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Constitution of the Communist Party of China (revised in 1992)

(Partially revised at the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adopted on October 18, 1992)

Source: communist 12:58, July 1, 2020
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Constitution of the Communist Party of China (revised in 1992)

(Partially revised at the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adopted on October 18, 1992)

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and the leading core of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the Party is to realize the communist social system.

The Communist Party of China takes Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as its own guide to action.

Marxism Leninism reveals the universal law of the historical development of human society, analyzes the inherent contradictions that cannot be overcome by the capitalist system itself, and points out that socialist society will inevitably replace capitalist society and eventually develop into a communist society. The history of more than one hundred years since the Communist Manifesto was issued has proved that the theory of scientific socialism is correct and socialism has strong vitality. The essence of socialism is to liberate the productive forces, develop them, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and ultimately achieve common prosperity. The development and improvement of the socialist system is a long-term historical process. There will be twists and turns in the development of socialism, but socialism will inevitably replace capitalism, which is an irreversible general trend of social and historical development. Socialism will gradually win through the road chosen by the people of all countries voluntarily and suited to their own characteristics.

The Chinese Communists, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, combined the basic principles of Marxism Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution and founded Mao Zedong Thought. Mao Zedong Thought is the application and development of Marxism Leninism in China, the correct theoretical principles and experience summary on Chinese revolution and construction that have been proved by practice, and the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of all ethnic groups in China have won the victory of the new democratic revolution and established the People's Republic of China under the people's democratic dictatorship after a long revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism; After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we successfully carried out socialist transformation, completed the transition from new democracy to socialism, established the socialist system, and developed socialist economy, politics, and culture; Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the Party has summarized positive and negative experiences, emancipated the mind, sought truth from facts, realized the shift of the work center of the whole Party to economic construction, implemented reform and opening up, combined the basic principles of Marxism with the practice of contemporary Chinese socialist construction, and gradually formed the theory, line, principles and policies of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, And ushered in a new period for the development of the socialist cause. The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics clarifies the basic issues of building socialism, consolidating and developing socialism in China, and inherits and develops Marxism, which is the guide to the continuous progress of China's socialist cause.

China is in the primary stage of socialism. This is an insurmountable historical stage in building socialist modernization in China, which is economically and culturally backward, and it will take hundreds of years. Our socialist construction must proceed from our national conditions and follow the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. At this stage, the main contradiction of our society is the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and the backward social production. Due to domestic factors and international influences, class struggle still exists for a long time in a certain range and may intensify under certain conditions, but it is no longer the main contradiction. The fundamental task of China's socialist construction is to further liberate the productive forces, develop them, gradually realize socialist modernization, and for this reason reform aspects and links in the relations of production and superstructure that do not adapt to the development of productive forces. We must adhere to the ownership structure with public ownership of the means of production as the main body and multiple economic sectors coexisting, implement the distribution system with distribution according to work as the main body and other distribution methods as the supplement, encourage some regions and some people to get rich first, gradually eradicate poverty, and achieve common prosperity, On the basis of production development and social wealth growth, we will continue to meet the people's growing material and cultural needs. In all work, the general starting point and test standard should be that it is conducive to developing the productive forces of the socialist society, enhancing the comprehensive national strength of the socialist country, and improving the people's living standards. The strategic goal of China's economic development is to quadruple the GNP of 1980 by the end of this century and reach the level of moderately developed countries by the middle of the next century.

The basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is to lead and unite the people of all ethnic groups in the country, focus on economic development, adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, adhere to reform and opening up, self-reliance, hard work, and strive to build China into a prosperous, democratic, and civilized socialist modern country.

In leading the socialist cause, the Communist Party of China must adhere to the economic construction as the center, and all other work should be subordinate to and serve this center. We should seize the opportunity to accelerate development, give full play to the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, rely on scientific and technological progress, improve the quality of workers, achieve good efficiency, high quality and fast speed, and strive to promote economic construction.

The four basic principles of adhering to the socialist road, adhering to the people's democratic dictatorship, adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and adhering to Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought are the foundation of our country. In the whole process of socialist modernization, we must adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and oppose bourgeois liberalization.

Reform and opening up is the only way to liberate and develop productive forces. We should fundamentally reform the economic system that constrains the development of productive forces and establish a socialist market economic system; In line with this, we need to carry out political restructuring and reform in other fields. Opening up includes comprehensive opening up to the outside world and the inside world. We should develop economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries, make more and better use of foreign funds, resources and technology, absorb and draw on all the achievements of civilization created by human society, including all the advanced business methods and management methods of western developed countries that reflect the laws of modern socialized production. Reform and opening up should be bold in exploration, pioneering, and creating a new path in practice.

The Communist Party of China leads the people to build socialist spiritual civilization while building material civilization. The construction of socialist spiritual civilization provides strong spiritual impetus and intellectual support for economic construction and reform and opening up, and creates a good social environment. We should vigorously develop education, science and culture, respect knowledge and talents, improve the ideological and moral standards and scientific and cultural quality of the whole nation, carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the nation, and prosper and develop socialist culture. We should use the Party's basic line and patriotism, collectivism, and socialist ideology to educate Party members and the people, enhance national self-esteem, self-confidence, and the spirit of self-improvement. We should also educate Party members about the lofty ideals of communism, resist the erosion of decadent ideas of capitalism and feudalism, eliminate all kinds of social evils, and strive to make our people have ideals, morality A literate and disciplined people.

