Virtual machine service QVM

Qiniu virtual machine service is a comprehensive cloud computing service with cloud disk, database, advanced anti DDoS, load balancing and other solutions around virtual machine as the core.

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Burst performance instance T6

  • Website Application | General Data Processing
  • 20% benchmark CPU computing performance
  • Example: 2 cores 2 G
  • Efficient cloud disk: 40 GB
  • Bandwidth: 1 M

fifty-four point nine two RMB/month

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Computational C6 2C4G

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, MMO games and telecom service forwarding
  • Web front-end server, data analysis, batch computing, video coding, high-performance scientific and engineering applications
  • Example: 2 cores 4 G
  • Efficient cloud disk: 40 GB
  • Bandwidth: 1 M

one hundred and fifty-six point nine four RMB/month

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Computational C6 4C8G

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, MMO games and telecom service forwarding
  • Web front-end server, data analysis, batch computing, video coding, high-performance scientific and engineering applications
  • Example: 4-core 8 G
  • Efficient cloud disk: 40 GB
  • Bandwidth: 1 M

two hundred and eighty-one point three nine RMB/month

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Computational C6 8C16G

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, MMO games and telecom service forwarding
  • Web front-end server, data analysis, batch computing, video coding, high-performance scientific and engineering applications
  • Example: 8 core 16 G
  • Efficient cloud disk: 40 GB
  • Bandwidth: 1 M

five hundred and thirty point two nine RMB/month

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Universal G6

The latest generation of general-purpose products, with comprehensive performance improvement

Applicable scenarios:
  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
  • Enterprise applications of various types and scales
  • Website and application server, game server, etc
  • Computing cluster, memory dependent data processing

CPU memory ratio


Maximum basic bandwidth capacity

25 Gbit/s

CPU type

Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269CY

Maximum network receiving and sending capacity

6 million PPS

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General G5

Balanced performance, suitable for enterprise general business scenarios

Applicable scenarios:
  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
  • Enterprise applications of various types and scales
  • Data analysis and calculation of small and medium-sized database system, cache, search cluster
  • Computing cluster, memory dependent data processing

CPU memory ratio


Maximum network bandwidth capacity

20 Gbit/s

CPU type

Intel Skylake Xeon Platinum 8163 2.5 GHz

Maximum network receiving and sending capacity

4 million PPS

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Features and advantages


Support the creation of 1000 instances at the minute level. Multiple elastic payment options are more suitable for the current business situation. Support elastic expansion. Instance, bandwidth and cloud disk can be upgraded at any time



Single instance availability reaches 99.95%, multi zone multi instance availability reaches 99.99%, cloud disk reliability reaches 99.9999999%, and automatic downtime migration can be achieved



Through multi-party international security certification, it provides free basic DDoS protection and private network services, and can further guarantee data and services in combination with other security products of Qiniu Cloud


Ease of use

Rich operating systems, which can be easily deployed with one click through images, and the same image can quickly copy the environment in multiple instances, making it easy to expand



Seamless connection with various cloud products of Qiniu Cloud, and sustainable provision of complete computing, storage, security and other solutions for business development


High performance

The single instance can select up to 208 vCPU, 4096 GB of memory, and the single instance performance can reach up to 10 million PPS network receiving and sending, 40 Gbps bandwidth

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Cooperate with virtual machine to build a professional and efficient cloud environment

