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Strive hard, innovate and make progress

——General Party Branch of Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People's Court

Li Honghui
Source: Banner net 08:29, April 16, 2022
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As the world's first professional appellate body set up at the highest judicial level to uniformly hear patent and other technical intellectual property cases and monopoly cases, the Intellectual Property Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court (hereinafter referred to as the "Tribunal") was inaugurated on January 1, 2019. Since its establishment, the General Party Branch of the Tribunal has closely focused on the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the CPC Central Committee, united and led the whole Tribunal's police, worked hard, innovated and advanced, and achieved positive results in all work.

Highlight the political construction of the Party, insist on arming the mind with the innovative theory of the Party, guiding practice and promoting work. At the beginning of the establishment of the court, the party branch was established. In September 2020, it was changed to the general party branch, which consists of three party branches. Under the strong leadership of the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Court and the Party Committee of the organ, the General Party Branch of the Court adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the leadership of the Party's political construction, enhances the "Four Consciousness", strengthens the "Four Confidence", achieves the "Two Safeguards", corrects the judicial concept of intellectual property protection, and ensures the correct direction of intellectual property trials, Plan and promote the judicial protection of intellectual property rights in the process of mutual influence of domestic and international factors and close interaction between China and the world.

Innovate the form of party building and create a distinctive platform for the integration of party building and business. The general party branch of the court explored and formed a new mode of party building work method of "online and offline full coverage, all-weather education and management" and a shared party building platform of "one dimension, multi-dimensional, full participation". The experience and practice were selected as one of the top 100 cases of "the second party building innovation achievements exhibition and exchange activities". We will promote the in-depth integration of theoretical learning platforms such as the trial business platform "New Knowledge Lecture", "Court Forum", "Know it or not", "Warning Line of Party Conduct and Clean Government Construction", and "Learning Guide". Use the limited space to build a "cultural corridor of party building" that displays the century old history of the party, the history of judicial protection of China's intellectual property rights, court memorabilia, judges' case handling and research achievements, and cultivate a court culture of "innovation, progress, wisdom, and excellence". With the Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the State Intellectual Property Office, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court and the Beijing Internet Court, we have jointly built a four party exchange platform for youth party and youth league work to form joint efforts and expand the spillover effect. The number of visitors to the court's Chinese and English websites has exceeded 55 million and 30 million respectively, and the judicial credibility and international influence have continued to increase.

Adhere to the mass line and deepen the "responsibility field" of judicial protection of intellectual property rights. Since the establishment of the Tribunal, it has always adhered to fair justice, effectively unified the standards of adjudication, and significantly improved the quality and efficiency of trials; In 2021, the average number of judges will close 83.5 cases, up 1.2% year on year. The average trial period of all kinds of cases is 134 natural days. Strive to build a benchmark case, and made the first "injunction" action preservation ruling in China's intellectual property field and creatively applied the "daily fine" measure in Huawei v. Convinson's standard essential patent case; In the "Vanillin" technical secret infringement case, a high compensation of 159 million yuan was awarded, which is the highest trade secret case in China's history; In the "Kapo" technical secret infringement case, the top five times of the award was 30 million yuan, which was the first punitive compensation case of the Supreme People's Court.

Last year, the General Party Branch of the Intellectual Property Court won the title of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization of the Central and State Organs", which is very difficult and precious. All party members and policemen in the court will continue to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, adhere to the principle of justice for the people and fair justice, constantly increase the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, and provide strong judicial services and guarantees for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology.

(Source: WeChat official account of Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People's Court)

(Editor: Liu Qiong Signed by: Ren Haijun Signed by: Zhong Ming)