The Communist Party of China leads the people in developing socialist democracy, improving the socialist legal system, and consolidating the people's democratic dictatorship. Adhere to the system of people's congresses and the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party. We will actively support the people as masters of their own affairs and ensure their right to manage state and social affairs, as well as economic and cultural undertakings. We should open our minds and establish and improve the systems and procedures for democratic decision-making and democratic supervision. We will strengthen national legislation and the implementation of laws, so that all work of the country will gradually be on the track of legalization. We will strengthen comprehensive management of public security and maintain long-term social stability. We will resolutely crack down on all kinds of criminal activities and criminals that endanger national security and interests, social stability and economic development. We should strictly distinguish and correctly handle the contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and the contradictions among the people.

The Communist Party of China adheres to the leadership of the People's Liberation Army and other people's armed forces, strengthens the construction of the People's Liberation Army, and gives full play to the role of the People's Liberation Army in consolidating national defense, defending the motherland, and participating in socialist modernization.

The Communist Party of China maintains and develops the relationship of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance among all ethnic groups in the country, insists on implementing and constantly improving the system of regional ethnic autonomy, actively trains and selects ethnic minority cadres, helps ethnic minority areas develop their economy and culture, and realizes the common prosperity and all-round progress of all ethnic groups.

The Communist Party of China is united with the workers, peasants and intellectuals of all ethnic groups in the country, with the democratic parties, non party democrats and the patriotic forces of all ethnic groups to further develop and expand the broadest patriotic united front composed of all socialist workers, patriots who support socialism and patriots who support the reunification of the motherland. We will continue to strengthen the unity of the Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and overseas Chinese. We will accomplish the great cause of national reunification in accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems".

The Communist Party of China advocates actively developing foreign relations and striving for a favorable international environment for the modernization of China's reform and opening up. In international affairs, we should adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace, safeguard China's independence and sovereignty, oppose hegemonism and power politics, maintain world peace and promote human progress. On the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence, China will develop its relations with other countries in the world. We will continue to develop good neighborly and friendly relations with neighboring countries and strengthen solidarity and cooperation with developing countries. In accordance with the principles of independence, full equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, we should develop our Party's relations with the Communist Parties of other countries and other political parties. (⑴⑵)

To lead the people of all ethnic groups to achieve the grand goal of socialist modernization, the Communist Party of China must closely focus on the Party's basic line to strengthen Party building, adhere to strict governance, carry forward the Party's fine tradition and style, improve the Party's combat effectiveness, and make Party building a strong core to lead the people of the country along the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. Party building must resolutely meet the following four basic requirements:

First, adhere to the Party's basic line. The whole Party should use the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's basic line to unify thought and action, and unswervingly adhere to it for a long time. We must unify reform and opening up with the Four Cardinal Principles, fully implement the Party's basic line, oppose all "Left" and Right wrong tendencies, and guard against the Right, but mainly prevent "Left" tendencies. We will strengthen the building of leading groups at all levels, select and use cadres who have made outstanding achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization and are trusted by the masses, train and bring up millions of successors to the cause of socialism, and organizationally ensure the implementation of the Party's basic line.

Second, we must emancipate our minds and seek truth from facts. The Party's ideological line is to proceed from reality in everything, integrate theory with practice, seek truth from facts, and test and develop truth in practice. The whole Party must, in accordance with this ideological line, actively explore, boldly experiment, creatively carry out work, constantly study new situations, summarize new experience, solve new problems, and enrich and develop Marxism in practice.

Third, we must serve the people wholeheartedly. The Party has no special interests of its own except those of the working class and the overwhelming majority of the people. At all times, the Party puts the interests of the masses first, shares weal and woe with the masses, maintains the closest ties, and does not allow any party member to separate from the masses and override the masses. The Party implements the mass line in its own work. Everything is for the masses, everything depends on the masses, comes from the masses, goes to the masses, and turns the correct views of the Party into the conscious actions of the masses. The issue of the Party's style of work and the Party's connection with the people is a matter of life and death for the Party. The Party has been unremittingly fighting against corruption and strengthening the Party's style of work and building a clean government.

Fourth, adhere to democratic centralism. Democratic centralism is the combination of centralism based on democracy and democracy under centralized guidance. It is not only the fundamental organizational principle of the Party, but also the application of the mass line in the Party's life. We must give full play to intra Party democracy and give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members. We must implement correct centralization, ensure the unity of the actions of the whole Party, and ensure the rapid and effective implementation of the Party's decisions. We should strengthen organizational discipline and ensure that everyone is equal before Party discipline. The Party correctly carries out criticism and self-criticism in its political life, carries out ideological struggle on matters of principle, adheres to truth and corrects mistakes. Efforts have been made to create a lively political situation in which there are both centralism and democracy, discipline and freedom, unity of will and personal ease of mind.

