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First of all, we must be politically aware of the need to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party

Chen Li
Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision 11:16, February 24, 2021
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At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that, first of all, from a political perspective, we should constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding and political execution. This has a very important guiding significance for us to improve our political position, deeply grasp the new situation and tasks of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, thoroughly implement the policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, give full play to the leading and guaranteeing role of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and ensure that our development goals and tasks during the "14th Five Year Plan" period are implemented.

We must adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party to govern the Party strictly in an all-round way

The key to running China's affairs well lies in the Party. The key is to insist that the Party should manage the Party and govern it strictly in an all-round way. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly pointed out that upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party is related to the future and destiny of the Party and the country. All our undertakings are based on this foundation, and are rooted in this most essential feature and the greatest advantage. Making mistakes on this issue is often disastrous and disruptive. This important conclusion has grasped the prominent problems such as weak leadership, lax organization and discipline of the Party that have existed in the Party for a period of time, pointed out the direction and clarified the work focus in order to promote the comprehensive strict governance of the Party, correct the vague and wrong understanding for a period of time, and reverse the weakening of Party leadership and the lack of Party building in some places and departments.

We must pay attention to political requirements in order to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the practice of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, our party has deeply realized that many problems existing in the party are related to political problems, because the party's political construction has not been paid close attention to. Under the conditions of reform and opening up and the socialist market economy, some comrades in the Party believe that politics is less important. Some Party members and cadres have changed from political obscurity to political confusion. The prominent contradictions and problems existing in the Party have been exposed more and more fully politically. Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed vigilance against "seven haves". And clearly pointed out that the "seven haves" are essentially political issues. We must take decisive measures to prevent and contain such political hidden dangers, and eliminate the potential future problems. We must be soberly aware that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the political construction of the Party has made many achievements, but the political problems within the Party have not been fundamentally solved. There is a long way to go to strengthen the Party's political construction, and we must work tirelessly.

Political problems should be solved politically. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that political issues are fundamental at any time. If we do not understand and solve the problem politically, we will fall into the passive situation of treating the headache and foot pain, and we will not be able to solve the problem fundamentally. It has repeatedly stressed that "the first thing to do is to look at politics in order to govern the Party strictly in an all-round way", and "political problems should be solved politically". Only by analyzing problems politically can we see the essence, and only by solving problems politically can we grasp the root. To carry forward the cause of the Party and the people for a long time, we must enhance our political awareness, be good at looking at issues politically, grasp the overall political situation, constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and ensure that our Party always adheres to the correct political direction and maintains its political nature in leading the people in governing the country, Always follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The new great project of Party building is the fundamental guarantee to lead the great struggle and cause and finally realize the great dream

The Communist Party of China is the leading core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is in the position of taking overall responsibility and coordinating all parties. History has proved and will continue to prove that, without the leadership of the Communist Party of China, national rejuvenation must be utopian. To remain the vanguard of the times and the backbone of the nation, and to maintain its vitality and combat effectiveness, our Party must always attach importance to strengthening its own construction, deepen the new great project of Party building, and constantly enhance its political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization, and social appeal, so as to ensure that the Party will always be at the forefront of the times in the historical process of profound changes in the world situation, In the historical process of coping with various risks and tests at home and abroad, it has always been the backbone of the people of the whole country, and has always been a strong core of leadership in the historical process of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Today, we are closer to, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. However, half of those who travel a hundred miles must be prepared to make more arduous and arduous efforts to achieve this goal. From the perspective of the international environment, the world today is undergoing great changes not seen in a century, and various kinds of instability and uncertainties have increased significantly. From the perspective of domestic development, China has turned to the stage of high-quality development, and there are many advantages and conditions for continued development. At the same time, the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development is still prominent. We must continue the great struggle with many new historical characteristics if we want to embark on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and march towards the second century goal on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Practice has proved that the more complex the situation, the more arduous the task, and the closer to the goal, the more we must adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership, further give play to the political advantages of the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and build our Party well.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has firmly grasped the need to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. It has taken the courage to be aggressive and inward to attack the persistent maladies within the Party, and has deeply promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. As early as at the First Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that under the new situation, our party's self construction faces a series of new situations, new problems and new challenges, and the implementation of the task of the party to manage the party and strictly govern the party is more onerous and urgent than ever before. We must have greater determination and courage to do a good job in building the Party itself. Subsequently, our party adapted to the changes of the world situation, national conditions and party conditions, and incorporated the comprehensive and strict governance of the party into the "four comprehensive" strategic layout. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is the fundamental guarantee for our Party to carry out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics under the new situation. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further put forward the general requirements for Party building in the new era, and made it clear that the new great project of Party building plays a decisive role in commanding the great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the new great project of Party building is the fundamental guarantee for leading a great struggle, a great cause and finally realizing a great dream. These important thoughts and measures fully reflect the deepening understanding of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core on the laws of Party building from practice to theory.

