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Strive to overcome difficulties in the national village cadres' battle against "epidemic" and "poverty"

Source: Banner net 12:06, April 29, 2020
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This is a war without gunsmoke, but also a race against time! Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Party and the state have attached great importance to it. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally directed the deployment, and the whole country responded positively. The Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council issued the Notice on Actively Responding to the Impact of COVID-19 and Practically Doing a Good Job of Village based Assistance in a Timely manner, to guide local village teams to fully launch the "epidemic" offensive. The majority of cadres stationed in the village have gone against the trend of adversity, and have been conscientious in their duties. They have resolutely shouldered the dual responsibilities of epidemic prevention and control and assistance in the village, and have effectively fought "epidemic" and "poverty".

Moved upon the orders, acted vigorously and bravely as the "rebel" in the war epidemic position

In the face of the sudden test of war and epidemic, the majority of the village teams were moved to give up their vacation, "retrograde" back to the village, and rushed to the front line of epidemic prevention and control at the first time. According to statistics, at the end of February, the attendance rate of village based cadres nationwide exceeded 95%, and at the end of March, the attendance rate exceeded 99%, basically realizing the full attendance. At the same time, many provinces, autonomous regions and cities have further strengthened their village work force. Guangxi has assigned 279 more village cadres to the deeply impoverished villages that are listed as supervisors, and 842 more village cadres to some poverty-stricken villages with a poverty incidence rate of less than 5% but a large number of poverty-stricken people. Chongqing has sent more village based teams to non poor villages, and more village based cadres to the listed supervised villages. The number of village based cadres in Chongqing has increased by 1075. Gansu has sent village teams to 1663 non poverty-stricken villages, with an increase of 3935 village cadres.

On the job, take the initiative to be the "pioneer" of epidemic prevention and control

Epidemics are orders, and prevention and control are responsibilities. Local village teams actively cooperate with the local township party committees and governments and the village "two committees" to carry out the epidemic prevention and control work in a down-to-earth manner, and resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Deeply promote and guide. Make full use of rural "loudspeakers", WeChat groups and village affairs boards to publicize prevention and control measures and knowledge, educate and guide people not to gather, go out less, wash their hands frequently, actively cooperate with epidemic prevention and control work, and achieve mass prevention and treatment. Comprehensively strengthen troubleshooting and monitoring. By means of contracting groups and households, assigning responsibility to each person, "grid" management, "carpet" screening, etc., external control case input, internal control cross infection, leading party members, cadres and the masses in the village to establish a grid epidemic prevention and control mechanism, establish a "volunteer team for party members' prevention and control", and organize people's prevention, control and resistance. Actively raise epidemic prevention materials. The cadres stationed in villages give full play to their own and departmental advantages, and try to raise epidemic prevention materials to help the villages and contribute to epidemic prevention and control by sending units to support them, spending funds in villages, and striving for social support.

Make overall plans, overcome difficulties, and dare to end the battle "sharp knife class"

This year is the end of the battle against poverty. In the face of challenges, the majority of village cadres should bear in mind their mission and work creatively in combination with reality to minimize the losses caused by the epidemic. Actively solve the problem of poor people working. Timely understand the needs of enterprises for returning to work and employment, and provide online employment services for poor people. For the poverty-stricken people who cannot go out to work for the time being, guide them to find jobs nearby by classification. We will create public welfare posts for epidemic prevention, control and poverty alleviation, and give priority to poor people to participate in epidemic prevention and control, so as to increase employment income. Pay close attention to groups with special difficulties. Focus on the living conditions of the poor, lonely, elderly, severely disabled and other groups with special difficulties, implement the basic security measures, timely launch the anti-poverty monitoring and assistance mechanism for the people who return to poverty due to the epidemic, and comprehensively implement the assistance measures. Make every effort to solve the problem of unsalable poverty alleviation products. The village cadres give full play to the resources of the dispatched units and the "circle of friends" effect of WeChat, actively carry out the consumer poverty alleviation action, expand the sales channels and methods of poverty alleviation products through the combination of online and offline, solve the problem of difficult sales of poverty alleviation products, strive to increase production and income, and ensure that the key task of poverty alleviation is completed on schedule.

(Contributed by the Party Branch of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council)

(Editor: Feng Ailing Signed by: Feng Ailing Signed by: Bai Xiang)