The leadership of the Party is mainly political, ideological and organizational leadership. The Party should meet the requirements of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and strengthen and improve its leadership. The Party must concentrate on leading economic construction, organizing and coordinating forces from all aspects, and working together to carry out work around economic construction. The Party must implement democratic and scientific decision-making, formulate and implement correct lines, guidelines and policies, do a good job in Party organization, publicity and education, and play the vanguard and exemplary role of all Party members. The Party must act within the scope of the Constitution and laws. The Party must ensure that the country's legislative, judicial and administrative organs, economic and cultural organizations and people's organizations work actively, independently, responsibly and in coordination. The Party must strengthen its leadership over trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations and other mass organizations and give full play to their role. The Party must adapt to the development of the situation and the change of the situation, constantly improve the way and method of leadership, and improve the level of leadership. Communists must work closely with non Party people and work together to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Chapter I Party Members

Article 1 Chinese workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and other revolutionaries who have reached the age of 18 and who recognize the Party's programme and constitution, are willing to join and work actively in one of the Party organizations, implement the Party's resolutions and pay party dues on time may apply to join the Communist Party of China.

Article 2 Members of the Communist Party of China are vanguard fighters of the Chinese working class with communist consciousness.

Members of the Communist Party of China must serve the people wholeheartedly, sacrifice everything of their own, and strive for the realization of communism all their lives.

Members of the Communist Party of China will always be ordinary members of the working people. Except for personal interests and work functions and powers within the scope of laws and policies, all Communists shall not seek any private interests or privileges.

Article 3 Party members must perform the following obligations:

(1) Earnestly study Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, learn the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, learn the basic knowledge of the Party, learn scientific, cultural and professional knowledge, and strive to improve the ability to serve the people.

(2) Implement the Party's basic line and various principles and policies, take the lead in participating in reform and opening up and socialist modernization, drive the masses to work hard for economic development and social progress, and play a vanguard and model role in production, work, study and social life.

(3) Adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people are above everything, that personal interests are subordinate to the interests of the Party and the people, that hardship is the first, enjoyment is the last, and that dedication to public service and more contributions should be made.

(4) Conscientiously abide by the Party's discipline and the country's laws, strictly guard the Party's and the country's secrets, implement the Party's decisions, obey the organization's distribution, and actively complete the Party's tasks.

(5) We should safeguard the unity and unity of the Party, be loyal and honest to the Party, and be consistent in words and deeds. We should resolutely oppose all factional organizations and small groups, and oppose double dealing and all intrigues.

(6) We should conscientiously carry out criticism and self-criticism, have the courage to expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in our work, and resolutely fight against negative corruption.

(7) Keep close contact with the masses, publicize the Party's propositions to the masses, consult with the masses in case of problems, timely reflect the opinions and requirements of the masses to the Party, and safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses.

(8) We should carry forward the new socialist fashion and promote communist morality. In order to protect the interests of the country and the people, we should stand up at all difficult and dangerous times, fight bravely and not be afraid of sacrifice.

Article 4 Party members shall enjoy the following rights:

(1) Attend relevant Party meetings, read relevant Party documents, and receive Party education and training.

(2) Participate in discussions on the Party's policies at Party meetings and in Party newspapers and journals.

(3) Put forward suggestions and initiatives on the work of the Party.

(4) Criticize any Party organization and any Party member on the basis of the Party meeting, expose and report the fact that any Party organization and any Party member violate the law and discipline responsibly to the Party, demand that the Party member who violates the law and discipline be punished, and demand that the incompetent cadres be dismissed or replaced.

(5) Exercise the right to vote, vote and stand for election.

(6) When the Party organization discusses and decides to impose Party discipline punishment on a Party member or make an appraisal, he/she has the right to participate in and defend, and other Party members can testify and defend for him/her.

(7) If you have different opinions on the Party's resolutions and policies, you can declare reservations on the premise of firm implementation, and you can put forward your own opinions to the higher Party organizations and even to the Central Committee.

(8) Submit requests, complaints and charges to the higher Party organizations and even to the Central Committee, and request the relevant organizations to give a responsible reply.

No Party organization at any level up to the Central Committee has the right to deprive Party members of these rights.

Article 5 The recruitment of Party members must go through the Party branch and adhere to the principle of individual absorption.

Applicants for Party membership should fill in a letter of application for Party membership, and two full members should be the introducers. They can become full members only after being approved by the branch meeting and the superior Party organization, and after the preliminary investigation.

The introducer should carefully understand the applicant's thought, quality, experience and work performance, explain the party's program and constitution to him, explain the conditions, obligations and rights of party members, and make a responsible report to the party organization.

The Party branch committee should pay attention to soliciting the opinions of the relevant masses inside and outside the Party, strictly examine the applicants, and submit them to the branch meeting for discussion after they are deemed qualified.

Before approving an applicant to join the Party, the party organization at a higher level should send someone to talk with him to get to know him better and help him improve his understanding of the Party.

Under special circumstances, the Central Committee of the Party and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may directly accept Party members.

Article 6 A probationary member must take an oath of membership to the Party flag. The oath is as follows: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the party's obligations, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline, keep the party's secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, fight for communism all my life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party.

Article 7 The probationary period of a probationary member is one year. Party organizations should carefully educate and investigate probationary Party members.

