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Use ultrasound to firm skin, and precautions before and after treatment

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Use ultrasound to firm skin, and precautions before and after treatment

Source: unknown Release: 2018-01-08 17:37

With the ultrasonic knife skill, the aged, slack and sagging skin can recover, tighten and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. In terms of the adverse effects of aging on the skin, it is welcomed and sought after by beauty lovers.

The theory of anti aging and skin tightening effect of ultrasonic scalpel is mainly to use the heat generated by ultrasound. Ultrasound can penetrate the surface of the skin, transmit energy to the fascia layer of the skin, shorten it when heated, and affect the continuous proliferation of collagen, and then achieve the effect of skin firming and improvement.

The ultrasonic scalpel has obvious anti-aging effect and has become the first choice for beauty lovers to fight against aging. However, the preparation and nursing before and after the operation are required to bear the ultrasonic skin firming treatment.

Preoperative preparation is necessary

Before treatment, it is particularly important to keep your skin and hair clean, especially on the day of treatment, you must not dress up. If the skin is not cleaned during treatment, it can easily lead to dirt entering and blocking the pores, leading to problems such as large pores and rough skin, and even causing acne, pockmarks and scars, affecting the appearance.

Skin care is very important after surgery

First of all, after treatment, try not to use water beyond body temperature to wash your face within three days, especially hot water, to prevent excessive temperature from affecting your skin and the final treatment results. In addition, the skin will lose a lot of water during the ultrasonic scalpel treatment, so pay attention to replenishing water after the treatment, and keep the skin moist and healthy.

Secondly, pay attention to food and drink within one month after treatment, prevent alcohol, spicy and other influential foods, pay attention to rest, and maintain skin health.

In addition, do not go to sauna, hot spring and other high temperature environment, do not do strenuous exercise, and do not expose to the sun to ensure the best healing effect.

Finally, after treatment, it can make up for collagen, hyaluronic acid and other skin nutrients for the skin in an appropriate amount, so as to promote the rapid recovery of the skin to health. The detailed amount can be made up according to the skin condition under the guidance of professional doctors.

In the field of medical cosmetology, preparation and nursing are always as important as medical treatment itself. Ultrasonic scalpel cosmetology plays a significant role in aging skin, which cannot be separated from the support of preoperative preparation and postoperative nursing. Therefore, the ultrasonic scalpel is only the first step to fight against aging after treatment, and nursing problems after treatment must not be ignored.

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