of Style Improvement", printed and distributed documents such as "Notice on Further Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the Eight Central Regulations and Strengthening Style Construction", compiled and printed "100 Questions on Audit Management and Risk Prevention and Control", and sorted out "Guidelines on Party Building, Integrity, Confidentiality and Other Work in Audit Projects". Through various forms such as special party lesson education and watching warning educational films, educational cadres always tighten the strings of discipline and rules, and conscientiously abide by various systems and regulations such as integrity and confidentiality. We will continue to advocate civilized auditing and auditors' civilized etiquette, actively carry out education on social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues and personal morality, and pay attention to the construction of family ethics. Strengthen the integrity inspection of audit projects, strengthen the inspection of key links and key parts of the daily management of the organ, and pay close attention to the integrity risk prevention and control work. Pay attention to the combination of strictness and warmth, widely carry out heart to heart talks, and implement a three-level linkage analysis mechanism of cadres' ideological status, which is divided into party groups, organ party committees, and party branches. Give full play to the role of workers, young women and other mass organizations, and actively carry out cultural activities of the organs. We actively carried out a series of actions such as patriotic health action, energy conservation and emission reduction, garbage classification and civilized dining table action, and vigorously advocated a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle.

Strengthen political responsibility to escort economic security

Adhere to the organic integration of politics and audit practice, organize the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions, closely focus on the focus of the CPC Central Committee, social focus, people's livelihood hot spots, and regional characteristics, and do a good job in the regular "economic physical examination" work. In the past two years, it has organized and implemented 57 audit projects, actively revealed the risks and hidden dangers in economic and social operations and corruption problems in related fields, promoted the disclosure of problems, standardized management, and promoted reform in an integrated manner, reported audit information that was adopted by the Central and State Offices 184 times, and received 46 instructions from the Party and state leaders. Five projects were awarded the National Excellent Audit Projects of Audit Institutions, It has played an active role in promoting the smooth flow of central decrees, safeguarding national security and the interests of the people, promoting the deepening of reform and scientific development, and promoting the fight against corruption.

(Edited by: Xu Yawei Signed by: Liu Qiong Signed by: Zhong Ming)