The duties of probationary members are the same as those of full members. The rights of probationary members are the same as those of full members, except that they have no right to vote, vote or stand for election.

When the probationary period for a probationary member expires, the Party branch shall promptly discuss whether he can become a full member. Seriously fulfill the obligations of Party members, and those who meet the requirements of Party members should become full members on schedule; If further investigation and education are needed, the preparatory period may be extended, but not more than one year; Those who do not perform their obligations as party members and do not meet the conditions for membership shall be disqualified from being probationary party members. The conversion of a probationary member to a full member, or the extension of the probationary period, or the disqualification of a probationary member, shall be discussed and approved by the branch meeting and approved by the party organization at a higher level.

The probationary period of a probationary party member shall be counted from the date when the general meeting of the branch approves him as a probationary party member. The length of Party membership shall be calculated from the date when the probationary period expires and the Party member becomes a full member.

Article 8 Every Party member, regardless of his or her position, must be incorporated into a Party branch, group or other specific organization, participate in the organizational life of the Party, and accept the supervision of the masses inside and outside the Party. Leading cadres of Party members must also participate in the democratic life meetings of the Party committee and the Party leading group. No special Party member is allowed who does not participate in the organizational life of the Party and does not accept the supervision of the masses inside and outside the Party.

Article 9 Party members have the freedom to withdraw from the Party. If a party member requests to withdraw from the Party, he/she shall be expelled after discussion at the branch meeting and reported to the higher Party organization for the record.

If a party member lacks the revolutionary will, fails to perform his obligations and does not meet the conditions for membership, the Party branch shall educate him and ask him to correct within a time limit; If there is still no change after education, he should be advised to quit the Party. Persuading Party members to withdraw from the Party shall be discussed and decided by the general meeting of the Party branch and reported to the Party organization at a higher level for approval. If a Party member who has been advised to quit the Party insists on not quitting, he shall submit it to the branch meeting for discussion, decide to remove him from the Party membership, and report it to the Party organization at a higher level for approval.

If a party member does not participate in the organizational life of the Party, or does not pay party dues, or does not do the work assigned by the Party for six consecutive months without proper reasons, he is considered to have left the Party on his own. The general meeting of the Party branch shall decide to remove such Party members and report to the Party organization at a higher level for approval.

Chapter II The Party's Organizational System

Article 10 The Party is a unified whole organized in accordance with its own programme and constitution and democratic centralism. The basic principles of the Party's democratic centralism are:

(1) Individual Party members are subordinate to the Party organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, lower level organizations are subordinate to higher level organizations, and all Party organizations and all Party members are subordinate to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.

(2) The leading organs of the Party at all levels, with the exception of the representative offices dispatched by them and the Party leading groups in non Party organizations, are elected.

(3) The highest leading organ of the Party is the National Congress of the Party and its Central Committee. The Party's local leading organs at all levels are the Party's local congresses at all levels and the committees they produce. Party committees at all levels are responsible and report on their work to the congresses at the corresponding levels.

(4) Higher Party organizations should always listen to the opinions of lower Party organizations and the masses of Party members, and solve their problems in a timely manner. The lower level organizations of the Party should not only ask for instructions and report their work to the higher level organizations, but also independently and responsibly solve problems within their scope of responsibility. The superior and subordinate organizations should exchange information, support and supervise each other. Party organizations at all levels should enable Party members to have more understanding and participation in Party affairs.

(5) Party committees at all levels practice a system of combining collective leadership with individual division of labor and responsibility. All major issues should be collectively discussed and decided by the Party committee; The members of the committee should earnestly perform their duties according to the collective decisions and division of labor.

(6) The Party prohibits any form of personality worship. We should ensure that the activities of the Party's leaders are under the supervision of the Party and the people, and at the same time safeguard the prestige of all leaders who represent the interests of the Party and the people.

Article 11 The election of deputies and committees to Party congresses at all levels should reflect the will of the voters. The election is held by secret ballot. The list of candidates should be fully deliberated and discussed by the Party organization and the voters. The formal election may be conducted directly by means of a differential election in which the number of candidates exceeds the number of candidates to be elected. A preliminary election may also be conducted by means of differential election to generate a list of candidates before the formal election. Electors have the right to know about candidates, request to change candidates, not to choose any candidate or to choose another person. No organization or individual may in any way force voters to elect or not to elect a person.

In case of any violation of the Party Constitution in the election of local Party congresses at all levels and grass-roots Party congresses, the Party committee at the next higher level shall, after investigation and verification, make a decision that the election is invalid and take corresponding measures, and report it to the Party committee at the next higher level for review and approval, and formally announce and implement it.

Article 12 The Party's central and local committees at all levels may, when necessary, convene representative meetings to discuss and decide on major issues that need to be solved in a timely manner. The number of deputies to the congress and the method for selecting them shall be decided by the committee that convenes the congress.

Article 13 The establishment of a new Party organization or the dissolution of an existing Party organization must be decided by the Party organization at a higher level.

The Party's central and local committees at various levels may dispatch representative offices.

When the local Party congresses at various levels and the grass-roots Party congresses are not in session, the Party organizations at higher levels may, when they deem it necessary, transfer or appoint the persons in charge of the Party organizations at lower levels.