  • network
  • Elastic expansion
  • Cloud database
  • Network file storage
  • Safety products
proprietary network
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a user-defined logical isolated network space. The service resources hosted in VPC include cloud service resources such as ECS, load balancer, cloud database, etc. You can fully master your VPC environment, including customized VPC topology and IP address, which is suitable for users who have high requirements for network security and are familiar with network management.
    Contact isolation access control Software defined network
Elastic public IP
Elastic IP address (EIP) is a public IP address resource that can be purchased and held independently, and can be bound elastically. You can bind elastic EIP to the required resources when needed; When not needed, unbind and release it to avoid unnecessary charging. The elastic public IP can adjust the bandwidth at any time as needed to respond to your business needs in real time.
    Elastic expansion Flexible plugging low cost
High speed channel
Express Connect is a convenient and efficient network service based on IPVPN, which is used to realize high-speed, stable and secure private network communication between different network environments on the cloud, including cross region/cross user VPC intranet interworking, leased line access and other scenarios, effectively improving the flexibility of network topology and the quality and security of cross network communication.
    High speed interworking Stable and reliable Safe and easy to use
Shared bandwidth
Shared bandwidth provides regional bandwidth sharing and multiplexing functions. After creating a shared bandwidth instance, you can add all EIPs in the same region to the shared bandwidth instance, reuse the bandwidth in the shared bandwidth, and save the cost of public network bandwidth.
    Eight line line Stable and reliable Flexible billing
NAT gateway
The NAT Gateway is an enterprise level VPC public network gateway that provides NAT proxy (SNAT, DNAT), 10 Gbps forwarding capability, and cross zone disaster tolerance. The NAT gateway can be combined with the shared bandwidth packet to form an enterprise gateway with high performance and flexible configuration.
    Flexible and easy to use High performance High stability Buy on demand
VPN gateway
VPN gateway is an Internet based service that securely and reliably connects the enterprise data center, enterprise office network, or Internet terminal with the Qiniu Cloud VPC through an encrypted channel. The Qiniu Cloud VPN gateway provides services under relevant national policies and regulations, and does not provide access to the Internet.
    security High availability Low cost Simple configuration
Cloud Enterprise Network
Cloud Enterprise Network is a highly available network hosted on the high-performance, low latency private network provided by Qiniu Cloud, which can help you to, A private network communication channel is built between the VPC and the local data center. Through automatic routing distribution and learning, the rapid convergence of the network and the quality and security of cross network communication are improved, the resources of the whole network are interconnected, and an Internet with enterprise scale and communication capabilities is built.
    Network interconnection Low latency Multi node Link redundancy
load balancing
Server Load Balancer (SLB) is a traffic distribution control service that distributes access traffic to multiple virtual machines on the back end according to the forwarding policy, providing four and seven layer load balancing services. Load balancing can expand the service capability of applications and enhance the availability of applications.
    ⾼ OK ⽤ low cost health examination
Elastic expansion
With Auto Scaling, users can set scaling rules according to business needs and policies, automatically add virtual machine instances to ensure computing power when business needs grow, and automatically reduce virtual machine instances to save costs when business needs decline. Elastic scaling is not only suitable for applications with fluctuating business volume, but also suitable for applications with stable business volume.
    Elastic expansion Elastic shrinkage Automatic healing
Relational database RDS
Relational Database Service (RDS) is a stable, reliable and elastic online database service. Based on the Qiniu Cloud distributed file system and the high-performance storage of SSD disks, RDS supports PaaS services such as MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and provides a full range of solutions in disaster tolerance, backup, recovery, monitoring, migration, and so on, completely solving the problems of database operation and maintenance.
    Safe and reliable Support multiple mainstream databases Ready to use Convenient management
ApsaraDB for Redis
ApsaraDB for Redis is a database service that is compatible with the open source Redis protocol standard and provides a hybrid storage mode of memory and hard disk. Based on a highly reliable dual machine hot standby architecture and a cluster architecture that can be smoothly expanded, ApsaraDB for Redis meets the business needs of high read and write performance scenarios and elastic configuration changes.
    Rich types High stability architecture
The MongoDB version of cloud database is a highly reliable storage engine, which provides a three node replica set highly available architecture, enabling full transparency of disaster tolerance switching and failover; Provide powerful database management functions to realize online database expansion, backup rollback, performance optimization, etc.
    Flexible deployment Fully compatible with MongoDB protocol
The next generation relational distributed cloud native database is currently compatible with the MySQL engine. The storage capacity can be up to 100 TB, and the single database can be expanded to 16 nodes at most, which is suitable for diversified database application scenarios of enterprises.
    Easy to use cost reduction Extreme performance
Network file storage
Qiniu VM Network Attached Storage (NAS for short) is a distributed file system with shared access, elastic expansion, high reliability and high performance. Based on the POSIX file interface, it naturally adapts to the native operating system, provides shared access, and ensures data consistency and lock mutual exclusion. You can use the distributed file system with unlimited capacity and performance expansion, single namespace, multi sharing, high reliability and high availability without any modification to existing applications.
    High reliability High performance Strong security Ease of use
BGP advanced anti DDoS IP
BGP advanced anti DDoS IP is a paid protection service launched for games, finance, websites and other businesses that are subject to heavy traffic DDoS attacks, resulting in the unavailability of user services. By configuring the advanced anti DDoS IP, users can direct attack traffic to the advanced anti DDoS IP for cleaning, so as to ensure the stability and availability of source station services.
BGP advanced anti DDoS IP uses the access method of public network proxy, supports TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS and HTTP2 and other protocols, covering finance, e-commerce, games and other businesses.
    Multiple protection Custom cleaning Flexible protection strategy Multi region
New BGP advanced defense
The new BGP advanced anti DDoS IP service uses the unique T-level eight line BGP bandwidth resources in mainland China, which can solve the huge traffic DDoS attacks. It has natural disaster recovery capability, more stable lines, and faster access speed.
    Eight line line Safe and reliable Supports four and seven tiers
Website application firewall
Web Application Firewall is an AI based one-stop Web business operation risk protection scheme. It can effectively defend against OWASP attacks such as SQL injection, XSS cross site script, Trojan upload, and unauthorized access. In addition, it can effectively filter CC attacks, provide 0-day vulnerability patches, and prevent webpage tampering.
    security Website application protection reliable
Use Scenarios
    Scene characteristics
    • No special requirements for CPU, memory and hard disk space
    • Cost sensitive
    • High requirements for safety and reliability
    • There are certain requirements for network bandwidth
    Recommended configuration
    • Personal test development environment
    • Small and medium-sized official websites/applications
    • Large official websites/applications
    Burst performance 1 C/2 G