The style of work is fundamentally a matter of party spirit

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that style reflects image and quality, reflects the Party spirit, and plays a decisive role. It is the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. In the long-term practice of struggle, our Party has formed a fine tradition and fine style of work, which is a significant political advantage of our Party. With the development of economy and society, conditions in all respects have improved. Especially under the socialist market economy, formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance have grown among some Party members and cadres. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the issue of style is essentially a matter of party spirit. The problem of "four styles" is only a superficial one, which fundamentally deviates from the Party spirit and loses its purpose. The problem of style is no small matter. Once it becomes popular, it will do great harm. If we do not resolutely correct bad practices and let them continue to develop, our Party will be separated from the people like an invisible wall, and our Party will lose its foundation, blood and strength.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has taken the work style construction and the correction of "four styles" as an important starting point for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. As early as December 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, deliberated and passed eight provisions on improving the work style and keeping in close contact with the masses, followed by carrying out the Party's mass line education practice activities throughout the Party, focusing on solving the problems of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party's style is the image of the Party, which is related to the popularity of the people and the survival of the Party. As a Marxist political party in power for a long time in China, our party should not take the issue of style lightly at any time. All Party comrades must understand this problem from such a political height.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Party has achieved remarkable results in building its style of work, and its style of work and political conduct have taken on a new look. However, the "four styles" problem is stubborn and repetitive, and the style problem is the easiest to rebound. In December 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction on the Xinhua News Agency article "The New Manifestations of Formalism and Bureaucracy Are Worthy of Alert", pointing out that the situation reflected in the article seems to be new, but in fact it is an old problem, which once again shows that the "four styles" problem is stubborn and repetitive. Rectification of the "four styles" cannot be stopped, and style building is always on the way. On the issue of improving the style of work, we must maintain the tenacity and patience of constant efforts, see the normality in persistence, and achieve long-term results in system building. At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping further stressed that we should not relax in rectifying the "four evils" and resolutely prevent formalism and bureaucracy from breeding and spreading. We should deepen the education of the Party's fine traditions and work style, improve the long-term mechanism of work style construction, bring good traditions into a new journey, and carry forward good work style in the new era. We should adhere to the principle of being strict in all respects and strictly in the end. We should beat and repeatedly beat the public money eating and drinking, food and beverage waste and other bad habits that are strongly reflected by the masses. We should never compromise on formalism and bureaucracy, and comprehensively review and target correction.

Fighting against corruption is a major political task

Corruption is a social cancer. Combating corruption, building clean politics, and maintaining the health of the Party have always been the distinctive political position of our Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that as the ruling party, the biggest threat our party faces is corruption. We must do our utmost to solve the problem of corruption and ensure that the Party is always linked with the people, breathing with them and sharing a common destiny. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made historic achievements in promoting the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption with its determination to cure diseases with strong medicine and severely punish chaos, and its courage to scrape away bone and poison, and cut the wrist of its heroes. However, the soil for corruption still exists, and the anti-corruption struggle we are facing is still grim and complex. Corruption, the biggest risk of the Party's governance, still exists. The stock has not yet been bottomed out, and the increment still occurs. Political and economic issues are intertwined, threatening the political security of the Party and the country. Traditional corruption and new corruption are intertwined, and corruption is more subtle and complex. Corruption is intertwined with unhealthy tendencies, and "four tendencies" have become hotbeds of corruption. The fight against corrosion and anti corrosion has been going on for a long time. A little laxity may lead to the abandonment of previous achievements. There is no choice in fighting corruption, and we must face difficulties and make progress. At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the building of a clean and honest government is always on the way, and the fight against corruption is always on the way. As a century old party, our party must constantly promote the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption in order to maintain its advanced nature, purity and vitality.