Article 14 When making decisions on important issues related to lower level organizations, the leading organs of the Party at all levels should, under normal circumstances, solicit the views of the lower level organizations. It is necessary to ensure that subordinate organizations can exercise their functions and powers normally. In the absence of special circumstances, the leading organs at higher levels should not interfere with the problems that should be handled by lower level organizations.

Article 15 Only the Central Committee of the Party has the power to make decisions on major national policy issues. Party organizations in all departments and local areas may make suggestions to the Central Committee, but they shall not make decisions or make claims to the outside world without authorization.

The lower Party organizations must resolutely implement the decisions of the higher Party organizations. If a child organization believes that the decision of the parent organization does not conform to the actual situation of the region or department, it can request a change; If the higher level organization adheres to the original decision, the lower level organization must implement it and may not publicly express different opinions, but has the right to report to the next higher level organization.

Newspapers, periodicals and other propaganda tools of Party organizations at all levels must publicize the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions.

Article 16 When discussing and deciding on issues, the Party organization must follow the principle of minority subordination to majority. When important issues are decided, a vote is required. The dissenting opinions of the minority should be carefully considered. If there is a dispute on an important issue and the number of people on both sides is close, the decision should be postponed, further investigation and study, exchange of views, and the next vote should be held, except that the majority opinion must be followed in an emergency; Under special circumstances, the dispute can also be reported to the superior organization for adjudication.

Individual Party members who express important ideas on behalf of the Party organization must submit them to the Party organization where they belong for discussion and decision, or ask the superior Party organization for instructions if they go beyond the scope of the existing decisions of the Party organization. No Party member, regardless of his or her position, can personally decide major issues; In case of an emergency, if a decision must be made by an individual, it shall be reported to the Party organization immediately afterwards. No leader is allowed to exercise personal arbitrariness and put individuals above the organization.

Article 17 The central, local and grass-roots organizations of the Party must attach importance to Party building, regularly discuss and inspect the Party's propaganda, education, organizational work, discipline inspection, mass work, and united front work, and pay attention to the study of the ideological and political situation inside and outside the Party.

Chapter III Central Organizations of the Party

Article 18 The National Congress of the Party is held every five years and convened by the Central Committee. The National Congress may be held in advance when the Central Committee deems it necessary, or when more than one-third of the provincial level organizations make a request; If there are no exceptional circumstances, the meeting shall not be postponed.

The number of deputies to the National Congress and the method of election shall be decided by the Central Committee.

Article 19 The functions and powers of the National Congress of the Party are:

(1) To hear and examine the reports of the Central Committee;

(2) To hear and examine the reports of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection;

(3) To discuss and decide on major issues of the Party;

(4) Amend the Constitution of the Party;

(5) Election of the Central Committee;

(6) Elect the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Article 20 The functions and powers of the National Congress of the Party are: to discuss and decide on major issues; Some members of the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection were adjusted and co elected. The number of Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members to be adjusted and elected shall not exceed one-fifth of the total number of Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members elected by the National Congress of the Party.

Article 21 The term of office of the Central Committee of the Party is five years. If the National Congress is held ahead of schedule or postponed, its term of office will be changed accordingly. Members and alternate members of the Central Committee must have at least five years of Party membership. The number of members and alternate members of the Central Committee shall be decided by the National Congress. Vacancies of members of the Central Committee shall be filled by alternate members of the Central Committee according to the number of votes obtained.

The plenary session of the Central Committee is convened by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at least once a year.

When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee implements the resolutions of the National Congress, leads all the work of the Party, and represents the Communist Party of China externally.

Article 22 The Political Bureau of the Central Committee, its Standing Committee and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party shall be elected by the plenary meeting of the Central Committee. The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be selected from among the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

When the plenum of the Central Committee is not in session, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee.

The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the administrative body of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee; Members shall be nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and approved by the plenary meeting of the Central Committee.

The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening meetings of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and presiding over the work of the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

The members of the Central Military Commission of the Party shall be determined by the Central Committee.

The central leading organs and central leaders elected by each Central Committee will continue to preside over the regular work of the Party during the next session of the National Congress until a new central leading organ and central leaders are elected by the next Central Committee.

Article 23 The Party organizations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army shall work in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee. The political work organ of the Central Military Commission is the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which is responsible for managing the Party's work and political work in the army. The organizational structure and institutions of the Party in the army shall be stipulated by the Central Military Commission.

Chapter IV Local Party Organizations

Article 24 The Party's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures are held every five years.

Party congresses of counties (banners), autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts are held every five years.

Local Party congresses at various levels are convened by the Party committees at the corresponding levels. Under special circumstances, the meeting may be held in advance or postponed with the approval of the committee at the next higher level.

The number of deputies to local Party congresses at various levels and the method of election shall be decided by the Party committee at the corresponding level and reported to the Party committee at the next higher level for approval.

Article 25 The functions and powers of the local Party congresses at various levels are as follows:

(1) Listen to and review the report of the committee at the same level;

(2) To hear and examine the reports of the discipline inspection committees at the corresponding levels;

(3) Discuss major issues within the region and make resolutions;

(4) Elect the Party committee at the same level and the Party discipline inspection committee at the same level.