    Suitable for non online production environments such as test and development

    bandwidth IP System disk
    one M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Shared Computing 2 C/4 G

    It is suitable for business systems with 100000 PVs and 1000 DAUs

    bandwidth IP System disk
    three M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Computational 4 C/8 G

    The business system suitable for PV 200000 and DAU 3000

    bandwidth IP System disk
    five M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Scene characteristics
    • Heavy memory application
    • Large amount of data and data access
    • Require fast data exchange and processing
    Applicable scenarios
    • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
    • High performance database, memory database
    • Hadoop, Spark cluster and other enterprise applications with large memory requirements
    Recommended configuration
    Memory type 8 C/64 G

    bandwidth IP System disk
    five M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Example characteristics
    • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios
    • Support SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk
    Applicable scenarios
    • Multiplayer games: mobile games, social games, web games, etc
    • Real time applications: chat, message push, etc
    Recommended configuration
    Computing Network Enhanced 4 C/8 G

    bandwidth IP System disk
    three M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Scene characteristics
    • High requirements for image and video quality
    • Large memory, large data processing, I/O concurrency
    • Fast data processing and exchange
    • Large amount of GPU computing power
    Applicable scenarios
    • Deep learning, such as training and reasoning application of artificial intelligence algorithms such as image classification, unmanned driving, speech recognition, etc
    • Scientific computing, such as computational fluid dynamics, computational finance, molecular dynamics, environmental analysis, etc
    Example characteristics
    • I/O optimization instance
    • Use NVIDIA V100 (32 GB NVLink) GPU computing card
    • GPU accelerator: V100 (SXM2 package)
      • Innovative Volta architecture
      • Single GPU video memory 16 GB HBM2 (GPU video memory bandwidth 900 GB/s)
      • 5120 CUDA Cores per GPU
      • 640 sensor cores for a single GPU
      • Support 6 NVLink links, each 25 GB/s, 300 GB/s in total
    Recommended configuration
    GPU model 32 C/128 G

    bandwidth IP System disk
    five M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
    Scene characteristics
    • High computing power
    • High throughput
    Applicable scenarios
    • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
    • Web front-end server
    • MMO front-end
    • Data analysis, batch computing, video coding
    • High performance science and engineering applications
    Specification family characteristics
    • Rely on the DPCA architecture, unload a large number of virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, reduce virtualization overhead, and provide stable and predictable ultra-high performance
    • Support ESSD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk
    • Ultra high network PPS receiving and sending capability
    • Enable or disable hyper threading configuration
    • The instance network performance corresponds to the computing specification
    Recommended configuration
    High frequency computing 64 C/128 G

    bandwidth IP System disk
    one M one individual Efficient cloud disk 40 G
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