We should strengthen the deterrence against corruption. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that severe cases should be treated with powerful drugs. To investigate and deal with corruption, we must adhere to the attitude of zero tolerance, the determination to cure disease with strong medicine, the courage to scrape bone and cure poison, and the scale of severe punishment. If we find that we investigate and deal with corruption together, we will investigate and deal with it as many as we find, and we will not set targets, and we will make those who want to engage in corruption stop thinking and pay the price of corruption. The anti-corruption sword should be raised and used to form a powerful deterrent, so that those who are lucky and want to engage in corruption activities will be afraid.

The cage that cannot rot shall be fastened. The essence of corruption is power deviance. Power without supervision will inevitably lead to corruption. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to eradicate the soil of unhealthy style and corruption, laws and regulations are essential. We should strengthen the restriction and supervision of the operation of power, put power in the cage of the system, and set, standardize, restrict and supervise power according to law. We should adhere to the principle of using systems to manage power and people, and through improving the mechanism of power operation and supervision and restriction, we should draw a high voltage line and cordon for Party members and cadres.

We should enhance our awareness of not wanting to corrupt. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that strengthening ideals and beliefs and adhering to the spiritual pursuit of Communists are always the basis for Communists to settle down. Belief in Marxism, socialism and communism is the political soul of Communists and the spiritual pillar of Communists to withstand any test. In real life, some Party members and cadres have problems of one kind or another. In the final analysis, they are lost in faith and spirit. Facts have repeatedly shown that the vacillation of ideals and beliefs is the most dangerous, and the decline of ideals and beliefs is the most dangerous. We should adhere to the idea of learning and practicing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen the exercise and cultivation of party spirit, unify the common ideal of practicing socialism with Chinese characteristics and the lofty ideal of strengthening communism, strengthen the ideal and belief, and maintain the political nature of Communists forever.

The Party's political construction determines its direction and effect

Taking a clear stand in politics is not only the distinctive feature of a Marxist party, but also the political advantage of our party. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the most important thing for the Party to lead the people in governing the country is to adhere to the correct political direction, always maintain the political nature of our Party, and always move forward along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to strengthen the political construction of the Party. At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we further put forward the important proposition of political construction of the Party, put the political construction of the Party into the overall layout of the Party's construction and put it in the first place, and take the political construction of the Party as the leadership. This is the result of summing up the historical experience of our Party, especially the practice since the 18th National Congress of the Party. It is a major decision made from a strategic and overall perspective, deepening the understanding of the law of Party building.

In the party building, the political construction of the party is in the leading position, is the fundamental construction of the party, and determines the direction and effect of the party building. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that all political parties have political attributes, political missions, political goals and political pursuits. Marxist political parties have lofty political ideals, noble political pursuit, pure political quality and strict political discipline. If the political advancement of the Marxist political party is lost, there will be no way to talk about the advancement and purity of the party. Emphasizing politics is the fundamental guarantee for our Party to replenish calcium, strengthen bones and strengthen the body. It is also the fundamental way for our Party to cultivate self revolutionary courage, enhance self purification ability, and improve its political immunity to detoxification and sterilization. Only by strengthening the political construction of the Party and maintaining and developing the political attributes of Marxist parties can we fundamentally ensure the unity of the Party and ensure that our Party has always been a strong core of leadership in the historical process of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The primary and fundamental task of the Party's political construction is to ensure that the whole Party obeys the Central Committee, resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee, and resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the Party Central Committee and the whole Party. The practice tells us that the firm implementation of "two safeguards" is a summary of the experience of all work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a fundamental political guarantee to promote the continuous development and progress of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

We must exercise strict political discipline in order to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. Our Party is a Marxist party organized with revolutionary ideals and iron discipline. Tight organization and strict discipline are the fine traditions and political advantages of the Party, and also our strength. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the most fundamental thing to emphasize politics is to emphasize the Party spirit, emphasize political positions, political directions, political principles and political roads in ideological and political terms, and uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, implement the political line of the Party, and strictly abide by the political discipline and rules of the Party in action practice. The Party's discipline is multifaceted, but political discipline is the most important, fundamental and crucial discipline. To observe the Party's political discipline, the core is to adhere to the Party's leadership, adhere to the Party's basic theory, line and strategy, maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, and resolutely achieve "two safeguards".

(The author is the director of the Academic and Editorial Committee of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee

(Editor: Zhang Li Signed by: Qu Hui Signed by: Zhang Taoying)