Article 26 The term of office of the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures is five years. The members and alternate members of these committees must have at least five years of Party membership.

The term of office of the Party committees in counties (banners), autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts is five years. The members and alternate members of these committees must have more than three years of Party membership.

If the Party's local congresses at various levels are held ahead of time or postponed, the term of office of the committees elected by them will change accordingly.

The number of members and alternate members of local Party committees at various levels shall be determined by the committees at the next higher level. Vacancies in local Party committees at all levels shall be filled by alternate members in accordance with the number of votes obtained.

The plenary meetings of local Party committees at all levels shall be held at least twice a year.

Local Party committees at all levels, when the Party congresses are not in session, implement the instructions of the Party organizations at higher levels and the resolutions of the Party congresses at the corresponding levels, lead the work of their own places, and report regularly to the Party committees at higher levels.

Article 27 The plenary session of the local Party committees at various levels shall elect the standing committee and the secretary and deputy secretary, and report to the Party committee at a higher level for approval. The standing committees of local Party committees at various levels exercise the functions and powers of the committees when the plenary meetings of the committees are not in session; During the session of the next congress, he will continue to preside over the regular work until a new standing committee is formed.

Article 28 The Party's regional committees and the organizations equivalent to the regional committees are the representative organs dispatched by the Party's provincial and autonomous regional committees within several counties, autonomous counties and cities. It leads the work of its own region in accordance with the authorization of the provincial and autonomous regional committees.

Chapter V Primary Party Organizations

Article 29 Enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, scientific research institutes, subdistricts, companies of the People's Liberation Army and other grass-roots units, where there are three or more regular Party members, should establish grass-roots Party organizations.

Grass roots Party organizations, according to the needs of work and the number of Party members, and with the approval of higher Party organizations, set up their own grass roots Party committees, general branch committees, and branch committees. Grass roots committees are elected by the party assembly or congress, while general branch committees and branch committees are elected by the party assembly.

Article 30 The term of office of the primary Party committee is three or four years, and the term of office of the general branch committee and branch committee is two or three years. The secretary and deputy secretary elected by the basic level committee, the general branch committee and the branch committee shall be reported to the superior party organization for approval.

Article 31 The primary organizations of the Party are the battle fortress of the Party in the primary organizations of society, and the basis of all the work and combat effectiveness of the Party. Its basic tasks are:

(1) Publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, publicize and implement the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, superior organizations and the organization, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, unite and organize cadres and the masses inside and outside the Party, and strive to complete the tasks undertaken by the unit.

(2) Organize Party members to earnestly study Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, learn the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, learn the basic knowledge of the Party, and learn scientific, cultural and professional knowledge.

(3) Educate, manage and supervise Party members, improve their quality, strengthen their Party spirit, tighten the Party's organizational life, carry out criticism and self-criticism, maintain and implement Party discipline, supervise Party members to fulfill their obligations, and ensure that their rights are not violated.

(4) Keep close contact with the masses, often understand the criticism and opinions of the masses on the Party members and the work of the Party, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses, and do a good job in the ideological and political work of the masses.

(5) Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of Party members and the masses, find, train and recommend outstanding talents among them, and encourage and support them to contribute their talents in the reform, opening up and socialist modernization.

(6) We should educate and train activists who want to join the Party, do a good job in recruiting Party members regularly, and attach importance to recruiting outstanding members from workers, farmers, and intellectuals in the forefront of production and work.

(7) Supervise Party members, cadres and any other staff members to strictly abide by national laws and disciplines, strictly abide by national financial and economic regulations and personnel systems, and not encroach on the interests of the state, the collective and the masses.

(8) Educate Party members and the masses to consciously resist bad tendencies and resolutely fight against various illegal and criminal acts.

Article 32 The grass-roots Party committees and village Party branches in the streets, townships and towns shall lead the work in their own areas, support and ensure that administrative organizations, economic organizations and mass autonomous organizations fully exercise their functions and powers.

The grass-roots organizations of the Party in enterprises owned by the whole people play a central role in politics and work around the production and operation of enterprises. Ensure to supervise the implementation of the Party's and the country's guidelines and policies in the enterprise; Support the factory director (manager) to exercise his power according to law, and adhere to and improve the factory director (manager) responsibility system; Rely wholeheartedly on the masses of the staff and workers to support the work of the staff and workers congress; Participate in the decision-making of major issues of the enterprise; Strengthen the self construction of the Party organization, and lead the ideological and political work, trade unions, the Communist Youth League and other mass organizations. ⑵⑶

The grass-roots organizations of the Party in public institutions that implement the system of administrative leadership responsibility play a central role in politics. The grass-roots organizations of the Party in public institutions that implement the system of administrative leader responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee discuss and make decisions on major issues, while ensuring that the administrative leaders fully exercise their functions and powers.

The grass-roots organizations of the Party in the Party and state organs at all levels assist the administrative heads to complete their tasks, improve their work, supervise every Party member, including the administrative heads, and do not lead the business work of their own units.

Chapter VI Party Cadres

Article 33 Party cadres are the backbone of the Party's cause and the public servants of the people. The Party selects cadres in accordance with the principle of having both ability and political integrity, adheres to meritocracy, opposes cronyism, and strives to make the ranks of cadres revolutionary, young, knowledgeable, and professional.

The Party attaches importance to the education, training, selection and assessment of cadres, especially the training and selection of outstanding young cadres. We will actively promote the reform of the cadre system.

The Party attaches importance to the training and selection of women cadres and ethnic minority cadres.

Article 34 Leading cadres at all levels of the Party must exemplary perform the obligations of Party members specified in Article 3 of the Articles of Association, and must meet the following basic conditions:

(1) They should have the theoretical and policy level of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought required to perform their duties, master the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to analyze and solve practical problems with Marxist positions, views and methods.

(2) We will resolutely implement the Party's basic line and various principles and policies, be determined to reform and open up, devote ourselves to the cause of modernization, and work hard, blaze new trails and make achievements in socialist construction.

(3) Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, conduct serious investigation and research, and be able to combine the Party's principles and policies with the reality of the region and the department, tell the truth, do practical things, seek practical results, and oppose formalism.

(4) Have a strong sense of revolutionary enterprise and political responsibility, practical experience, organizational ability, cultural level and professional knowledge competent for leadership.

(5) Correctly exercise the power entrusted by the people, be honest and upright, work hard for the people, set an example, work hard and plain, keep close contact with the masses, adhere to the Party's mass line, consciously accept the criticism and supervision of the Party and the masses, oppose bureaucracy, and oppose any unhealthy trend of abusing power and seeking personal interests.

(6) Adhere to and safeguard the Party's democratic centralism, have a democratic style of work, have a sense of the overall situation, and be good at uniting comrades, including working with comrades who have different opinions.

Article 35 Party cadres should be good at working with non Party cadres, respect them, and learn from their strengths modestly.

Party organizations at all levels should be good at finding and recommending non Party cadres with genuine talent and learning to take leadership positions, ensuring that they have the right to work and give full play to their role.

Article 36 Leading cadres at all levels of the Party, whether democratically elected or appointed by leading organs, whose posts are not for life, can be changed or dismissed.

Cadres whose age and health are not suitable for continuing their work shall retire or leave in accordance with the provisions of the State.

Chapter VII Party Discipline

Article 37 Party discipline is a code of conduct that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members, and it is a guarantee for maintaining the unity of the Party and accomplishing its tasks. Party organizations must strictly implement and maintain Party discipline, and Communists must consciously accept the constraints of Party discipline.

Article 38 The Party organization shall, in the spirit of learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones and treating the sick to save the people, criticize, educate and even impose disciplinary sanctions on Party members who violate Party discipline according to the nature and seriousness of their mistakes.

Party members who seriously violate the criminal law must be expelled from the Party.

It is strictly prohibited within the Party to treat Party members by means that violate the Party Constitution and national laws, and to retaliate and frame up false accusations. Organizations or individuals who violate these provisions must be investigated by Party discipline and national laws.

Article 39 The Party has five kinds of disciplinary sanctions: warning, serious warning, dismissal from Party posts, detention in the Party for inspection, and expulsion from the Party.

The maximum length of stay in the Party for inspection shall not exceed two years. Party members have no right to vote, vote or stand for election during their stay in the Party for inspection. If a party member has corrected his mistakes after being checked by the Party, his rights as a party member shall be restored; Those who persist in making mistakes should be expelled from the Party.

Dismissal from the Party is the highest punishment within the Party. When deciding or approving the expulsion of Party members, Party organizations at all levels should comprehensively study relevant materials and opinions and take a very cautious attitude.

Article 40 Disciplinary punishment on Party members must be discussed and decided at the branch meeting and submitted to the Party's basic committee for approval; If the issues involved are relatively important or complex, or the punishment of expelling a Party member from the Party membership should be reported to the Party's discipline inspection committee at or above the county level for review and approval, depending on the circumstances. Under special circumstances, Party committees and discipline inspection committees at and above the county level have the right to directly decide on disciplinary sanctions against Party members.

The punishment of removing members and alternate members of the Central Committee of the Party and local committees at various levels from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party must be decided by a two-thirds majority of the plenary meeting of the committee in which they belong. Under special circumstances, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the standing committees of local committees at various levels may first make a decision to deal with the matter, which will be ratified when a plenary meeting of the committee is convened. The above-mentioned sanctions against members and alternate members of local committees at various levels must be approved by the Party committees at higher levels.

Members and alternate members of the Central Committee who have seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee; A member or alternate member of a local committee at any level who has seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party by the standing committee of the committee at the corresponding level.

Article 41 When a Party organization makes a decision to punish a Party member, it shall find out the facts practically. The factual materials on which the decision of punishment is based and the decision of punishment must be met with the person in person to hear the person's explanation and defense. If he/she is not satisfied with the punishment decision, he/she may file a complaint, and the relevant party organization must be responsible for handling or quickly transmitting it, and may not withhold it. Criticism and education should be given to those who persist in wrong opinions and unreasonable demands.

Article 42 If a Party organization fails to uphold Party discipline, it must be investigated.

For Party organizations that seriously violate Party discipline and cannot be corrected by themselves, the Party committee at the next higher level shall, after investigation and verification, make a decision to reorganize or disband according to the seriousness of the circumstances, report it to the Party committee at the next higher level for review and approval, and formally announce its implementation.

Chapter VIII Party Organs for Discipline Inspection

Article 43 The Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection works under the leadership of the Party's Central Committee. The Party's local discipline inspection committees at all levels and grass-roots discipline inspection committees work under the dual leadership of the Party committees at the same level and the discipline inspection committees at higher levels.

The term of office of Party committees for discipline inspection at all levels is the same as that of Party committees at the same level.

At the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Party, the Standing Committee and the Secretary and Deputy Secretary shall be elected and submitted to the Central Committee of the Party for approval. At the plenary meeting of the local Party discipline inspection committee at all levels, the standing committee, secretary and deputy secretary are elected, which are approved by the Party committee at the corresponding level and reported to the Party committee at a higher level for approval. Whether a primary Party committee should establish a discipline inspection committee or a discipline inspection committee member should be decided by the Party organization at the next higher level according to the specific situation. The general Party branch committee and the branch committee have discipline inspectors.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Party may, according to the needs of its work, assign discipline inspection teams or discipline inspectors to Party and state organs at the central level. The leader of the discipline inspection team or the discipline inspector may attend the relevant meetings organized by the Party leadership of the organ as nonvoting delegates. Their work must be supported by the leading Party organization of the organ.

Article 44 The main tasks of the Party's discipline inspection committees at all levels are to safeguard the Party's Constitution and other intra Party laws and regulations, assist the Party's committees in strengthening the Party's style of work, and check the implementation of the Party's lines, guidelines, policies and resolutions.

Discipline inspection committees at all levels should regularly educate Party members to observe discipline and make decisions on maintaining Party discipline; To examine and deal with relatively important or complex cases in which Party organizations and Party members violate the Constitution of the Party and other intra Party laws and regulations, and to decide or cancel the punishment of Party members in these cases; Accept complaints and appeals from Party members.

Disciplinary inspection committees at all levels shall report to the Party committees at the corresponding levels the problems and results of handling particularly important or complex cases. The Party's local discipline inspection committees at all levels and the grass-roots discipline inspection committees should report to the higher discipline inspection committees at the same time.

Disciplinary inspection committees at all levels may conduct preliminary verification if they find that members of the Party committee at the same level have violated Party discipline. If a case needs to be filed for inspection, they shall report it to the Party committee at the same level for approval. If standing members are involved, they shall report it to the Party committee at the same level and then to the discipline inspection committee at the next higher level for approval.

Article 45 The discipline inspection committee at a higher level shall have the power to inspect the work of the discipline inspection committee at a lower level, and shall have the power to approve and change the decision of the discipline inspection committee at a lower level on a case. If the decision of the discipline inspection committee at the lower level to be changed has been approved by the Party committee at the same level, such change must be approved by the Party committee at the next higher level.

If the local Party discipline inspection committee at all levels and the grass-roots discipline inspection committee have different opinions on the decision of the Party committee at the same level to handle cases, they can request the discipline inspection committee at the next higher level to review; If the Party committee at the same level or its members are found to have violated Party discipline, if the Party committee at the same level does not give a solution or does not give a correct solution, they have the right to appeal to the discipline inspection committee at a higher level for assistance.

Chapter IX Party Leadership Group

Article 46 A leading group of the Party may be established in the leading organs of the central and local state organs, people's organizations, economic organizations, cultural organizations and other non Party organizations. The task of the Party Group is mainly to realize the Party's line, principles and policies, discuss and decide on major issues of the department, unite non Party cadres and the masses, complete the tasks assigned by the Party and the state, and guide the work of the Party organizations of the organs and directly affiliated units.

Article 47 Members of a leading Party group shall be appointed by the Party committee that approved the establishment of the leading Party group. The Party Leadership Group has a secretary and deputy secretary.

The leading Party group must obey the leadership of the Party committee that approved its establishment.

Article 48 State work departments that exercise centralized and unified leadership over their subordinate units may establish Party committees. The methods for the formation of Party committees, their functions and powers, and their work tasks shall be separately prescribed by the Central Committee.

Chapter X Relationship between the Party and the Communist Youth League

Article 49 The Communist Youth League of China is a mass organization of advanced youth under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, a school for young people to learn communism in practice, and an assistant and reserve force of the Party. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League is under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party. The local organizations of the Communist Youth League at all levels are under the leadership of the Party committees at the corresponding levels, and at the same time under the leadership of the higher level organizations of the Communist Youth League.

Article 50 Party committees at all levels should strengthen their leadership over the Communist Youth League and pay attention to the selection and training of League cadres. The Party should firmly support the Communist Youth League to work actively and creatively according to the characteristics and needs of the youth, and give full play to its role as a commando and as a bridge to connect with the youth.

The secretary of the League committee at or below the county level, the secretary of the League committee of enterprises and institutions, who is a party member, may attend the meetings of the Party committee and the standing committee at the same level as nonvoting delegates.

(Editor: Pi Bo Signed by: Pi Bo Signed by: Zhang Li)